# Invocation command line: # /home/brent/benchmarks/cpu2000_v1.20/bin/runspec -c hp_1123_itanium2_int11a -s -r -u 2 int ############################################################################ ext = hp_1123_itanium2_int11a tune = all ######################################################################## # Benchmark specific portability flags. # ######################################################################## 176.gcc=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DHOST_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN 186.crafty=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DHP 252.eon=default=default=default: CXXPORTABILITY = -DFMAX_IS_DOUBLE 253.perlbmk=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU2000_HP 254.gap=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU2000_HP -DSYS_IS_USG -DSYS_HAS_IOCTL_PROTO -DSYS_HAS_TIME_PROTO -DSYS_HAS_CALLOC_PROTO ######################################################################## # standard compilers and options. # ######################################################################## int=base=default=default: CC = /opt/ansic/bin/cc CXX = /opt/aCC/bin/aCC COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster -exec +Odatalayout PASS1_CFLAGS = +Oprofile=collect:all PASS1_LDCFLAGS = $(PASS1_CFLAGS) PASS2_CFLAGS = +Oprofile=use PASS2_LDCFLAGS = $(PASS2_CFLAGS) LDCFLAGS = $(COPTIMIZE) CXXOPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +inline_level 2 -minshared PASS1_CXXFLAGS = +Oprofile=collect:all PASS1_LDCXXFLAGS = $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $(PASS1_CXXFLAGS) PASS2_CXXFLAGS = +Oprofile=use PASS2_LDCXXFLAGS = $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $(PASS2_CXXFLAGS) LDCXXFLAGS = $(CXXOPTIMIZE) LIBS = int=peak=default=default: CC = /opt/ansic/bin/cc CXX = /opt/aCC/bin/aCC CPORTABILITY = COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onorecovery +Onoptrs_to_globals PASS1_CFLAGS = +Oprofile=collect PASS1_LDCFLAGS = $(PASS1_CFLAGS) PASS2_CFLAGS = +Oprofile=use PASS2_LDCFLAGS = $(PASS2_CFLAGS) LDCFLAGS = $(COPTIMIZE) CXXOPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Otype_safety=ansi +inline_level 2 -minshared PASS1_CXXFLAGS = +Oprofile=collect PASS1_LDCXXFLAGS = $(PASS1_CXXFLAGS) PASS2_CXXFLAGS = +Oprofile=use PASS2_LDCXXFLAGS = $(PASS2_CXXFLAGS) LDCXXFLAGS = $(CXXOPTIMZE) LIBS = 164.gzip=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 175.vpr=peak=default=default: COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onorecovery +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected 176.gcc=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 181.mcf=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 186.crafty=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 197.parser=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 253.perlbmk=peak=default=default: COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected_def /opt/langtools/lib/hpux32/fastmem.o 254.gap=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 255.vortex=peak=default=default: COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onorecovery +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected 256.bzip2=peak=default=default: basepeak = true 300.twolf=peak=default=default: COPTIMIZE = +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected_data /opt/langtools/lib/hpux32/effmem.o int=default=default=default: notes005= Portability Flags notes010= 176.gcc : -DHOST_WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN notes020= 186.crafty : -DHP notes025= 252.eon : -DFMAX_IS_DOUBLE notes030= 253.perlbmk: -DSPEC_CPU2000_HP notes035= 254.gap : -DSPEC_CPU2000_HP -DSYS_IS_USG -DSYS_HAS_IOCTL_PROTO notes040= -DSYS_HAS_TIME_PROTO -DSYS_HAS_CALLOC_PROTO notes045= notes050=Base Flags notes055= PBO : +Oprofile=collect:all/+Oprofile=use notes060= C : PBO +Ofaster -exec +Odatalayout notes065= C++ : PBO +Ofaster +inline_level 2 -minshared notes066= notes067=Peak Flags notes070= 164.gzip : basepeak=true notes075= 175.vpr : PBO +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onorecovery notes076= +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec notes077= LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected notes080= 176.gcc : basepeak=true notes085= 181.mfc : basepeak=true notes090= 186.crafty : basepeak=true notes095= 197.parser : basepeak=true notes100= 252.eon : PBO +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Otype_safety=ansi notes101= +inline_level 2 -minshared notes105= 253.perlbmk: PBO +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec notes106= LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected_def fastmem.o notes110= 254.gap : basepeak=true notes115= 255.vortex : PBO +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onorecovery notes116= +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec notes117= LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected notes120= 256.bzip2 : basepeak=true notes125= 300.twolf : PBO +Ofaster +Odatalayout +Onoptrs_to_globals -exec notes126= LIBS = -Wl,-aarchive_shared -Bprotected_data effmem.o notes130= notes180= Kernel Tunables: notes185= maxdsiz 0x7b03a000 notes190= maxdsiz_64bit 0x04000000000 notes195= maxssiz 0x10000000 notes200= maxssiz_64bit 0x40000000 notes205= vps_ceiling 16384 notes210= vps_pagesize 4096 notes215= swapmem_on 1 notes220= dbc_max_pct 20 notes225= dbc_min_pct 20 notes230= notes235= Note: notes240= EFI shell utility 'cpuconfig' used notes245= to deconfigure processors if necessary notes250= default=default=default=default: hw_vendor= Hewlett-Packard Company hw_model= HP Integrity Server rx4640 (1300 MHz, Itanium 2) hw_cpu= Intel Itanium 2 hw_cpu_mhz= 1300 hw_fpu= Integrated hw_ncpu= 1 hw_ncpuorder= 1-4 hw_parallel= no hw_pcache= 16KBI + 16KBD (on chip) per CPU hw_scache= 256KB (on chip) per CPU hw_tcache= 3.0MB (on chip) per CPU hw_ocache= N/A hw_memory= 8GB (4 x 2048MB DIMMs) hw_disk= 1x36GB 10k RPM SCSI disk hw_other= N/A sw_os= HPUX11i-TCOE B.11.23 sw_compiler001= HP C/ANSI C Compiler B.11.23 sw_compiler005= HP aC++ Compiler B.11.23 sw_compiler010= sw_compiler020= PHSS_29655 aC++ Compiler sw_compiler025= PHSS_29656 HP C Compiler sw_compiler030= PHSS_29657 u2comp/be/plugin library Patch sw_compiler035= PHSS_29658 Aries sw_compiler040= PHSS_29663 Fortran Product Patch sw_file= vxfs sw_state= Multi-user company_name= Hewlett-Packard Company machine_name= HP Integrity Server rx4640 license_num= 3 tester_name= HP Richardson test_date= Sep-2003 hw_avail= Sep-2003 sw_avail= Sep-2003 prepared_by= Brent Henderson <brent_henderson@hp.com>