SPEC Seal of Reviewal CFP2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Fujitsu Limited
PRIMEPOWER800/1000/2000 (675MHz)
SPECfp2000 = 456    
SPECfp_base2000 = 332    
SPEC license # 19 Tested by: Fujitsu Limited Test date: Aug-2001 Hardware Avail: Sep-2001 Software Avail: Sep-2001
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
168.wupwise 1600 500    320     339    472     168.wupwise base result bar (320)
168.wupwise peak result bar (472)
171.swim 3100 941    329     852    364     171.swim base result bar (329)
171.swim peak result bar (364)
172.mgrid 1800 765    235     583    309     172.mgrid base result bar (235)
172.mgrid peak result bar (309)
173.applu 2100 1108     190     528    398     173.applu base result bar (190)
173.applu peak result bar (398)
177.mesa 1400 395    354     372    376     177.mesa base result bar (354)
177.mesa peak result bar (376)
178.galgel 2900 266    1089      228    1269      178.galgel base result bar (1089)
178.galgel peak result bar (1269)
179.art 2600 544    478     105    2472      179.art base result bar (478)
179.art peak result bar (2472)
183.equake 1300 742    175     389    334     183.equake base result bar (175)
183.equake peak result bar (334)
187.facerec 1900 382    497     305    623     187.facerec base result bar (497)
187.facerec peak result bar (623)
188.ammp 2200 535    411     509    432     188.ammp base result bar (411)
188.ammp peak result bar (432)
189.lucas 2000 768    260     755    265     189.lucas base result bar (260)
189.lucas peak result bar (265)
191.fma3d 2100 854    246     838    251     191.fma3d base result bar (246)
191.fma3d peak result bar (251)
200.sixtrack 1100 394    279     348    316     200.sixtrack base result bar (279)
200.sixtrack peak result bar (316)
301.apsi 2600 744    350     731    356     301.apsi base result bar (350)
301.apsi peak result bar (356)
SPECfp_base2000 332      
  SPECfp2000 456      

Hardware Vendor: Fujitsu Limited
Model Name: PRIMEPOWER800/1000/2000 (675MHz)
CPU MHz: 675
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: 4 to 16/4 to 32/8 to 128
Parallel: None
Primary Cache: 128KBI+128KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 8MB(I+D) off chip, per CPU
L3 Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory: 8192MB
Disk Subsystem: 1 x 18.2GB SCSI (10025rpm)
Other Hardware: Ethernet
Operating System: Solaris 8 4/01
Compiler: Fujitsu Parallelnavi 1.0.2
Sun Forte Developer 6 update 2
File System: ufs
System State: single user
Notes / Tuning Information
FDO: (Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
    fdo_pre0=rm -rf `pwd`/*.*.d
    PASS1=-Kpg    PASS2=-Kpu
FDO: (Forte Developer 6 update 2)
    fdo_pre0=rm -rf `pwd`/../feedback.profile
Baseline :
(using Fortran compiler of Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
-Kfast_GP=2,largepage -O4 -fs FDO

(using C compiler of Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
-Kfast_GP=2,largepage FDO

(using Fortran compiler of Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
 168.wupwise: -Kfast_GP=2,prefetch=4,nounroll -x dir=`pwd`/../../src -fs
 171.swim: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,preex,ilfunc,prefetch=3,largepage,commonpad=152,prefetch_iteration=3,unroll=2,nogs,frecipro 
    -O4 -fs
 172.mgrid: -Kfast_GP=2,preex,GREG,commonpad=144,unroll=3,largepage,prefetch=3 
    -O4 -fs
 178.galgel: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,largepage,preex,unroll=2,prefetch_iteration=2,commonpad=24 
    -O4 -lssl2mtfma -fs FDO
 189.lucas: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,preex,largepage,nounroll -O4 -fs FDO
 191.fma3d: -Kfast_GP=2,preex,GREG,nounroll,prefetch=4,largepage -O4 -fs FDO
 200.sixtrack: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,noprefetch,unroll=4,largepage,frecipro -fs
 301.apsi: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,preex,largepage,unroll=2 -O4 -fs FDO

(using C compiler of Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
 188.ammp: -Kfast_GP=2,GREG,popt,prefetch=4,preex,preload,largepage,fuse,unroll=3 -x-

(using FORTRAN77 compiler of Forte Developer 6 update 2)
 173.applu: -fast -Qoption iropt -whole,-Adata_access,-Mt6000,-Mm12000,-Mr40000,-Ma400 -xarch=v8plus -dn

(using FORTRAN90 compiler of Forte Developer 6 update 2)
 187.facerec: -fast -xarch=v9 FDO ONESTEP=yes
(using C compiler of Forte Developer 6 update 2)
 177.mesa: -fast -xcrossfile -xrestrict -xalias_level=std -xregs=syst -Wc,-Qgsched-trace_late=1,-Qgsched-trace_spec_load=1
    -xarch=v8plus -W2,-Amemopt -dn
 179.art: -fast -xalias_level=strong -xdepend -xregs=syst -W2,-whole,-Amemopt
    -xarch=v8plus -lmopt -lm -dn FDO ONESTEP=yes
 183.equake: -fast -xalias_level=strong -xdepend -W2,-whole,-Amemopt 
    -xarch=v8plus -lmopt -lm FDO ONESTEP=yes

 (for Parallelnavi 1.0.2)
   178.galgel: -Am -Fixed
   187.facerec: -Am  
   191.fma3d: -Am  

 System Tunables: (for /etc/system)
  consistent_coloring=1, tune_t_fsflushr=86400, autoup=86400,
  shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=8589934592, shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=1024, shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=1024
 (for /etc/opt/FJSVpnrm/lpg.conf)
 Feedback directed optimization was used for all baseline benchmarks and peak benchmarks
 except following peak benchmarks: 171.swim, 172.mgrid, 173.applu, 188.ammp, 200.sixtrack.
 System board used with only one CPU present.

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 08-Oct-2001

Generated on Fri Mar 25 15:36:02 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01