SPECjbb2005 3760 bops
Neptune Ocean King Systems TurboBlaster 2
Phobos Ltd Phobic Java 1.5.0
SPEC license # 50, Tested by: Neptune Corp., Test date: Apr 25, 2005
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 2471
* 2 3929
* 3 3748
* 4 3604
5 3466
6 3295
7 2972
8 2163
Throughput 3760
Vendor Neptune Ocean King | Vendor Phobos Ltd
Systems | Vendor URL http://www.phobos.uk
Vendor URL http://www.neptune.c | .co
om | JVM Version Phobic Java 1.5.0
Model TurboBlaster 2 | Command Line java -ms256m
Processor ARM | -mx1024m
MHz 300 | -spec.jbb.JBBmain
# of Chips 1 | -propfile Test1
# of Cores 2 | Initial Heap Mem 256
# of Cores/Chip 2 | (MB)
HW Thresads 4 | Max Heap Mem 1024
Procs avail to 2 | (MB)
Java | JVM addressing 32
Memory (MB) 4096 | bits
Memory Details punch cards | JVM CLASSPATH ./jbb.jar:./check.ja
L1 Cache 4KBI+4KBD | r:
L2 Cache 64KB(I+D) off chip | JVM /usr/local/j2sdk1.5.
Other Cache | BOOTCLASSPATH 0/jre/lib/i386/clien
Filesystem UFS | t:/usr/local/j2sdk1.
Disks 1 x 4GB SCSI | 5.0/jre/lib/i386:/us
(classes) 1 x 12GB | r/local/j2sdk1.5.0/j
SCSI (OS) | re/../lib/i386
Other H/W AT&T Rotary | OS Version Phobos DOS V33.333
Telephone | patch-level 78
| Other S/W Neptune JIT
| Accelerator 2.3b6
| AOT Compilation Details
precompiled code
| for
- Deliverytransaction.proces
| s
- TransactionManager.go
| /ul>loaded at startup
| Operating system
| tunings- bufcache=1024
| maxthreads_per_user=65536
| "Notes here"
Tested by Neptune Corp.
SPEC License 50
Test Location Santa Monica, CA
Test Date Apr 25, 2005
JVM available Jan-2000
H/w available Jan-2000
OS available May-2000
Other s/w Feb-2000
* Details of Runs
Wh Score Used Tot. Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s)
Heap Heap spread > 120s total max
(MB) (MB) % %
1 2471 254.1 79.7 <0.01 <0.01 new_order 32609 13.6 .180
payment 22480 4.81 .028
order_status 2247 .628 .016
delivery 2247 3.76 .030
stock_level 2248 .864 .028
cust_report 12348 5.39 .028
2 3929 254.1 219.7 .530 <0.01 new_order 414459 223 2.08
payment 285744 75.2 2.08
order_status 28574 9.42 .043
delivery 28575 61.1 .068
stock_level 28574 11.5 .042
cust_report 157029 81.4 .132
3 3748 254.1 178.5 .209 .024 new_order 395364 327 2.59
payment 272622 115 2.65
order_status 27261 13.3 .131
delivery 27261 92.0 2.60
stock_level 27262 18.1 .134
cust_report 149877 127 1.92
4 3604 254.1 177.4 .904 .018 new_order 380194 442 3.18
payment 262182 161 3.11
order_status 26219 20.8 2.44
delivery 26218 126 2.37
stock_level 26219 25.1 2.35
cust_report 144173 154 3.11
5 3466 254.1 138.1 1.26 .878 new_order 368709 574 3.05
payment 254300 175 2.78
order_status 25430 28.4 2.94
delivery 25430 149 2.91
stock_level 25430 29.0 2.84
cust_report 139899 216 3.07
6 3295 254.1 154.5 1.73 .718 new_order 350024 695 3.79
payment 241391 226 3.20
order_status 24140 38.5 3.18
delivery 24138 185 3.23
stock_level 24139 35.6 3.72
cust_report 132752 236 3.64
7 2972 254.1 184.2 3.01 .011 new_order 313380 795 4.10
payment 216147 235 3.79
order_status 21614 37.5 3.89
delivery 21616 210 3.73
stock_level 21615 45.0 3.64
cust_report 118905 291 3.83
8 2163 254.1 217.9 3.38 <0.01 new_order 228101 933 4.67
payment 157302 313 4.32
order_status 15730 31.0 3.74
delivery 15729 234 4.87
stock_level 15731 44.8 4.72
cust_report 86495 317 4.76
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 0.06, April 22, 2005]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005. All rights reserved