SPEC CPU® 2017 benchmark

The SPEC CPU® 2017 benchmark benchmark package contains SPEC's next-generation, industry-standardized, CPU intensive suites for measuring and comparing compute intensive performance, stressing a system's processor, memory subsystem and compiler.

The SPEC CPU 2017 Benchmark price is $1000 for new customers, $250 for qualified non profit organizations and $50 accredited academic institutions. To find out if your organization has an existing license for a SPEC product please contact SPEC at info@spec.org.

SPEC designed these suites to provide a comparative measure of compute-intensive performance across the widest practical range of hardware using workloads developed from real user applications. The benchmarks are provided as source code and require the use of compiler commands as well as other commands via a shell or command prompt window. SPEC CPU 2017 also includes an optional metric for measuring energy consumption.

The SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark package contains 43 benchmarks, organized into four suites:

  • The SPECspeed® 2017 Integer and SPECspeed® 2017 Floating Point suites are used for comparing time for a computer to complete single tasks.
  • The SPECrate® 2017 Integer and SPECrate® 2017 Floating Point suites measure the throughput or work per unit of time.

More information:


Submitted Results
Text, HTML, CSV, PDF, and Configuration file outputs for the SPEC CPU 2017 metrics; includes all of the results submitted to SPEC from the SPEC member companies and other licensees of the benchmark package.

Search across all the SPEC CPU 2017 benchmark results in SPEC's online result database.

Benchmark Documentation

Index of SPEC CPU 2017 documentation, the Run and Reporting Rules, benchmark descriptions, etc. All documentation available for the benchmark distribution is found/maintained/updated here.

Updating Your Copy

If you have already purchased SPEC CPU 2017 and would like to check for and download/apply any available updates, please see the instructions for updating your software. The update process requires an internet connection to check for and download any available updates.


If help is needed with running the SPEC CPU2017 benchmark suites, please see the technical support page. You may also want to check the FAQ and the known issues pages.


Flag Descriptions - explanations from the testers for what all those cryptic flags in the results' notes section really mean.