SPEC Seal of Reviewal CFP2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
IBM Corporation
RS/6000 44P-170 (450 MHz)
SPECfp2000 = 409    
SPECfp_base2000 = 356    
SPEC license # 11 Tested by: IBM, Austin, TX Test date: Aug-2000 Hardware Avail: Oct-2000 Software Avail: Oct-2000
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
168.wupwise 1600 445    360     253    632     168.wupwise base result bar (360)
168.wupwise peak result bar (632)
171.swim 3100 1111     279     795    390     171.swim base result bar (279)
171.swim peak result bar (390)
172.mgrid 1800 565    319     564    319     172.mgrid base result bar (319)
172.mgrid peak result bar (319)
173.applu 2100 642    327     642    327     173.applu base result bar (327)
173.applu peak result bar (327)
177.mesa 1400 424    330     424    330     177.mesa base result bar (330)
177.mesa peak result bar (330)
178.galgel 2900 675    429     668    434     178.galgel base result bar (429)
178.galgel peak result bar (434)
179.art 2600 268    969     268    969     179.art base result bar (969)
179.art peak result bar (969)
183.equake 1300 232    560     172    757     183.equake base result bar (560)
183.equake peak result bar (757)
187.facerec 1900 740    257     460    413     187.facerec base result bar (257)
187.facerec peak result bar (413)
188.ammp 2200 675    326     584    377     188.ammp base result bar (326)
188.ammp peak result bar (377)
189.lucas 2000 703    284     703    284     189.lucas base result bar (284)
189.lucas peak result bar (284)
191.fma3d 2100 618    340     608    346     191.fma3d base result bar (340)
191.fma3d peak result bar (346)
200.sixtrack 1100 470    234     470    234     200.sixtrack base result bar (234)
200.sixtrack peak result bar (234)
301.apsi 2600 746    349     688    378     301.apsi base result bar (349)
301.apsi peak result bar (378)
SPECfp_base2000 356      
  SPECfp2000 409      

Hardware Vendor: IBM Corporation
Model Name: RS/6000 44P-170 (450 MHz)
CPU: IBM Power3-II
CPU MHz: 450
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: 1
Parallel: No
Primary Cache: 32KBI+64KBD (on chip)
Secondary Cache: 8MB (I+D) (off chip)
L3 Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory: 512MB
Disk Subsystem: 1X9.1GB IBM Ultra-2 SCSI, 7200 RPM
Other Hardware: None
Operating System: AIX 4.3.3 + beta of APAR IY12051
Compiler: Fortran 77 and 90: IBM xl Fortran 6.1 invoked as 'xlf90'
C: IBM VAC 5.0 invoked as 'xlc'
File System: AIX/JFS
System State: Multi-user
Notes / Tuning Information
 Portability Flags
   -qfixed used in: wupwise, swim, mgrid, applu, galgel, sixtrack, apsi
   -qsuffix=f=f90 used in: galgel, facerec, lucas, fma3d
 NOTE: The flag combination 'qpdf1/qpdf2' indicates a 2 step compilation
       process, the exact process is as follows:
   fdo_pre0 = rm -rf ${PDFDIR}; mkdir -p ${PDFDIR}
   PASS1_FLAGS    =-qpdf1 {optimization flags}
   PASS1_LDFLAGS  ={libraries} -L{pdf library location} -lpdf
   PASS2_FLAGS    =-qpdf2 {optimization flags}
   PASS2_LDFLAGS  =-{libraries}
 Base Optimization Flags:
   Fortran: -qpdf1/pdf2 -O3 -qarch=pwr3 -lmass
   C: -O5 -lmass
 Peak Optimization Flags:
   168.wupwise: -qpdf1/pdf2 -O4 -qipa=level=2 -lmass
   171.swim: -qpdf1/pdf2 -O4 -qipa=level=2 -qhot -lmass
   172.mgrid:-O3 -qarch=pwr3 -qhot
   173.applu: -qpdf1/pdf2 -O3 -qarch=pwr3 -lmass
   177.mesa: -O5 -lmass
   178.galgel: -O4 -qipa=level=2 -qhot -lmass
   179.art: -O5 -lmass
   183.equake: -O5 -lmass -lhmu
   187.facerec: -O3 -qarch=pwr3 -qhot -lmass
   188.ammp: -O3 -qarch=pwr3 -bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp
   189.lucas: -qpdf1/pdf2 -O3 -qarch=pwr3 -lmass
   191.fma3d: -O4  -qipa=level=2 -qhot -lmass
   200.sixtrack: -O3 -qarch=pwr3
   301.apsi: -O4 -qipa=level=2 -qhot -lmass -bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 26-Sep-2000

Generated on Mon Mar 28 11:07:34 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01