# Invocation command line: # /spec/cpu2006/v1.1/bin/runspec --reportable -v 10 -c apr10a -S noSMP -n 3 -T all -r 64 -i ref int --nopreenv --note-preenv # output_root was not used for this run ############################################################################ # The following line MUST be set to the suite installed path! %define install_path /spec/cpu2006/v1.1 ####################################################################### # # SPEC CPU2006 Benchmark Config file IBM Power with AIX # ####################################################################### #use_submit_for_speed = 1 bind = \ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 \ 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 \ 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 \ 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51 55 59 63 copies = 64 %define Copy1 16 %define Copy2 32 submit = bindprocessor \$\$ $BIND; $command parallel_setup = 64 parallel_setup_type = fork parallel_setup_prefork = bindprocessor $$ $BIND #bench_post_setup = sync post_setup = chfs -a freeze=1 /spec/cpu2006 ; chfs -a freeze=0 /spec/cpu2006 parallel_test = 64 parallel_test_submit = bindprocessor \$\$ $BIND; $command # # To navigate, "export GO=path" and use "ogo" instead of "go" # "export OGO_NO_WARN=0" to suppress path msg on every use # # %ifdef %{path} # output_root=${top}/%{path} # %else # output_root=${top}/zPubApr10 # %endif %define FDPRSAVE mv $baseexe ${baseexe}.orig; #====================================================================== # Global Options apply to all runs #====================================================================== # # For just a report generated without a raw file or any runs required # Do a "runspec --reportonly" (also --action=report or --fakereport) # # Just set up the build or run directories, use --buildsetup or --setup # on the runspec command # Sets nobuild as the default - you will need -D to force a compile nobuild = 1 # -D forces a build (recompile) # -N prohibits a build (recompile) %if '%{md}' eq 'build' action = build # -a %else action = validate # -a %endif #tune = peak # -T tune = base,peak # -T #iterations = 3 # -n iterations = 1 # -n #output_format = all # -o output_format = txt,csv,cfg # -o basepeak = 0 reportable = 0 # -l turns off ignore_errors = 1 # -I mean_anyway = 1 allow_extension_override = 1 %ifdef %{ECO} %define Eext TC %else %define Eext %endif %ifdef %{noSMP} ext = AIXrate%{Eext} # -e %else ext = AIXsmp%{Eext} # -e %endif size = ref # -i #size = test,train,ref # -i # These are the envionment variables that are set before the run preenv = 1 preENV_MALLOCOPTIONS=pool preENV_MEMORY_AFFINITY=MCM preENV_XLFRTEOPTS=intrinthds=1 %ifndef %{noSMP} %ifndef %{noMULTI} preENV_MALLOCMULTIHEAP=1 %endif %ifndef %{noXLSMP} %ifdef %{noBIND} preENV_XLSMPOPTS=spins=0:yields=0 %else preENV_XLSMPOPTS=spins=0:yields=0:startproc=0:stride=1 %endif %endif %endif # Control if the imbedded md5 string of compiler options is checked for # recompile if the options have changed check_md5 = 0 # This is added to the MD5 sums, and must be 1 for submittable binaries. # i.e. binaries made with this set to 0 will not be allowed to be used # for submitable runs. But it bypasses all checksums, so must be 0 if # any sources are modified. I am not yet sure if need this needs to be # set to allow the generation of pmcount's PMU dir's #strict_rundir_verify = 0 # Controls if the log file info is echo'd to the screen teeout = no # If 1, make copy of the config file before modifing with MD5 # signitures of the compile options. backup_config = 0 # verbose -> -v #verbose = 1 to 99, 5 is default, 91 is good for debugging #verbose = 1 # Set up how parallel to do the compiles %ifdef %{make_j} makeflags = -j%{make_j} %endif #--prevent log file lines that are too long for vi log_line_width = 130 # Point to where the usr/compiler/OS Flags file is flagsurl000 = http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/IBM-AIX.20100303.xml flagsurl001 = http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/IBM-XL.20100427.xml #include: compiler_paths.inc # ----- Begin inclusion of 'compiler_paths.inc' ############################################################################ # Set the path that the compiler is located at. Change to use alternate version %ifdef %{dev} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c dev_100303 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f dev_100303 %endif %endif %ifdef %{com11} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C111com_100323 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F131com_100322 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ptf11} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C111_100326 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F131_100325 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ptf1125} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C111_100225 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F131_100225 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ptf1119} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C111_100219b %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F131_100219c %endif %endif %ifdef %{com10} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C101com_100305 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F121com_100305 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ptf10} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C101_100305 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F121_100305a %endif %endif %ifdef %{v11dec} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C111com_091223a %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F131com_091224 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ckpt} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c dev_0909ckpt %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f dev_0909ckpt %endif %endif %ifdef %{ga10} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C10. %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F12. %endif %endif %ifdef %{ga9} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C9. %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F11. %endif %endif %ifdef %{ga8} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C8. %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F10. %endif %endif # No longer downloaded regularly %ifdef %{com9} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C90com_091201 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F111com_091208 %endif %endif %ifdef %{ptf9} %define ndi %ifndef %{ndi_c} %define ndi_c C90_091208 %endif %ifndef %{ndi_f} %define ndi_f F111_091208a %endif %endif # ---- End inclusion of '/spec/cpu2006/v1.1/config/compiler_paths.inc' %ifdef %{ndi} CC_PATH = /c/%{ndi_c}/vacpp/usr/vac/bin CXX_PATH = /c/%{ndi_c}/vacpp/usr/vacpp/bin XLF_PATH = /c/%{ndi_f}/xlf/usr/bin %else CC_PATH = /usr/vac/bin CXX_PATH = /usr/vacpp/bin XLF_PATH = /usr/bin %endif #=============================================================================== # How the compilers are called # The settings used here are for IBM C/C++ and xl Fortran compilers #=============================================================================== default=default=default=default: CC = $(CC_PATH)/xlc -qlanglvl=extc99 CXX = $(CXX_PATH)/xlC FC = $(XLF_PATH)/xlf95 %ifndef %{noSMP} CC_r = $(CC_PATH)/xlc_r -qlanglvl=extc99 CXX_r = $(CXX_PATH)/xlC_r FC_r = $(XLF_PATH)/xlf95_r %define SMP -qsmp=auto %else CC_r = $(CC_PATH)/xlc -qlanglvl=extc99 CXX_r = $(CXX_PATH)/xlC FC_r = $(XLF_PATH)/xlf95 %define SMP %endif #=============================================================================== #====================================================================== # Base Level Optimizations # No limit to number of flags, must be same for all of each Language. #====================================================================== %define LPC -qlargepage %define LPL -blpdata %define LP64L -bdatapsize:64K -bstackpsize:64K -btextpsize:64K %define LPT64L -btextpsize:64K %define IPAC -qipa=noobject %define IPAL -qipa=threads %define ILS -D_ILS_MACROS %define O2 -O2 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto %define O3 -O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto %define O4 -O4 %define O5 -O5 %define c_suppress %define cxx_suppress %define f_suppress -qsuppress=cmpmsg:1500-010 %define ld_suppress -qsuppress=1500-036 EXTRA_CFLAGS = %{c_suppress} EXTRA_CXXFLAGS = %{cxx_suppress} EXTRA_FFLAGS = %{f_suppress} OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{LPC} %{IPAC} default=base=default=default: sw_base_ptrsize = 32-bit # LDOPT is only good for non FDO builds, so only use for base EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{ld_suppress} LDOPT = %{LPL} int=base=default=default: COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qalias=noansi -qalloca CXX = $(CXX_r) CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{SMP} -qrtti=all -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x20000000 fp=base=default=default: CC = $(CC_r) COPTIMIZE = %{SMP} %{ILS} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qrtti=all -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR FC = $(FC_r) FOPTIMIZE = %{SMP} -qsmallstack=dynlenonheap -qalias=nostd LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x40000000 LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x60000000 #====================================================================== # INT Portability Flags # no optimizations allowed here #====================================================================== 400.perlbench=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX 462.libquantum=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX 464.h264ref=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX -qchars=signed 483.xalancbmk=default=default=default: CXXPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX #====================================================================== # FP Portability Flags # no optimizations allowed here #====================================================================== 410.bwaves=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed 416.gamess=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed 434.zeusmp=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed 435.gromacs=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed -qextname 436.cactusADM=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed -qextname 437.leslie3d=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed 454.calculix=default=default=default: FPORTABILITY = -qfixed -qextname 481.wrf=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX -DNOUNDERSCORE 482.sphinx3=default=default=default: CPORTABILITY = -qchars=signed #====================================================================== # # Default peak flags. # #====================================================================== default=peak=default=default: sw_peak_ptrsize = 32/64-bit EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{ld_suppress} %define FDPRCOMP %ifdef %{noVMX} %define VSX %define VMX %else %ifdef %{useVMX} %define VSX -qenablevmx -qvecnvol %define VMX -qenablevmx -qvecnvol %else %define VSX -qsimd -qvecnvol %endif %endif #====================================================================== # INT peak Flags #====================================================================== 400.perlbench=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark # Multiple training inputs OPTIMIZE = %{O2} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qalias=noansi %{FDPRCOMP} EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O4 -vrox -nodp -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $baseexe; %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS %ifndef %{64} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %else LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_AIX -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 %endif 401.bzip2=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark # Multiple training inputs CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O4 -vrox -nodp -rtb -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O4 -vrox -nodp -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $baseexe; %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS %ifndef %{64} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x4ffffffc %else LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %endif 403.gcc=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qalloca %{FDPRCOMP} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O4 -nodp -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O4 -nodp -rtb -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS %ifndef %{64} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %else CPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 COPTIMIZE = -q64 LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %endif 429.mcf=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark copies = %{Copy2} CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{VSX} %{SMP} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifndef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS %endif %ifndef %{64} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %else LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %endif 445.gobmk=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark # Multiple training inputs OPTIMIZE = %{O4} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $baseexe; %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 456.hmmer=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{VSX} -qassert=refalign %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %define FDPROPTS -O4 -nodp -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 458.sjeng=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 462.libquantum=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark copies = %{Copy2} CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} -q64 %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O4 -vrox -nodp -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 464.h264ref=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{VSX} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O4 -vrox -nodp -rtb -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 471.omnetpp=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O4} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} -qalign=natural -qrtti=all -qinlglue -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x20000000 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O3 -lu -1 -nodp -sdp 9 -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 473.astar=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark # Multiple training inputs OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{LPC} %{IPAC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} -qinlglue -qalign=natural LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x20000000 fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O4 -nodp -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $baseexe; %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 483.xalancbmk=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O4} -qarch=pwr5 -qtune=pwr5 %{LPC} %{IPAC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} -qinlglue -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x20000000 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %ifdef %{ECO} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 %else %define FDPROPTS -O3 -lu -1 -nodp -sdp 9 -m power7 %endif fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe %undef FDPROPTS 999.specrand=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark - Must run, but not reported unless fails COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_999_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 999.specrand notes_peak_fdpr_999_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS #====================================================================== # FP peak Flags #====================================================================== 410.bwaves=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark copies = %{Copy1} FC = $(FC_r) %define 64 OPTIMIZE = %{O4} %{SMP} %{LPC} %{IPAC} %ifndef %{64} FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} -qsmallstack=dynlenonheap LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %else FOPTIMIZE = -q64 %{FDPRCOMP} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} %endif fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_410_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 410.bwaves notes_peak_fdpr_410_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS %undef 64 416.gamess=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} -qarch=pwr5 %{LPC} %{IPAC} FOPTIMIZE = -qalias=nostd fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_416_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 416.gamess notes_peak_fdpr_416_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS %ifndef %{64} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x40000000 %else FOPTIMIZE = -q64 -qalias=nostd LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} %endif 433.milc=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qrestrict -qprefetch=aggressive -qalign=natural %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x40000000 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_433_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 433.milc notes_peak_fdpr_433_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 434.zeusmp=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark FC = $(FC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{LPC} %{IPAC} FOPTIMIZE = -qxlf90=nosignedzero %{FDPRCOMP} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x40000000 fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_434_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 434.zeusmp notes_peak_fdpr_434_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 435.gromacs=peak=default=default: # Fortran & C Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O4} %{VSX} %{IPAC} FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{ld_suppress} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_435_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 435.gromacs notes_peak_fdpr_435_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 436.cactusADM=peak=default=default: # Fortran & C Benchmark copies = %{Copy1} FC = $(FC_r) CC = $(CC_r) %define 64 OPTIMIZE = %{O4} -q64 %{SMP} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} -qnostrict FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} -qnostrict EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} %ifndef %{64} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x60000000 %else LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} FPPPORTABILITY = -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 %endif #fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf #PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 #PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 #PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %undef 64 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_436_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 436.cactusADM notes_peak_fdpr_436_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 437.leslie3d=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark copies = %{Copy1} FC = $(FC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O4} -q64 %{SMP} %{IPAC} FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_437_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 437.leslie3d notes_peak_fdpr_437_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 444.namd=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{LPC} %{IPAC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_444_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 444.namd notes_peak_fdpr_444_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 447.dealII=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{IPAC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qrtti=all -D__IBM_FAST_VECTOR -D__IBM_FAST_SET_MAP_ITERATOR LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_447_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 447.dealII notes_peak_fdpr_447_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 450.soplex=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark # Multiple training inputs copies = %{Copy2} #OPTIMIZE = %{O3} -q64 %{LPC} #OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{LPC} %{IPAC} #CXX = $(CXX_r) #OPTIMIZE = %{O5} -q64 %{SMP} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} OPTIMIZE = %{O3} -qarch=pwr5 %{LPC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} #LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} LDCXXFLAGS = -bmaxdata:0x40000000 fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf #PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 -qstrict PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 -qstrict PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $baseexe; %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_450_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 450.soplex notes_peak_fdpr_450_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 453.povray=peak=default=default: # C++ Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} -q64 %{VSX} %{IPAC} CXXOPTIMIZE = %{ILS} -qalign=natural %{FDPRCOMP} EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} LDCXXFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CXXFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -tb -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_453_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 453.povray notes_peak_fdpr_453_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 454.calculix=peak=default=default: # Fortran & C Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_454_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 454.calculix notes_peak_fdpr_454_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 459.GemsFDTD=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark copies = %{Copy1} OPTIMIZE = %{O4} %{SMP} %{VSX} %{LPC} %{IPAC} FC = $(FC_r) FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_459_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 459.GemsFDTD notes_peak_fdpr_459_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 465.tonto=peak=default=default: # Fortran Benchmark OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{VSX} %{IPAC} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 EXTRA_LDFLAGS = %{LPL} %{LPT64L} %{ld_suppress} %ifndef %{64} LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x50000000 %endif %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_465_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 465.tonto notes_peak_fdpr_465_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 470.lbm=peak=default=default: # C Benchmark copies = %{Copy1} CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} -qprefetch=aggressive %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x30000000 #fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf #PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 #PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_470_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 470.lbm notes_peak_fdpr_470_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 481.wrf=peak=default=default: # Fortran & C-for netCDF Benchmark #OPTIMIZE = %{O5} -q64 %{LPC} %{IPAC} FC = $(FC_r) CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O3} -q64 %{SMP} FOPTIMIZE = %{FDPRCOMP} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} #LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} #LDFFLAGS = %{IPAL} -bmaxdata:0x30000000 %ifdef %{wrf8} # This allows using 4 byte (32) or 8 byte (64) raw format separator's # Currently this selection is only valid for 64 bit mode # Setting the ENV_ during the run is illegal, this is for testing only wrf_data_header_size=8 ENV_XLFRTEOPTS=uwidth=64 %endif #fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf #PASS1_FFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 #PASS2_FFLAGS = -qpdf2 #PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 #PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_481_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 481.wrf notes_peak_fdpr_481_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 482.sphinx3=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark CC = $(CC_r) OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{SMP} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} fdo_pre0 = ${CC_PATH}/cleanpdf PASS1_CFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS1_LDFLAGS = -qpdf1 PASS2_CFLAGS = -qpdf2 PASS2_LDFLAGS = -qpdf2 LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run2 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_482_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 482.sphinx3 notes_peak_fdpr_482_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS 998.specrand=peak=default=default: # C only Benchmark - Must run, but not reported unless fails copies = %{Copy1} OPTIMIZE = %{O5} %{LPC} %{IPAC} COPTIMIZE = %{ILS} %{FDPRCOMP} LDCFLAGS = %{IPAL} %define FDPROPTS -O3 -m power7 fdo_pre1 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr fdo_run1 = fdpr -q %{FDPROPTS} -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post1 = %{FDPRSAVE} cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe notes_peak_fdpr_998_1 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 998.specrand notes_peak_fdpr_998_2 = with options %{FDPROPTS} %undef FDPROPTS #=============================================================================== # Report requirements #=============================================================================== default=default=default=default: notes_submit_000 = The config file option 'submit' was used notes_submit_005 = to assign benchmark copy to specific kernel thread using notes_submit_010 = the "bindprocessor" command (see flags file for details). test_sponsor = IBM Corporation license_num = 11 tester = IBM Corporation hw_avail = Jun-2010 hw_vendor = IBM Corporation #hw_cpu_char = TurboCore mode hw_fpu = Integrated hw_pcache = 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core hw_scache = 256 KB I+D on chip per core #hw_scache = 512 KB I+D on chip per core hw_tcache = 4 MB I+D on chip per core #hw_tcache = 8 MB I+D on chip per core hw_ocache = None hw_other = None sw_file = AIX/JFS2 sw_state = Multi-user hw_cpu_mhz = 3000 #hw_cpu_mhz = 4144 hw_ncpuorder = 16 cores hw_memory = 128 GB (32x4 GB) DDR3 1066 MHz notes_os_005 =MALLOCOPTIONS = "pool" notes_os_010 =MEMORY_AFFINITY = "MCM" notes_os_015 =XLFRTEOPTS = "intrinthds=1" notes_os_020 =all ulimits set to unlimited. notes_os_025 =4096 16M large pages defined with vmo command hw_disk = 1x300 GB SAS SFF 10K RPM #hw_model = IBM Power 780 Server (3.86 GHz, 16 core) hw_model = IBM BladeCenter PS702 Express (3.0 GHz, 16 core) hw_ncores = 16 hw_nchips = 2 hw_cpu_name = POWER7 hw_ncoresperchip = 8 hw_nthreadspercore = 4 sw_avail = Apr-2010 prepared_by = IBM Corporation sw_os000 = IBM AIX V6.1 sw_os001 = with the 6100-05 Technology Level SP1 sw_compiler000 = IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V11.1.0.1 sw_other000 = None fp=default=default=default: sw_compiler11 = XL Fortran Enterprise Edition V13.1.0.1 for AIX sw_other = None default=default=default=default: notes_os_000 =Environment variables set by runspec before the start of the run: default=default=default=default: # The following section was added automatically, and contains settings that # did not appear in the original configuration file, but were added to the # raw file after the run. default: hw_cpu_char001 = Intelligent Energy Optimization hw_cpu_char002 = enabled, up to 3.30 GHz notes_peak_fdpr_000 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for: notes_peak_fdpr_005 = 400.perlbench 401.bzip2 462.libquantum notes_peak_fdpr_010 = with options -O4 -vrox -nodp -m power7 notes_peak_fdpr_015 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 403.gcc notes_peak_fdpr_020 = with options -O4 -nodp -rtb -m power7 notes_peak_fdpr_025 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for: notes_peak_fdpr_030 = 429.mcf 445.gobmk 458.sjeng notes_peak_fdpr_035 = with options -O3 -m power7 notes_peak_fdpr_040 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for: notes_peak_fdpr_045 = 456.hmmer 473.astar notes_peak_fdpr_050 = with options -O4 -nodp -m power7 notes_peak_fdpr_055 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for 464.h264ref notes_peak_fdpr_060 = with options -O4 -vrox -nodp -rtb -m power7 notes_peak_fdpr_065 = fdpr binary optimization tool used for: notes_peak_fdpr_070 = 471.omnetpp 483.xalancbmk notes_peak_fdpr_075 = with options -O3 -lu -1 -nodp -sdp 9 -m power7