# Invocation command line:
# /home/brent/cpu2000_v1.20/bin/runspec -c linux_intel70_fp --reportable fp
# SPEC2000  config file for Itanium and Itanium 2
# Oct 2002. Intel Compiler 7.0 for Linux
VENDOR      = Intel
action      = validate
tune        = all
ext         = linux_intel70
PATHSEP     = /


# These are listed as benchmark-tuning-extension-machine
CC  = ecc 
CXX = ecc
F77 = efc
FC  = efc
OBJ =.o

# portability & libraries

# Baseline Tuning Flags

# fp2000
# Base tuning default optimization
PASS1_FFLAGS=    -O3 -ipo -prof_gen
PASS2_FFLAGS=    -O3 -ipo -prof_use
PASS1_LDFLAGS=   -O3 -ipo -prof_gen
PASS2_LDFLAGS=   -O3 -ipo -prof_use

PASS1_CFLAGS=    -O3 -ipo -prof_gen -ansi_alias
PASS2_CFLAGS=    -O3 -ipo -prof_use -ansi_alias
PASS1_LDFLAGS=   -O3 -ipo -prof_gen -ansi_alias
PASS2_LDFLAGS=   -O3 -ipo -prof_use -ansi_alias

hw_vendor=    Hewlett-Packard Company
hw_model=     hp server rx5670
hw_cpu=       Intel Itanium 2 (1000 MHz, Itanium 2)
hw_cpu_mhz=   1000
hw_fpu=       Integrated
hw_ncpu=      1
hw_ncpuorder= 1-4
hw_parallel=  no
hw_pcache=    16KBI + 16KBD (on chip) per CPU
hw_scache=    256KB (on chip) per CPU
hw_tcache=    3.0MB (on chip) per CPU
hw_ocache=    N/A
hw_memory=    12GB (48 * 256MB DIMMs - 2 memory carriers)
hw_disk=      1x73GB SCSI disk
hw_other=     N/A
sw_os=        Red Hat Linux Advanced Server release 2.1AS (Derry)
sw_compiler=  Intel Compiler 7.0 for Linux64
sw_file=      ext3
sw_state=     Multi-user
company_name= Hewlett-Packard Company
machine_name= hp server rx5670
license_num=  3
tester_name=  HP Richardson
test_date=    Nov-2002
hw_avail=     Sep-2002
sw_avail=     Nov-2002
prepared_by=  Brent Henderson <brent_henderson@hp.com>

notes000= +FDO: PASS1=-prof_gen  PASS2=-prof_use
notes001= Base tuning: 
notes002= C programs:       -ipo -O3 +FDO -ansi_alias
notes003= Fortran programs: -ipo -O3 +FDO
notes009= Portability:
notes010= 178.galgel: -FI
notes100= Note:
notes101=   EFI shell utility 'cpuconfig' used
notes102=   to deconfigure other processors