SPEC Seal of Reviewal CINT2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
hp server rp7400
SPECint2000 = 493    
SPECint_base2000 = 466    
SPEC license # 3 Tested by: HP Richardson Test date: Oct-2001 Hardware Avail: Sep-2001 Software Avail: Sep-2001
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
164.gzip 1400 323    433     321    436     164.gzip base result bar (433)
164.gzip peak result bar (436)
175.vpr 1400 281    498     281    498     175.vpr base result bar (498)
175.vpr peak result bar (498)
176.gcc 1100 174    631     172    639     176.gcc base result bar (631)
176.gcc peak result bar (639)
181.mcf 1800 459    392     460    391     181.mcf base result bar (392)
181.mcf peak result bar (391)
186.crafty 1000 180    557     180    557     186.crafty base result bar (557)
186.crafty peak result bar (557)
197.parser 1800 470    383     436    413     197.parser base result bar (383)
197.parser peak result bar (413)
252.eon 1300 295    441     256    507     252.eon base result bar (441)
252.eon peak result bar (507)
253.perlbmk 1800 404    446     346    521     253.perlbmk base result bar (446)
253.perlbmk peak result bar (521)
254.gap 1100 502    219     474    232     254.gap base result bar (219)
254.gap peak result bar (232)
255.vortex 1900 227    836     215    883     255.vortex base result bar (836)
255.vortex peak result bar (883)
256.bzip2 1500 401    374     345    435     256.bzip2 base result bar (374)
256.bzip2 peak result bar (435)
300.twolf 3000 444    676     426    704     300.twolf base result bar (676)
300.twolf peak result bar (704)
SPECint_base2000 466      
  SPECint2000 493      

Hardware Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company
Model Name: hp server rp7400
CPU: PA-8700
CPU MHz: 650
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: 1 to 8
Parallel: No
Primary Cache: 0.75MBI + 1.5MBD on chip
Secondary Cache: None
L3 Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory: 16GB
Disk Subsystem: 2x9GB SCSI disk
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: B.11.11.0109.6 HP-UX 11i, September 2001 HWE patches
Compiler: HP ANSI C 11.11.03
aC++ C.03.30.02
PHSS_24207 libm patch
File System: HFS
System State: Multi-user
Notes / Tuning Information
 Portability Flags:
   186.crafty:  -DHP
   252.eon:  -DFMAX_IS_DOUBLE
   253.perlbmk: -DSPEC_CPU2000_HP

 Base Flags:
   C:   +Oall +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive 
   C++: +O3 +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
 Peak Flags:

   164.gzip: +Oall +Optrs_strongly_typed +Oinline_budget=800 
             +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   175.vpr:  basepeak=true
   176.gcc:  +Oall +ESlit +ESfic +Optrs_strongly_typed
             +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   181.mcf:  +Oall +Owhole_program_mode +Opromote_indirect_calls
             +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   186.crafty: basepeak=true
   197.parser: +Oall +Odataprefetch +ESfic +Oinline_budget=400 
               +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   252.eon: +noeh +O4 +Optrs_strongly_typed +Olibcalls +Oentrysched
            +A +ESfic
            +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   253.perlbmk: +Oall +ESlit +ESfic +Optrs_strongly_typed
            +Opromote_indirect_calls -Wl,/opt/langtools/lib/fastmem.o
            +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   254.gap: +Oall +ESlit +ESfic +Optrs_strongly_typed
            +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   255.vortex: +Oall +Oinline_budget=800 +Optrs_strongly_typed
               +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   256.bzip2: +Oall +Odataprefetch +Optrs_strongly_typed
              +Owhole_program_mode +Onoptrs_to_globals 
              +Oinline_budget=80 +OEslit +OEsfic
              +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
   300.twolf: +Oall +Optrs_strongly_typed
              +I/+P +Ostatic_prediction -Wl,-aarchive
 System tunables:

    vps_pagesize 4096, vps_ceiling 16384 
    dbc_min_pct 20, dbc_max_pct 20
    maxdsiz 2063835136, maxssiz 401604608
    Unused processors disabled at boot

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 06-Nov-2001

Generated on Wed Apr 13 13:10:54 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01