SPECweb®99 Benchmark
SPECweb®99 was retired October 2005
SPECweb®99 is the next-generation SPEC benchmark for evaluating the performance of World Wide Web Servers. As the successor to SPECweb®96, SPECweb®99 continues the SPEC tradition of giving Web users the most objective and representative benchmark for measuring a system's ability to act as a web server. In response to rapidly advancing Web technology, the SPECweb®99 benchmark includes many sophisticated and state-of-the-art enhancements to meet the modern demands of Web users of today and tomorrow:
- Standardized workload, agreed to by major players in WWW market
- Full disclosures available on this web site
- Stable implementation with no incomparable versions
- Measurement of simultaneous connections rather than HTTP operations
- Simulation of connections at a limited line speed
- Dynamic GETs, as well as static GETs; POST operations.
- Keepalives (HTTP 1.0) and persistent connections (HTTP 1.1).
- Dynamic ad rotation using cookies and table lookups.
- File accesses more closely matching today's real-world web server access patterns.
- An automated installation program for Microsoft Windows NT as well as Unix installation scripts.
- Inter-client communication using sockets.
SPECweb®99 does not support measurement of performance involving transactions using SSL encryption; for SSL performance measurement please see the SPECweb 99_SSL benchmark.
- Submitted Results
- Text, HTML3.0, PDF, and PostScript outputs for the SPECweb 99 metrics; includes all of the results submitted to SPEC from the SPEC member companies and other licensees of the benchmark.
- Dynamic API Sources
- An archive of dynamic CGI API implementations used by licensees of the SPECweb 99 benchmark for the results published on the SPEC website.
- Tuning Descriptions
- Not all vendors choose to squeeze all of the tuning descriptions into the notes at the bottom of a result page; further documentation about tunings used for a result may be found here.
- Alternate version of 'manager' available (05/29/2003)
- An alternate version of 'manager' is available to current benchmark licensees; this version allows you to retrieve the POST log from the SUT faster by bypassing the web server and doing a direct network copy using rcp (or an equivalent for your OS); see the Support FAQ for further information. To request a copy of the alternate version of manager please send an email, along with your license information, to info@spec.org.
- SPECweb 99 v1.02 Released (08/11/2000)
- A maintenance release version 1.02 is now available which addresses several issues found in the client test harness after the 1.01 release. Documentation updates were made as well. For more information, see section "1.2 What is SPECweb 99 Release 1.02" of the SPECweb 99 FAQ. Current licensees may obtain a 1.00/1.01 to 1.02 update kit via ftp or web download at no charge; email the SPEC Office, and include your contact information and license number.
- SPECweb 99 Press Release
- SPEC's press release from annoucement day of SPECweb 99.
SPECweb 99 Documentation
- SPECweb 99 FAQ (Last updated: 08/11/2000)
- The Frequently Asked/Answered Questions about SPECweb 99.
- SPECweb 99 Support FAQ (Last updated: 05/29/2003)
- Technical support FAQ addendum to the main SPECweb 99 FAQ.
- SPECweb 99 Design Document (Last updated: 07/21/2000)
- A white paper describing the architectural design behind SPECweb 99 benchmark.
- SPECweb 99 Benchmark Run and Reporting Rules (Last updated: 05/15/2001)
- The actual rules that govern the running and reporting of results for SPECweb 99.
- SPECweb 99 User's Guide (Last updated: 07/21/2000)
- The actual user's guide that is included on the SPECweb 99 CD-ROM.
- Issues Building/Running SPECweb 99
- Installation, build, and runtime issues raised by users of SPECweb 99.
- Order your own copy of SPECweb 99
- The order form to purchase this and any other SPEC/OSG benchmark.