SPEC Seal of Reviewal CINT2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Intel Corporation
Intel OR840(1 GHz Pentium III processor)
SPECint2000 = 442    
SPECint_base2000 = 438    
SPEC license # 13 Tested by: Intel Corporation Test date: Jun-2000 Hardware Avail: Apr-2000 Software Avail: Oct-2000
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
164.gzip 1400 277    505     270    518     164.gzip base result bar (505)
164.gzip peak result bar (518)
175.vpr 1400 419    334     417    336     175.vpr base result bar (334)
175.vpr peak result bar (336)
176.gcc 1100 275    399     272    405     176.gcc base result bar (399)
176.gcc peak result bar (405)
181.mcf 1800 621    290     619    291     181.mcf base result bar (290)
181.mcf peak result bar (291)
186.crafty 1000 191    522     191    523     186.crafty base result bar (522)
186.crafty peak result bar (523)
197.parser 1800 500    360     499    361     197.parser base result bar (360)
197.parser peak result bar (361)
252.eon 1300 267    486     267    486     252.eon base result bar (486)
252.eon peak result bar (486)
253.perlbmk 1800 302    596     302    596     253.perlbmk base result bar (596)
253.perlbmk peak result bar (596)
254.gap 1100 249    442     248    443     254.gap base result bar (442)
254.gap peak result bar (443)
255.vortex 1900 268    710     264    719     255.vortex base result bar (710)
255.vortex peak result bar (719)
256.bzip2 1500 389    386     375    400     256.bzip2 base result bar (386)
256.bzip2 peak result bar (400)
300.twolf 3000 784    382     776    387     300.twolf base result bar (382)
300.twolf peak result bar (387)
SPECint_base2000 438      
  SPECint2000 442      

Hardware Vendor: Intel Corporation
Model Name: Intel OR840(1 GHz Pentium III processor)
CPU: Pentium III processor (1 GHz, 133 MHz bus)
CPU MHz: 1000
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: 1,2
Parallel: No
Primary Cache: 16KBI + 16KBD on-die
Secondary Cache: 256KB(I+D) on-die ECC
L3 Cache: N/A
Other Cache: N/A
Memory: 256 MB PC800 RDRAM
Disk Subsystem: IBM DTLA 307030 ATA-66+
Other Hardware: Creative Labs Annihalator Pro GeForce 256 DDR
Operating System: Windows 2000(Build 2195)
Compiler: Intel C++ and Fortran Compiler 5.0
for Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (for libraries)
SmartHeap library V5.0
File System: FAT32
System State: Default
Notes / Tuning Information
 +FDO: PASS1=-Qprof_gen  PASS2=-Qprof_use
 Base tuning: -QxK -Qipo_wp shlW32M.lib +FDO
 shlW32M.lib is the SmartHeap library V5.0 from MicroQuill www.microquill.com
 Portability flags:
 175.vpr: -Op        176.gcc: -Dalloca=_alloca /F10000000 -Op
 186.crafy: -DNT_i386
 253.perlbmk: -DSPEC_CPU2000_NTOS -DPERLDLL /MT
 Peak tuning:
 164.gzip, 175.vpr, 176.gcc, 181.mcf, 186.crafty, 197.parser, 252.eon, 253.perlbmk, 254.gap:
 -QxK -Qipo_wp +FDO shlW32M.lib
 255.vortex, 256.bzip2, 300.twolf:
 -QxK -Qipo_wp +FDO -Oa shlW32M.lib
 Tested systems can be used with Shin-G ATX case, 
 Product description as of 06/2000: 
 Motherboard available through Intel OEM Distribution channel. See
 http://channel.intel.com/ for more information
The system bus runs at 133 MHz

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 01-Aug-2000

Generated on Wed Apr 13 13:00:51 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01