SPEC Seal of Reviewal CFP2000 Result
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Compaq Computer Corporation
AlphaServer GS320 Model 6/731
SPECfp2000 = 444    
SPECfp_base2000 = 405    
SPEC license # 2 Tested by: Compaq NH Test date: Apr-2000 Hardware Avail: Jun-2000 Software Avail: Jul-2000
Benchmark Reference
Runtime Ratio Graph Scale
168.wupwise 1600 399    401     355    451     168.wupwise base result bar (401)
168.wupwise peak result bar (451)
171.swim 3100 390    795     395    785     171.swim base result bar (795)
171.swim peak result bar (785)
172.mgrid 1800 461    391     439    410     172.mgrid base result bar (391)
172.mgrid peak result bar (410)
173.applu 2100 746    281     610    344     173.applu base result bar (281)
173.applu peak result bar (344)
177.mesa 1400 258    542     244    574     177.mesa base result bar (542)
177.mesa peak result bar (574)
178.galgel 2900 705    412     434    668     178.galgel base result bar (412)
178.galgel peak result bar (668)
179.art 2600 214    1217      178    1461      179.art base result bar (1217)
179.art peak result bar (1461)
183.equake 1300 896    145     901    144     183.equake base result bar (145)
183.equake peak result bar (144)
187.facerec 1900 379    501     365    521     187.facerec base result bar (501)
187.facerec peak result bar (521)
188.ammp 2200 759    290     659    334     188.ammp base result bar (290)
188.ammp peak result bar (334)
189.lucas 2000 432    463     434    461     189.lucas base result bar (463)
189.lucas peak result bar (461)
191.fma3d 2100 614    342     597    352     191.fma3d base result bar (342)
191.fma3d peak result bar (352)
200.sixtrack 1100 381    289     380    290     200.sixtrack base result bar (289)
200.sixtrack peak result bar (290)
301.apsi 2600 739    352     730    356     301.apsi base result bar (352)
301.apsi peak result bar (356)
SPECfp_base2000 405      
  SPECfp2000 444      

Hardware Vendor: Compaq Computer Corporation
Model Name: AlphaServer GS320 Model 6/731
CPU: Alpha 21264A
CPU MHz: 731
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
CPU(s) orderable: Up to 32 by 4
Parallel: No
Primary Cache: 64KB(I)+64KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 4MB off chip per CPU
L3 Cache: None
Other Cache: None
Memory: 4GB
Disk Subsystem: mfs (Memory File System)
Other Hardware: Ethernet
Operating System: Tru64 Unix T5.1-9 (Release for GS160,GS320)
Compiler: Compaq C T6.3-120-44A2I
Compaq Fortran V5.3
/usr/bin/f77: fort (not fort90)
KAP Fortran V4.2
KAP C 4.0
File System: mfs
System State: Multi-user
Notes / Tuning Information
 Baseline   C: cc   -arch ev6 -fast -O4 ONESTEP 
      Fortran: kf90 -arch ev6 -O5 -fkapargs='-ur=-1' ONESTEP 

 Peak: -v -g3 -arch ev6 -non_shared ONESTEP plus:
    168.wupwise: f77 -fast -O4 -pipeline -unroll 2
       171.swim: f90 -fast -O5 -transform_loops 
      172.mgrid: kf77 -O5 -transform_loops -tune ev6 -unroll 8 
      173.applu: f77 -fast -O5 -transform_loops -unroll 14
       177.mesa: cc -fast -O4
     178.galgel: kf90 -O4 -unroll 2 -ldxml
                 RM_SOURCES = lapak.f90
        179.art: kcc -fast -O4 -ckapargs='-arl=4 -ur=4' -unroll 10
     183.equake: kcc -fast -ckapargs='-arl=4' -xtaso_short
    187.facerec: f90 -fast -O4
       188.ammp: cc -fast -O4 -xtaso_short
      189.lucas: kf90 -fast -O5 -fkapargs='-ur=1' -unroll 1 
      191.fma3d: kf90 -O4
   200.sixtrack: f90 -fast -O5 -transform_loops
       301.apsi: kf90 -O5 -transform_loops -unroll 8 -fkapargs='-ur=1' 
 Portability: galgel: -fixed

 Compaq C T6.3 is posted at http://www.unix.digital.com/dtk/ 
 It has been available as an ADK (Advanced Developers' Kit) 
 since February, 2000; the final version will be posted
 in July, 2000.
 The SPEC CPU2000 binaries were compiled under Unix V4.0F.
 sysconfigtab settings: 
            max_proc_per_user = 4096
         max_threads_per_user = 4096
        per_proc_data_size     = 21474836480
    max_per_proc_data_size     = 21474836480
        per_proc_address_space = 21474836480
    max_per_proc_address_space = 21474836480

Tru64 Unix V5.1 will ship in Jul-2000 for use on the GS160, GS320 platforms;
the final version will ship Sep-2000.

Submitted_by: [email protected]
Submitted: Thu May 11 19:21:35 2000
Submission: cpu2000-20000511-00100.sub

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Copyright © 1999-2004 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 18-Jul-2000

Generated on Wed Apr 13 13:06:57 2005 by SPEC CPU2000 HTML formatter v1.01