SPECweb99_SSL Result

 Hewlett-Packard : hp server rp8400                  ||     4400 SPECweb99_SSL
 Zeus Technology Limited : Zeus 4.1r3                ||        


               |  Conforming Simultaneous
   Iteration   |       Connections
      1        |         4400
      2        |         4400
      3        |         4400
    Median     |         4400

                              Availability Dates

All Hardware                  Aug-2002
HTTPS Software                Jul-2002
Operating System              Mar-2002
Supplemental System           Aug-2002


Vendor                        Hewlett-Packard
Model                         hp server rp8400
Processor                     PA8700 875Mhz
# Processors                  16 cores, 16 chips, 1 core/chip
Primary Cache                 768KBI+1536KBD on chip
Secondary Cache               None
Other Cache                   None
Memory                        64 GB
Disk Subsystem                8x18GB (15K rpm)
Disk Controllers              SCSI Ultra 2
Other Hardware                Surestore SC10 Disk Array


Operating System              HP-UX 11i
File System                   See SUT Notes
Other Software                B3913DB C.03.33.01 HP aC++ Compiler

                                HTTPS Software

Vendor                        Zeus Technology Limited
HTTPS Software                Zeus 4.1r3
API                           ISAPI
Server Cache                  None
Log Mode                      Binary Log Format

                                 Test Sponsor

Test Date                     Aug-2002
Tested By                     Hewlett-Packard Company
SPEC License                  3


# of Controllers              16
Network Controllers           HP A4926A PCI Gigabit Ethernet
# of Nets                     16
Type of Nets                  Gigabit Ethernet
Network Speed                 1 Gb/s
MSL (sec)                     30 (Non RFC1122)
Time-Wait (sec)               60 (Non RFC1122)
MTU                           1500


# of Clients                  157
Model                         HP 9000/A180C
Processor                     180Mhz PA-7300LC
# of Processors               1
Memory                        128MByte
Network Controller            HP A5230A, PCI 100BaseT
Operating System              HPUX 11i
Compiler                      B3901BA B.11.11.04 HP C/ANSI C

                            Benchmark Configuration

Requested Connections         4400
Fileset Size (MB)             14200.8

                           Notes/Tuning information

SUT Notes
    All filesystems are HP-UX HFS
    1 (18 GB) disk used for OS
    1 (HP Surestore SC10 Disk Array) used for fileset and logs
    Bound each Zeus instance to the processor corresponding to its NIC
    Processor binding is performed by: mpsched -c cpu# -p pid"
    chatr +pd 64M +pi 64M on zeus.web binary to set page sizes
    chatr +pd 4K +pi 4K on zeus.cgi binary to set page sizes

Operating System Notes
    HP-UX Internet Operating Environment with following patches:
    PHNE_26728 - Cumulative STREAMS Patch
    PHNE_27063 - Cumulative ARPA Patch
    PHKL_25388 - Cumulative LAN Products Patch
    PHKL_25233 - select(2) and poll(2) hang
    PHKL_25389 - Core PM, vPar, Psets Cumulative Patch
    PHKL_27278 - mmap io,VM-JFS ddlock,thread perf,user limit
    PHNE_26939 - 1000Base-SX/T B.11.11.14 cumulative patch
    HP-UX Tunable Parameters:
    dbc_max_pct=20 Max Buffer Cache Size as Percent of RAM (50)
    dbc_min_pct=20 Min bufer Cache Size as Percent of RAM (5)
    maxfiles=60000 Soft File Limit per Process (60)
    maxfiles_lim=60000 Hard File Limit per Process (1024)
    maxssiz_64bit=0x180000000 Max Stack Size for 64-Bit Procs (0x00800000)
    maxswapchunks=16384 Max number of swap chunks (256)
    maxuprc=512 Max number of user processes (75)
    nfile=20000 Max number of open files (790)
    ninode=320000 Max number of inodes (444)
    nkthread=8000 Max number of kernel threads (499)
    nproc=512 Max number of processes (276)
    tcphashsz=16384 Relative Scaling Factor for TCP & IP Int. Tables(2048)

HTTPS Software Notes
    Zeus Global Parameters:
    tuning!cache_files       356750
    tuning!cache_max_bytes    0
    tuning!cache_small_file   90000
    tuning!cache_large_file   1048576
    tuning!cache_stat_expire  86400
    tuning!cache_flush_interval  86400
    tuning!listen_queue_size  8192
    tuning!multiple_accept    yes
    tuning!so_rbuff_size     0
    tuning!so_wbuff_size      1048576
    tuning!cbuff_size         65536
    tuning!keepalive      yes
    tuning!keepalive_timeout      1200
    tuning!keepalive_max          -1
    tuning!timeout                600
    tuning!unique_bind      yes
    tuning!bind_any      no
    tuning!sendfile      no
    tuning!modules!cgi!cbuff_size  1048576
    tuning!modules!cgi!cleansize  0
    tuning!ssl_keepalive      yes
    tuning!ssl_diskcache    no
    tuning!ssl_sessioncache_size    251
    tuning!softservers      no
    tuning!use_poll         no
    tuning!modules!stats!enabled no
    tuning!modules!nsapi!enabled no
    tuning!modules!isapi!enabled yes
    tuning!cache_cooling_time 0
    tuning!maxaccept    2048
    security!enabled    yes

    Zeus ISAPI interface used
    Zeus PEPP Toolkit(0.8) used for SPECweb99_SSL dynamic content
    ./Configure --sendfile=no --checkconfig=yes --locking=semop --ssl=yes --64bit=yes

Network Notes
    Networking Tunable Parameters:
    tcp_xmit_hiwater_def=2000000 Max unsent data triggers flow control(32768)
    tcp_conn_request_max=1024 Max outstanding connection reqs (20)
    tcp_conn_strategy=1 Selects TCP connection strategy (0)

Client Notes
    HP-UX Tunable Parameters:
    max_thread_proc=800  Number of threads per process (64)
    maxusers=256  Value of MAXUSERS macro (32)
    ncallout=5000  Increase number of pending timeouts
    nkthread=8000 Maximum number of system-wide threads

Other Notes
    Tuning Disclosure: HP-20020723.txt
    Dynamic API: HP-20020723-API.tar.gz


Test Run Details
    Run    Conforming  Percent  |  Throughput  Response ops/sec/  Kbits/
    Num    Connections Conform  |  ops/sec     msec     loadgen   sec
      1     4400       100.0%   |  12420.1       353.9    2.82     338.6
      2     4400       100.0%   |  12451.8       353.0    2.83     339.2
  =>  3     4400       100.0%   |  12435.1       353.5    2.83     338.9