SPECjAppServer2001 Result

Oracle9iAS Release 2 Standard Edition on Dell PowerEdge 6650
  Metric: 189.63 BOPS@DualNode
          506.61 US$/BOPS@DualNode

Submitter: Oracle Corporation, SPEC license # 73, Test date: Oct-2002
EJB Container Avail: Aug-2002, EJB Container JVM Avail: Oct-2002


                               Benchmark Settings                               
Orders Injection Rate:                       110
# of Order Agents:                             1
# of Manufacturing Agents:                     1
DB Load Injection Rate:                      110
Ramp Up Time:                                600   seconds
Ramp Down Time:                              300   seconds
Steady State Time:                          1800   seconds
Trigger Time:                                180   seconds
Total System Cost:                     US$96,069

                                Detailed Results                                
Order Transaction Mix                      Count   Tx. Mix
  New Order                               98,818    50.05%
  Change Order                            39,235    19.87%
  Order Status                            39,674    20.09%
  Customer Status                         19,715     9.99%
Total # Order Transactions               197,442

Total # Manufacturing Transactions       143,898

Response Times                           Average   Maximum     90th%      Reqd
  New Order                                 0.53      4.53      1.30      2.00
  Change Order                              0.32      1.84      0.70      2.00
  Order Status                              0.16      1.23      0.40      2.00
  Customer Status                           0.18      1.23      0.40      2.00
  Manufacturing                             1.78      5.26      2.50      5.00

Reproducibility Run (BOPS)                190.06

                             Software Descriptions                              
EJB Container
  Name:              Oracle9iAS Release 2, Standard Edition v9.
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         Aug-2002
  Instances:         2
  Passed CTS:        May-2001
  Protocol:          ORMI
  JVM Name:          Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version 1.4.0
  JVM Vendor:        Sun Microsystems
  JVM Available:     Oct-2002

Tuning Information
  server.xml global-thread-pool min="18" max="18" queue="75" keepAlive="-1" debug="false
  server.xml taskmanager-granularity="3000000" transaction-config timeout="500000
  data-sources.xml stmt-cache-size="100" inactivity-timeout="9000
  System properties:

JVM Tuning Information
  JVM command line:
  -server -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=0 -Dnet workaddress.cache.ttl=0 -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m
Supplier Domain Container
  Name:              Oracle9iAS Release 2, Standard Edition v9.
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         Aug-2002
  JVM Name:          Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version 1.4.0
  JVM Vendor:        Sun Microsystems
  JVM Available:     Oct-2002

Tuning Information
  server.xml global-thread-pool min="18" max="18" queue="75" keepAlive="-1" debug="false
  server.xml taskmanager-granularity="3000000" transaction-config timeout="500000

JVM Tuning Information
  System properties:
  JVM command line:
  -server -Dsun.net.inet.addr.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=0 -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M
Emulator Container
  Name:              Oracle9iAS Release 2, Standard Edition v9.
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         Aug-2002
  JVM Name:          Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment,Standard Edition Version 1.4.0
  JVM Vendor:        Sun Microsystems
  JVM Available:     Oct-2002

Tuning Information

JVM Tuning Information
  -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
  Name:              Oracle9i Database Release 2, Standard Edition v9.
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         May-2002

Tuning Information
  init.ora parameters for Oracle:
  cursor_space_for_time = TRUE
  db_block_buffers = 720000
  db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128
  db_files = 256
  dml_locks = 600
  enqueue_resources = 2000
  log_buffer = 2097152
  log_checkpoint_interval = 2147483647
  processes = 1000
  open_cursors = 2000
  max_rollback_segments = 1000
  shared_pool_size = 150000000
  sessions = 1000
  transactions = 1000
  transactions_per_rollback_segment = 1
  parallel_max_servers = 100
  undo_management               = AUTO
  undo_retention                = 5
  undo_suppress_errors          = TRUE
  undo_tablespace               = roll_space
  statistics_level = BASIC
  trace_enabled = FALSE
  Name:              Oracle JDBC Driver v9. (Type 2)
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         Sep-2002

Tuning Information
Other Software

Tuning Information

                             Hardware Descriptions                              
J2EE Application Server (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   Dell
  Model Name:        Dell PowerEdge 6650
  Processor:         Intel Xeon MP
  MHz:               1600
  # of CPUs:         4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       4096
  L1 Cache:          12KB(I)+8KB(D)
  L2 Cache:          256KB
  Other Cache:       1MB
  OS Vendor:         Red Hat
  OS Name:           Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1
  Disks:             2x36GB 10K RPM Ultra-3
  Network Interface: (1) 1000BaseT Ethernet
  Other Hardware:    
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     Apr-2002
  O/S Available:     Apr-2002

Notes / Tuning Information
Database Server (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   Dell Computer Corporation
  Model Name:        Dell PowerEdge 2650
  Processor:         Intel Xeon
  MHz:               1800
  # of CPUs:         2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       4096
  L1 Cache:          12KB(I)+8KB(D)
  L2 Cache:          512KB
  Other Cache:       
  OS Vendor:         Red Hat
  OS Name:           Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1
  Disks:             5x18GB 10K RPM Ultra-3
  Network Interface: (1) 1000BaseT Ethernet
  Other Hardware:    null
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     May-2002
  O/S Available:     Apr-2002

Notes / Tuning Information
  Parameters added to /etc/sysctl.conf
  net.ipv.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192
  kernel.msgmni = 1024
  kernel.sem = 1000 32000 32 512
  fs.file-max = 65535
  kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
Driver And Emulator (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   Dell
  Model Name:        Dell PowerEdge 1650
  Processor:         Intel Pentium III
  MHz:               1400
  # of CPUs:         1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       4096
  L1 Cache:          16KB(I)+16KB(D)
  L2 Cache:          512KB
  Other Cache:       
  OS Vendor:         Red Hat
  OS Name:           Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1
  Disks:             2x36GB 10K RPM Ultra-3
  Network Interface: (1) 1000BaseT Ethernet
  Other Hardware:    
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     Feb-2002
  O/S Available:     Apr-2002

Notes / Tuning Information
  JVM Version used:
  Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version 1.4.0
  JVM arguments used:
  -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=0

                            Benchmark Modifications                             
Schema Modifications:
  Tablespace sizes were increased to support the Injection rate
  Scripts to create the DB are included in the FDA
Load Program Modifications:
  The load program was not modified
Reference Bean Modifications:
  No changes were made to the reference beans.
                      Benchmark Configuration Information                       
Persistence Mode Used:
  CMP mode was used for all beans
Isolation Requirement Info:
  Beans with a READ_COMMITTED requirement were deployed using
  locking-mode="optimistic" in their deployment descriptor
  All other beans were deployed using
  locking-mode="pessimistic" in their deployment descriptor
  A pessimistic locking mode means that all selects (including during finders) are issued with a FOR UPDATE clause
Durability Requirement Info:
  RAID1 disk mirroring was used to ensure durability
  for the database logs
Storage Requirement Info:
  A 45 minute run at an injection rate of 110 increased storage by 2.85GB
  Given a linear scaling extrapolating for an 8-Hour run we get 30.5GB
  The system is configured with 90GB which is sufficient for 8Hr run.
Argument Passing Semantics:
  Oracle 9iAS application server uses pass -by-value
  as required by the EJB specification

                          Other Benchmark Information                           
  This submission used the xerces.jar from the SPECjAppServer2001 Kit.
  The xerces.jar file was copied to the lib directory of the appserver
  No hardware or software was used to alter basic network routing.
  Requests were sent to different appservers utilizing DNS round-robin
  with one of the mid-tier nodes acting as the DNS server
  DNS round-robin was implemented by using the linux supplied BIND domain-name server
  The driver used the following jndi.properties

                                 General Notes                                  
 No errors were reported during the final or reproducability run

For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: Oracle
For other inquiries, please contact SPEC

Benchmark run on Tue Oct 15 19:35:03 PDT 2002 by SPECjAppServer2001 v1.12
Result submitted on Thu Oct 17 03:03:00 EDT 2002
Report generated by SPECjAppServer2001 Reporter v1.09

Copyright (C) 2002 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation