SPEC CPU2000 Simulation Research  

SPEC CPU2000 and Simulation

Research by University of Minnesota

The large input datasets in the SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite result in long simulation time when using detailed execution driven simulators for evaluating future computer architecture ideas. To address this problem, researchers at University of Minnesota's ARCTiC Labs: The Laboratory for Advanced Research in Computing Technology and Compilers have an ongoing project to reduce the SPEC CPU2000 input datasets in a quantitatively defensible way. For more information, see the source URL: http://www.arctic.umn.edu/minnespec/

The datasets are not included on the CPU2000 CD, they are only available via download. SPEC licensees can contact SPEC for information about obtaining the reduced CPU2000 benchmark input dataset distribution at info@spec.org. When contacting SPEC, please include your license number.

The current and final distribution (04/21/2003) includes reduced input sets and profiles for all of the CPU2000 benchmark reference workloads. This distribution may not be redistributed.

SPEC does not vouch for the accuracy or representativeness of any subset of the reference workload; it is not guaranteed that any subset would maintain all of the characteristics of the reference workload. Use at your own risk. Validation against the reference workload is recommended for the characteristics of interest.

SPEC is willing to post other research material; email info@spec.org.