SPEC Seal of Reviewal CFP2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
hp AlphaServer DS25 68/1000
SPECfp2000 = 985    
SPECfp_base2000 = 812    
SPEC license # 2 Tested by: HP Test date: Jul-2002 Hardware Avail: Aug-2002 Software Avail: Oct-2001
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
168.wupwise 1600 236    679     194    824     168.wupwise base result bar (679)
168.wupwise peak result bar (824)
171.swim 3100 204    1518      204    1519      171.swim base result bar (1518)
171.swim peak result bar (1519)
172.mgrid 1800 338    532     213    847     172.mgrid base result bar (532)
172.mgrid peak result bar (847)
173.applu 2100 214    980     212    989     173.applu base result bar (980)
173.applu peak result bar (989)
177.mesa 1400 175    799     156    895     177.mesa base result bar (799)
177.mesa peak result bar (895)
178.galgel 2900 171    1695      172    1691      178.galgel base result bar (1695)
178.galgel peak result bar (1691)
179.art 2600 145    1794      119    2192      179.art base result bar (1794)
179.art peak result bar (2192)
183.equake 1300 374    347     141    922     183.equake base result bar (347)
183.equake peak result bar (922)
187.facerec 1900 177    1075      171    1112      187.facerec base result bar (1075)
187.facerec peak result bar (1112)
188.ammp 2200 370    594     313    704     188.ammp base result bar (594)
188.ammp peak result bar (704)
189.lucas 2000 212    942     176    1134      189.lucas base result bar (942)
189.lucas peak result bar (1134)
191.fma3d 2100 300    700     227    923     191.fma3d base result bar (700)
191.fma3d peak result bar (923)
200.sixtrack 1100 269    410     245    450     200.sixtrack base result bar (410)
200.sixtrack peak result bar (450)
301.apsi 2600 378    688     382    681     301.apsi base result bar (688)
301.apsi peak result bar (681)
SPECfp_base2000 812      
  SPECfp2000 985      

Hardware Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company
Model Name: hp AlphaServer DS25 68/1000
CPU: Alpha 21264C
CPU MHz: 1000
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: 1 to 2
Parallel: No
Primary Cache: 64KB(I)+64KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 8MB off chip per CPU
L3 Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory: 8GB
Disk Subsystem: 18.2GB SCSI
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: Tru64 UNIX V5.1A
Compiler: Compaq C V6.4-215-46B7O
Program Analysis Tools V2.0
Spike V5.2 DTK (1.471.2.2 46B5P)
Compaq Fortran V5.4A-1472-46B2F
Compaq Fortran 77 V5.4A-196-46B2F
KAP Fortran V4.3 000607
KAP Fortran 77 V4.1 980926
KAP C V4.1 000607
File System: AdvFS
System State: Multi-user
Notes / Tuning Information
 Baseline   C: cc  -arch ev6 -fast -O4 ONESTEP 
      Fortran: f90 -arch ev6 -fast -O5 ONESTEP 

   All use -g3 -arch ev6 -non_shared ONESTEP 
   Individual benchmark tuning:
    168.wupwise: kf77 -fast -O4 -pipeline -unroll 2 +PFB 
       171.swim: f90 -fast -O5 
      172.mgrid: kf77 -O5 -transform_loops -tune ev6 -unroll 8 
      173.applu: f90 -fast -O5 +PFB
       177.mesa: cc -fast -O4 +CFB +IFB 
     178.galgel: f90 -fast -O5
        179.art: kcc -fast -O4 -unroll 10 -ckapargs='-arl=4 
                 -ur=4' +PFB
     183.equake: cc -fast -xtaso_short -assume 
                 restricted_pointers -all -ldensemalloc -none +PFB
    187.facerec: f90 -fast -O4 +PFB
       188.ammp: cc -fast -O4 -xtaso_short -assume 
      189.lucas: kf90 -O5 -fkapargs='-ur=1' +PFB 
      191.fma3d: kf90 -O4 -transform_loops +PFB 
   200.sixtrack: f90 -fast -O5 -assume accuracy_sensitive 
                 -notransform_loops +PFB
       301.apsi: kf90 -O5 -transform_loops -unroll 8 
                 -fkapargs='-ur=1' +PFB 

 Most benchmarks are built using one or more types of 
 profile-driven feedback.  The types used are designated
 by abbreviations in the notes:

 +CFB: Code generation is optimized by the compiler, using 
       feedback from a training run.  These commands are
       done before the first compile (in phase "fdo_pre0"):

            mkdir /tmp/pp
            rm -f /tmp/pp/${baseexe}*

       and these flags are added to the first and second compiles:

            PASS1_CFLAGS = -prof_gen_noopt -prof_dir /tmp/pp
            PASS2_CFLAGS = -prof_use       -prof_dir /tmp/pp
      (Peak builds use /tmp/pp above; base builds use /tmp/pb.)

 +IFB: Icache usage is improved by the post-link-time optimizer 
       Spike, using feedback from a training run.  These commands
       are used (in phase "fdo_postN"):  

            mv ${baseexe} oldexe
            spike oldexe -feedback oldexe -o ${baseexe}

 +PFB: Prefetches are improved by the post-link-time optimizer 
       Spike, using feedback from a training run.  These
       commands are used (in phase "fdo_post_makeN"):

            rm -f *Counts*
            mv ${baseexe} oldexe
            pixie -stats dstride oldexe 1>pixie.out 2>pixie.err
            mv oldexe.pixie ${baseexe}

       A training run is carried out (in phase "fdo_runN"), and 
       then this command (in phase "fdo_postN"):

            spike oldexe -fb oldexe -stride_prefetch -o ${baseexe}

 When Spike is used for both Icache and Prefetch improvements, 
 only one spike command is actually issued, with the Icache 
 options followed by the Prefetch options.
 Portability: galgel: -fixed
 Spike, and the Program Analysis Tools, are part of the Developers' 
 Tool Kit Supplement, http://www.tru64unix.compaq.com/dtk/ .  The
 features used in this SPEC submission will be available at the web 
 site as a production release in October, 2001.  The C compiler for 
 this SPEC submission has been available at the same location, as a
 production release, since August, 2001.

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 27-Aug-2002

Generated on Wed Apr 13 13:11:57 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01