SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark User Guide

1.0 Introduction

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark captures the performance and scalability of a cloud system under test (SUT) from the cloud service user perspective.  The benchmark manipulates the “host” management services and performs a predefined set of tests and patterns until certain terminating conditions appear. The benchmark uses its own measurements along with data extracted from various log files collected from to derive a set of primary metrics plus supporting details for the cloud system under test.

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark assumes that you know how to set up and manage your cloud SUT.

You need to define all aspects of the SUT. This means:

The cloud you intend to test needs to be up and running and fully functional in order to attempt to run a fully compliant SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark test. While some of the benchmark authors may be able to respond to common issues or well known pitfalls of some clouds / cloud providers, we are unable to assist in installing, configuring, or making ready a new cloud for the first time. Please ensure that your cloud is ready to be used before proceeding. It is often the case that you will hit operational / scaling issues and need to troubleshoot your own cloud as this benchmark attempts to use it. You need to be ready and have the resources to triage your own cloud during the benchmarking process should issues arise in the operational maintenance of your cloud. This benchmark will not audit or make recommendations for repairing your cloud besides typical error reporting when something goes wrong.

Before trying to set up or run the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark, please read the introductory materials in the FAQ and Glossary and then the  Design  and  Run Rules documents. The rest of the User Guide assumes familiarity with the various benchmark terms, names, abbreviations, and the configuration, set up, and execution requirements for a compliant run.

Cloud System Under Test

The group of computing hardware, installed operating system, storage, networks and the cloud management system is collectively known as the “System Under Test” or the SUT.  The following sections describe the major components and assumptions.

Cloud System Under Test Roles

The User Guide’s examples assume that the SPEC Cloud IaaS benchmark kit runs with the following “machine” roles:

These roles typically reside on a single client system, virtual machine, container, or cloud instance depending on whether the cloud SUT is a white box or black box as defined in the run and reporting rules.

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

A common NTP server must be used between the cbharness and all cloud instances created by the benchmark per the run rules.  A submission will be considered Non-Compliant if produced without a working, coordinated NTP. The benchmark will mark itself non-compliant if it has detected time drifts due to a misconfigured NTP service.

Cloud Manager

A major component of the SUT is the Cloud Manager, which varies by installation and vendor.  The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark isolates this variable layer by using adaptors that implement specific, predefined IaaS cloud management actions.  The benchmark kit already contains supported adapters for many cloud management systems.

Supported Cloud Managers

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark has been tested with the following cloud platforms and their corresponding cloud management system (cloud managers) during the development and release cycle.  They are considered supported per the Run Rules

Amazon EC2

Digital Ocean

Google Compute Engine



IBM SoftLayer

Custom Cloud Manager Adapters

SPEC Cloud IaaS benchmarks supports testing with cloud manager adapters written for specific Cloud Under Test configurations.  However, you can create a custom CBTOOL Cloud Manager Adapter when

Each tester should understand how their cloud manager varies from its base version, and from the supported versions provided in the kit.  A localized custom adapter can be created, using one of the supported versions as a base.  See Appendix C for instructions on how to create adapters.

Caveat:        Please have SPEC review and accept any custom adapter before uploading a submission.

Basic Cloud Host Requirements For Submission

While it is possible to run SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark on a single machine, any submission for review must meet the following conditions.

Operating System Requirements

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark has these operating system dependencies.

Consistent User Account

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark requires unfettered remote access to all SUT compute instances to manage and execute its workloads..

The Benchmark Toolkit

Benchmark Manager: CBTOOL

SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark uses an open source automated framework called Cloud Rapid Experimentation and Analysis Tool (CBTOOL), also known as “CloudBench” (CB) that manages cloud-scale controlled “experiments”. CBTOOL automates deploying complete application workloads, running the benchmark, and collecting data from the SUT.  CBTOOL is written in Python, using only open-source dependencies, including Redis, MongoDB and Ganglia.

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark is defined by the distributed CBTOOL configuration files that presets certain parameters: file locations, roles, hosts, directives, and execution sequence.  The tester must enter other parameters that define the SUT hosts, network addresses, account names, and raise default minimum levels.

At the core of each experiment, there is the notion of application workloads. Each “Application Instance” (AI), workload is implemented by a group of cloud instances, with different roles, logically interconnected in order to execute different applications (typically, but not limited to, benchmarks).

Cloud Manager Adapters

Each SUT has some type of automated or manual Cloud Management System.  Conceptually, all Cloud Managers perform common tasks. The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark incorporates normal cloud management tasks into its workload sequence.

Cloud Management Interface and Adapters

The SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark manager, CBTOOL, uses a defined set of cloud and benchmark management tasks during the test sequence. Please ensure that the local Cloud Manager’s capabilities matches that of the adapter you plan to use by identifying the corresponding capabilities or command sequences that implement tasks such as:

  1. Provision instance - create compute instances, (optionally) install required software;
  2. Provision storage for instances;
  3. Provision application instance - distribute generated workload configuration files, start workload specific services, and determine service availability;
  4. Start/stop specific load driver for an application instance;
  5. Monitor application instance availability and responsiveness during workload runs;
  6. Collect workload results (log files, or command line responses);
  7. Stop workload servers
  8. Destroy application instance(s);
  9. Destroy instances

Variations may require creating a new adapter, which is described in Appendix C: Building a Custom Cloud Adapter. Cloud APIs are expected to change constantly. If any of the adapters we ship are not functioning properly due to recent API changes, please reach out for support and we’ll help you.

Application Instance (AI)

The benchmark workloads exist as a set of software applications that perform their assigned tasks throughout the full cycle.

Each AI has its own load behavior, with independent load profile, load level and load duration. The values for load level and load duration can be set as random distributions (exponential, uniform, gamma, normal), fixed numbers or monotonically increasing/decreasing sequences. Each Application Instance has a specific “load level” based on type.  


Application Instance Composition and Workload


One VM is the “hadoopmaster” type and many VMs are “hadoopslave” type.  The size of the sorting data set represents this workload.


One VM is the “ycsb” type, and many VM(s) are Cassandra seed nodes. The size is the number of simultaneous threads represents this workload.

The Benchmark Cycle (Summary)

This outlines the conceptual steps a tester typically takes through the full cycle.

2.0 Set up SUT and Install Software

2.1 Prepare Your Cloud for the Benchmark

The tester must consider the following before benchmark installation and configuration. The instructions below assume that CBTOOL runs on an instance (e.g., a VM) with Internet access at the time of kit installation.  If instances cannot access the Internet, then set up local Ubuntu and python pip repositories and use these repositories instead.

Determine Where CBTOOL Runs?

CBTOOL and benchmark drivers must be set up together on the same machine - the benchmark harness (cbharness).  It controls other host instances (cbnodes). For a Whitebox cloud under test, the cbharness machine must be outside of the cloud. For a Blackbox cloud under test, the cbharness machine must not share a physical machine with the cbnodes to the extent possible.

The diagram below shows a typical harness and instances setup.

NTP Server(s) For Benchmark Machines

All hosts in the SUT must use the same NTP server to synchronize to a common time base. By default, the cbharness machine will act as the NTP server for the other host instances in the SUT.  It must also synchronize to a separate NTP server(s).

If you wish to have cbnodes obtain time from NTP server(s) other than the cbharness machine, then edit the ~/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml configuration file.  However, if the cbnodes cannot reach these other NTP server(s) or synchronize time with them, then various testing phases of the benchmark may hang.  Set the timeserver parameter to a comma separated list of NTP servers:

timeserver: NTP_Server1_IP_Address,NTP_Server2_Hostname

Storage Space For Benchmark Machines

The benchmark has two workloads: KMeans (hadoop) and YCSB (cassandra). Each workload has two ‘roles’ that correspond to load/data generator (ycsb/hadoop name node) and the workload (cassandra/hadoop cluster).

The suggested storage requirements for these roles are defined below.

Workload Roles

Local free space

Usage Considerations


40 GB

Holds runtime log files for YCSB


40 GB

Holds Cassandra NoSQL database


40 GB

Holds runtime log files and KMeans driver


40 GB

Hold data and log files


40 GB

Holds collected experiment data from hosts running CBTOOL and benchmark drivers

Block Storage Support

Most clouds support some form of block storage support, and allow additional block-based volumes to be attached to running instances in their cloud. These volumes can take many forms, such as NASes, SAN-based LUNs, or network filesystems.

When the selected cloud manager adapter implements attaching these volumes, CBTOOL will use any free volumes larger than 1 GB — but not a root, swap or cloud-init volumes —  during benchmark runs.  It automatically formats a filesystem on the volume, and instructs both Cassandra and HDFS to store data on these new file systems.

The benchmark supports requesting block storage volumes automatically, but it is not configured by default. This must be specifically requested by the user before CBTOOL will create and use the volume. The effects of using such a volume will appear in the reported result to SPEC at submission time.

You must disclose that you configured the benchmark to use these additional disk block storage configurations in the osgcloud_environment.yaml file when you prepare a submission that uses these volumes. The Whitebox description should provide specific hardware details others can use to order the same storage solution.  The Blackbox description should provide sufficient details (such as storage product tier, or ‘default’) for others to reproduce the submission. It must be obvious during the review process that your instances are configured this way in the YAML.

2.2 Basic SPEC Cloud Benchmark Setup Steps

At this point, the basic cloud environment is ready for the benchmark software installation, and incorporation via configuration settings.

Each tester needs to build these workload images from scratch for their specific cloud and cloud management combination.  By the end of this section, a host instance will have all the software and configuration settings in place.  This can become the predefined system image used to instantiate all virtual machines in the cloud under test.

Select and Install Your Operating System

The SPEC Cloud IaaS benchmark assumes you have selected one *nix distribution that will run on all application and workload instances.  SPEC currently supports the following distribution versions based on test runs during the development cycle.

The actual steps to retrieve these installation images is beyond the scope of this user guide.  You should know how to obtain the appropriate images in your cloud environment from either base distributions or pre-built images from an internal archive.

Basic Operating System Settings

At this step, establish a network assignment map of your test hosts’ assigned networks, the NTP server(s) the cbharness host will use, and the standard system settings usually used for benchmark tests. Enter the basic host IP address assignments for the assigned roles.  Make sure DNS is configured correctly to work in conjunction with these host names.

Make any operating system tuning settings based on your organization’s standard practices.  Please document any kernel tuning changes in the submission files.


Linux command/output

Add your machine hostname (HOSTNAME) and IP address (IPADDR) to /etc/hosts file.

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

If the command “ifconfig -a” lists more than one non-loopback network interface, add these IP address (IPADDR2) and hostname (HOSTNAME-2).

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

Set up key-based ssh access to for CBTOOL by adding the UseDNS key, if it does not exist.

$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
UseDNS no

Verify DNS is configured correctly and resolves both external and internal domain names, using the above information for the internal name(s).

$ nslookup HOSTNAME

Non-authoritative answer:


Address: IPADDR

$ nslookup time.nist.gov

Non-authoritative answer:

Time.nist.gov canonical name = ntp1.glb.nist.gov.

Name:    ntp1.glb.nist.gov


Generate your own ssh keys to be used with CBTOOL and instances

$ ssh-keygen [press ENTER for all options]

$ ls $HOME/.ssh

Make storage assignments appropriate to your environment, and document these settings.  Use the above Storage Space and dynamic Block Storage sections as a guide on which host roles versus storage capacity assignments.

Set up the SSH Server host key, and configure it to allow remote SSH client access without prompting for passwords or phrases.

Create and Setup cbuser User account

Create the cbuser user account.  Then create the SSH client keys and install in the home directory.


Linux command/output

Create account

$ sudo adduser -m cbuser

$ sudo passwd cbuser

Change to cbuser user

$ sudo su - cbuser

Generate your own ssh keys to be used with CBTOOL and instances

$ ssh-keygen [press ENTER for all options]

$ ls $HOME/.ssh

Append the id_rsa.pub content to the authorized_keys file

$ cd ~/.ssh

$ cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

Allow user to bypass password when using sudo

$ sudo visudo
# Add the following line.

Set up SSH server configuration to allow the cbuser user to execute administrative commands without prompting.

Install Required System Packages

The SPEC Cloud benchmark kit depends on certain open source commands and libraries. Regardless if the operating system is dynamically loaded from a network boot server or instantiated from a running copy, please add certain open source packages.

The following assumes a minimal operating system has been installed on a representative instance - created as a virtual machine (VM).

Ubuntu Linux commands & output

SSH into the VM, and get the latest package list

$ ssh -i YOURKEY ubuntu@[YOURVMIPADDR]

Install unzip, git and other prerequisite packages.

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get -y remove --purge unattended-upgrades

$ sudo apt-get install -y git unzip libssl-dev python-pip sshpass ncftp lftp openvpn ganglia-monitor redis-server python-dev python-daemon pssh ntp python-pymongo-ext bc rrdtool python-dateutil python-rrdtool python-pillow python-jsonschema rrdtool

$ update-rc.d -f redis-server remove

$ update-rc.d -f mongodb remove

$ update-rc.d -f ganglia-monitor remove

$ if [ -e /etc/init/ganglia-monitor.conf ] ; then mv /etc/init/ganglia-monitor.conf /etc/ganglia-monitor.conf.bak ; fi

Make sure the NTP service is running and works correctly.

$ sudo service ntp status

A compliant run must use the versions of CBTOOL, Cassandra, and Hadoop packages/source code shipped with the kit.  

Obtain the SPEC Cloud Benchmark Kit

If you do not already have the benchmark kit, please use the order page form to obtain the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark kit.  Keep a copy of the distributed kit on the cbarchive host, if it is different from cbharness.

Install the SPEC Cloud Benchmark Kit

In the operating system setup sections you instantiated a virtual machine with the required supporting packages, kernel/system settings, and required user accounts. The virtual machine (VM) now needs the SPEC Cloud benchmark.


Linux command/output

Log onto cbharness as cbuser, or go to cbuser’s home directory, unpack the kit

$ cd ~cbuser/

$ unzip spec_cloud_iaas_2018*.zip

Verify your directory contains these subdirectories and files:

$ ls ~/

Copy SSH keys to be used and restrict access permissions

$ cd ~/.ssh

$ cp id_rsa id_rsa.pub ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool

$ chmod 400 cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa

$ chmod 400 cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa.pub

You may need to upgrade pip before running CBTOOL

$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
You are using pip version 7.1.0, however version 8.0.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Collecting pip
Downloading pip-8.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2MB)
Installing collected packages: pip
   Found existing installation: pip 7.1.0
   Uninstalling pip-7.1.0:
        Successfully uninstalled pip-7.1.0
        Successfully installed pip-8.0.2

A compliant run must use the versions of CBTOOL, Cassandra, and Hadoop packages/source code shipped with the kit.  

Install CBTOOL

Now, we are ready to install CBTOOL.  Since the installation script tries to verify and explore the cloud environment, the CBTOOL installer may need multiple runs to fully work through certain dependencies.

Initial Installation

Here are the command(s) needed for the initial CBTOOL install, and a partial output from its self verification steps. The full output can be found in this Appendix section.

$ cd ~/osgcloud/
$ ./cbtool/install -r orchestrator

Installing dependencies for Cloud Rapid Experimentation Analysis and Toolkit (cbtool) on this node.........
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//PUBLIC_dependencies.txt" opened and loaded....
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//IBM_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//SPEC_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
No package repository specified. Will ignore any repository URL that has the keyword REPO_ADDR...
No python pip repository specified.
#####This node will be prepared as an Orchestration Node. The full set of dependencies will be installed. #####
(0) Checking passwordless sudo for the user "ubuntu" by executing the command "sudo -S ls < /dev/null"...


There are 1 dependencies missing: None of the urls indicated to install "chef-client" (https://opscode-omnibus-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu/12.04/x86_64/chef_11.10.4-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb,) seem to be functional.
Please add the missing dependency(ies) and re-run install again.

In this initial Orchestrator setup session, some files are missing. That is expected.

Successful (Subsequent) CBTOOL Installation

Sometimes there are circular dependencies that eventually disappear.  Keep rerunning the install command until there are no issues. Here is partial output of a successful  installation (orchestrator) run:

ubuntu@cbtool-spec $ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool
ubuntu@cbtool-spec $ sudo ./install -r orchestrator

   sudo: unable to resolve host cbtool-spec
   Installing dependencies for Cloud Rapid Experimentation Analysis and Toolkit (cbtool) on this node.........
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//PUBLIC_dependencies.txt" opened and loaded....
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//IBM_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//SPEC_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
   No package repository specified. Will ignore any repository URL that has the keyword REPO_ADDR...
   No python pip repository specified.
#####This node will be prepared as an Orchestration Node. The full set of dependencies will be installed. #####
   (0) Checking passwordless sudo for the user "root" by executing the command "sudo -S ls < /dev/null"...

   (1) Checking "repo" version by executing the command "ls -la /tmp/repoupdated"...


   All dependencies are in place
   Checking for a "private" configuration file for user "root" in ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/root_cloud_definitions.txt)
   Copying ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/cloud_definitions.txt to ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/root_cloud_definitions.txt...
 Please re-run configure again

Tell CBTOOL About Your Cloud

Before CBTOOL can manage and manipulate the Cloud Under Test, it has to know both operating system and cloud manager specific settings.

Common Steps

If your Linux login username on the VM is ubuntu, then find the file, ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt.  If the file does not exist, rerun the CBTOOL installation.:

$ cd /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/configs
$ ls
cloud_definitions.txt  ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt  templates

The cloud name (STARTUP_CLOUD) configuration key must also be set in osgcloud_rules.yaml file. The distributed kit sets CBTOOL to use simulated clouds, which is useful for verifying that the basic CBTOOL installation works.  If the instructions were followed, the file should be in ~/osgcloud/driver and the cloud name value will appear in the output text.

Cloud Manager: OpenStack Parameters

First. SPEC has tested various OpenStack managed clouds during the development cycle.  However, the API changes frequently.  Please contact SPEC for specific version guidance.

The detailed CBTOOL configuration instructions can be found in Appendix D. Set the appropriate keys in these sections in the ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt file (assuming the user name is ubuntu).

http://PUBLICIP:5000/v2.0/        # Address of controlled node (where nova-api runs)
OSK_CREDENTIALS =  admin-admin-admin        # user-tenant-password
OSK_SECURITY_GROUPS = default        # Make sure that this group exists first
OSK_INITIAL_VMCS = RegionOne        # Change "RegionOne" accordingly
OSK_LOGIN = cbuser        # The username that logins on the VMs
OSK_KEY_NAME = spec_key        # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME = spec_key        # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_NETNAME = public

and replace the section under OSK_CLOUDCONFIG with the following:


CASSANDRA = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
YCSB = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
SEED = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
HADOOPMASTER = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_hadooop_275
HADOOPSLAVE = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_hadoop_275

SPEC recommends using the admin_user/tenant for initial testing. Once you are familiar with the harness, you can use a different user/tenant with appropriate permissions.

Now get ready to set up CBTOOL for a experiment.

Cloud Service: Amazon EC2

Connecting to EC2 requires AWS access key id, the name of current security group, and AWS secret access key. The AWS access and the AWS secret access key can be obtained from the security dashboard on AWS.

Make changes in ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt to configure it to talk to the Amazon EC2 cloud:

$ vi cloud_definitions.txt

and replace the section under CLOUDOPTION_MYAMAZON with the following.:


EC2_ACCESS = AKIAJ36T4WERTSWEUQIA        # This is the AWS access key id
EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS = mWeb        # Make sure that this group exists first
EC2_CREDENTIALS = GX/idfgw/GqjVeUl9PzWeIOIwpFhAyAOdq0v1C1R # This is the AWS secret access key
EC2_KEY_NAME = YOURSSHKEY         # Make sure that this key exists first
EC2_INITIAL_VMCS = us-west-2:sut         # Change "us-east-1" accordingly
EC2_SSH_KEY_NAME = cbtool_rsa         # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
EC2_LOGIN = ubuntu         # The username that logins on the VMs

Change STARTUP_CLOUD to MYAMAZON in ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt.

Now get ready to set up CBTOOL for a experiment.

Cloud Service: Google Compute Engine

Connecting to GCE requires you to configure authentication for the “gcloud” CLI on the CBTOOL Orchestrator node. The pieces of information required on this process are basically the ID (not project name or number) for two “projects” ( a GCE-specific term): one that contains the pre-created images for different workloads (which requires “view-only” access to the user) and one where the actual instances will be launched. Almost needless to say, they can be the same.

  1. Configuring gcloud CLI authentication
  2. All gcloud-related binaries are already present on the node, installed during the image preparation.
  3. Execute gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser. This command will output an URL that has to be accessed from a browser. It will produce an authentication string that has to be pasted back on the command’s prompt.
  4. Execute gcloud config set project YOUR-PROJECT-ID, where YOUR-PROJECT-ID is the ID of the project.
  5. Test the success of the configuration authentication by running a command such as gcloud compute machine-types list.

Make changes in ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt to configure it to talk to Google Compute Engine cloud:

$ vi cloud_definitions.txt

and replace the section under CLOUDOPTION_MYGCE with the following.:


GCE_ACCESS = project_name_for_images,project_name_for_instances  # Obtained with "gcloud info".
GCE_SECURITY_GROUPS = cloudbench                           # Currently, not used
GCE_INITIAL_VMCS = us-east1-b:sut                          # Change "us-east1-b" accordingly
GCE_LOGIN = cbuser

Change STARTUP_CLOUD to MYGCE in ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

Now get ready to set up CBTOOL for a experiment.

Cloud Service: Digital Ocean

Connecting to DigitalOcean requires only a Bearer (access) token. If you don’t have an SSH key ID chosen already, the benchmark will attempt to upload one into your account for you (based on the configuration below). Getting an Bearer token can be done by going to https://cloud.digitalocean.com and clicking on “API”.

Make changes in ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt to configure it to talk to the Digital Ocean cloud:

$ vi ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

and update the relevant section variables of the file to include these values:

DO_INITIAL_VMCS = nyc3        # VMC == DO data center
                                    #(we don't have availability zones yet)
DO_CREDENTIALS = tag:bearer_token        # (your DigitalOcean access token)
                                  # for
        # where the tag can be arbitratry
        # We support multi-tenancy, so you can add additional
        # accounts automatically separated by semicolons.
DO_SSH_KEY_NAME = cbtool_rsa        # Upload credentials/your_custom_private_key_rsa.pub
        # to DigitalOcean or tell us where your private
        # key is via cloud-init
DO_KEY_NAME = ubuntu_cbtool        # If you let cbtool upload your key for you, it will
        # take this name in your DigitalOcean account
        # (based on your username)
        # Otherwise, override this with the key to match the
        # one you have already uploaded to your account
DO_LOGIN = root        # Change this to the username used within the guest
        # VMs that will be used during the benchmark

ABORT_AFTER_SSH_UPLOAD_FAILURE = $False    # Again, by default, we will try to upload
        # your SSH key for you.
        # DigitalOcean does not support duplicate keys, in
        # case you already have one there.

Example DigitalOcean datacenters:

DigitalOcean Region Names

API Identifier

Bangalore 1

San Francisco 2

Amsterdam 3

Amsterdam 2

Frankfurt 1

London 1

New York 1

New York 3

San Francisco 1

Singapore 1

Toronto 1












# OPTIONAL: If you have not already prepared your own images, DigitalOcean,
# maintains public images that "just work" already. However, if you have prepared your
# images per our documentation, you would use them like this:
# These "imageids" are exactly the same names as the one in your DigitalOcean account:

TINYVM = size:512mb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account
CASSANDRA = size:4gb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account
YCSB = size:4gb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account
SEED = size:4gb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account
HADOOPMASTER = size:4gb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account
HADOOPSLAVE = size:4gb, imageids:1, imageid1:name_of_snapshot_in_your_digitalocean_account

# OPTIONAL: It's very likely that your laptop/server hosting cbtool is not directly
# addressible by DigitalOcean, in which case you'll need to use VPN support:
# With the below configuration, cbtool will automatically bootstrap DigitalOcean virtual
# machines to join the VPN using cloud-config userdata so that your benchmark VMs and your
# laptop/server networks are reachable to each other. Application-specific traffic will
# remain inside the DigitalOcean cloud, not over the VPN.
# Refer to this link for more detailed information: https://github.com/ibmcb/cbtool/wiki/HOWTO:-Use-VPN-support-with-your-benchmarks

SERVER_IP = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # Address of a public OpenVPN server configured using the files from cbtool/configs/generated after a first-time cbtool run
SERVER_BOOTSTRAP = # Just a guess. The tool will auto-correct this as your laptop's IP address changes.
NETWORK = # the /16 or /24 network address with respect to the SERVER_BOOTSTRAP

USE_VPN_IP = $True
VPN_ONLY = $True
# Block storage. Do you want your VMs to use block storage (externally
# attached volumes) during a test?
CLOUD_VV = 10 # attach 10GB volumes to all VMs

Multi-tenancy: Currently, DigitalOcean has an API request limit of 5000 requests / hour. If you plan to create more than a couple hundred virtual machines, you will hit this limit very quickly. Using multiple DigitalOcean accounts at the same time is the current solution to get around this limit. In multi-tenancy mode, SPEC Cloud 2018 Benchmark will automatically round-robin assign virtual machines to all the accounts in the configuration file to work around this API limit. List these additional accounts as a simple list of comma-separated values to the configuration file instead of one, like this:

DO_CREDENTIALS = tag:token1;tag2:token2;tag3:token3

where the tag can be arbitrary

SPEC also recommends setting the value of “update_attempts” to 180 in the ~/osgcloud/driver/osgcloud_rules.yaml file.

Finally, change STARTUP_CLOUD to MYDIGITALOCEAN in the ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt file.

Now get ready to set up CBTOOL for a experiment.

2.3 Setup/Test Base SPEC Cloud Benchmark

At this point, the environment specific settings are done. Now, CBTOOL sets up the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark’s base test environment.  Afterwards, a quick test verifies the installed files and simpler settings.

SPEC Cloud Installation

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool/
$ ./cb --soft_reset

Cbtool version is "7b33da7"
Parsing "cloud definitions" file..... "~/osgcloud/cbtool/lib/auxiliary//../..//configs/cloud_definitions.txt" opened and parsed successfully.
Checking "Object Store".....An Object Store of the kind "Redis" (shared) on node IPADDR, TCP port 6379, database id "0" seems to be running.
Checking "Log Store".....A Log Store of the kind "rsyslog" (private) on node IPADDR, UDP port 5114 seems to be running.
Checking "Metric Store".....A Metric Store of the kind "MongoDB" (shared) on node IPADDR, TCP port 27017, database id "metrics" seems to be running.
Executing "hard" reset: (killing all running toolkit processes and flushing stores) before starting the experiment......
Killing all processes... done
Flushing Object Store... done
Flushing Metric Store... done
Flushing Log Store... done
Checking for a running API service daemon.....API Service daemon was successfully started. The process id is 21498 (http://IPADDR:7070).
Checking for a running GUI service daemon.....GUI Service daemon was successfully started. The process id is 21522, listening on port 8080. Full url is "http://IPADDR:8080".
The "sim" cloud named "MYSIMCLOUD" was successfully attached to this experiment.
The experiment identifier is EXP-02-03-2018-07-08-02-PM-UTC

status: VMC [LONG_VM_ID_1] was successfully registered on SimCloud "MYSIMCLOUD".
status: VMC [LONG_VM_ID_2] was successfully registered on SimCloud "MYSIMCLOUD".
status: VMC [LONG_VM_ID_3] was successfully registered on SimCloud "MYSIMCLOUD".
status: VMC [LONG_VM_ID_4] was successfully registered on SimCloud "MYSIMCLOUD".
status: Attribute "collect_from_host" was set to "false". Skipping Host OS performance monitor daemon startup
All VMCs successfully attached to this experiment.

Verify Servers and Services

These packages and 3rd-party software were usually installed using copies included with the benchmark distribution kit.  However, a few are retrieved during the automated installation steps. These verify the correct versions are installed and works.


Linux command/output

Check MongoDB version installed. (Not shipped with the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark kit, but installed during CBTOOL installation.)

$ mongo --version
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9

Check redis version installed. CBTOOL and benchmark was tested this redis version. If later benchmark installs retrieves a newer redis version that causes problems, install this version from the distributed benchmark kit.

$ redis-server -v
Redis server v=2.8.4

Check (and restart?) redis server listing on external network interfaces (not

$ netstat -lpn | grep 6379
tcp  0  0*  LISTEN      11701/redis-server
$ sudo service redis-server restart

Verify Python Package Dependencies

Check that CBTOOL required pip packages were installed and resembles this list.

 (Assumes a direct Internet access is available, or the Python packages are on an internal Pypl repository.  This leads to the official PIP User Guide’s python package installation instructions.)

The pip packages installed on the benchmark harness machine and their version should resemble this list:

$ sudo pip list

apache-libcloud (0.17.0)
apt-xapian-index (0.45)
Babel (1.3)
backports.ssl-match-hostname (
Beaker (1.6.3)
boto (2.38.0)
chardet (2.0.1)
click (4.0)
cliff (1.12.0)
cmd2 (0.6.8)
colorama (0.2.5)
docutils (0.12)
HTML.py (0.4)
html5lib (0.999)
iso8601 (0.1.10)
libvirt-python (1.2.2)
lockfile (0.8)
msgpack-python (0.4.6)
netaddr (0.7.14)
netifaces (0.10.4)

oslo.config (1.11.0)
oslo.i18n (1.6.0)
oslo.serialization (1.5.0)
oslo.utils (1.5.0)
PAM (0.4.2)
pbr (0.11.0)
pip (7.1.2)
prettytable (0.7.2)
pssh (2.2.2)
pycrypto (2.6.1)
pymongo (2.7.2)
pyOpenSSL (0.13)
pyparsing (2.0.3)
pypureomapi (0.3)
pyserial (2.6)
python-apt (
python-daemon (1.5.5)
python-debian (0.1.21-nmu2ubuntu2)
python-keystoneclient (1.4.0)
python-neutronclient (2.5.0)

python-novaclient (2.25.0)
pytz (2015.4)
PyYAML (3.11)
redis (2.10.3)
requests (2.7.0)
ruamel.base (1.0.0)
ruamel.ordereddict (0.4.9)
ruamel.yaml (0.10.7)
setuptools (3.3)
simplejson (3.6.5)
six (1.9.0)
SoftLayer (4.0.2)
ssh-import-id (3.21)
stevedore (1.4.0)
Twisted-Core (13.2.0)
Twisted-Web (13.2.0)
urllib3 (1.7.1)
WebOb (1.3.1)
wheel (0.24.0)
zope.interface (4.0.5)

Test Base Benchmark on a Simulated Cloud

The full benchmark run has many moving parts not yet set up at this point in the install process - no bootable images, instances, or tested connectivity between benchmark harness and cloud.  However at this stage, it is possible to run a tiny test run of the minimal installation using the built-in simulation mode.  The simulation mode gives a flavor of the benchmark within a few minutes, avoiding the vagaries of an actual (working) cloud.  No real instances are created. Nor are the real workloads run. Instead, CBTOOL use probability distributions to create ‘fake’ instances and workload metrics.

We highly recommend performing this step, because it ensures the installation works and generates SPEC Cloud reports / submissions normally.

Running the Simulated Cloud

Each SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark run must specify an experiment name - here, RUN2. Each experiment’s settings and resulting data and logs will be located under the (configurable) results_dir path.

To get started, open two terminals into the cbharness machine.


Terminal 1

Terminal 2

Set results directory and do not create support data

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver
$ vi osgcloud_rules.yaml
results_dir: HOMEDIR/results

instance_support_evidence: false

Reset cbtool for new experiment

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool

$ ./cb --soft_reset

Start simulated experiment named RUN2

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver
$ ./all_run.sh --experiment

Go to RUN2’s result files

$ cd ~/results/RUN2/perf

$ ls

Overall data flow result files

$ cd ~/results/RUN2/perf_dir

More details on the simulated cloud can be found on CBTOOL external documentation

Data flow

The following picture shows how different files and directories are generated as part of the run.

2.4 Create Reference Images

The SPEC IaaS Benchmark performs best under consistent conditions. One method is to install and configure a reference operating system image that has the desired patches, software and configurations already defined and/or installed. These reference workload images simplify the deployment process during the actual benchmark run.

Creating and storing the actual reference image depends on the cloud management system.  The following sections do not provide specific cloud manager commands, only generic tasks that depends on you to map to the corresponding command(s).

Workload Images

SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark has two workloads: YCSB and K-Means.  The cleanest scenario is to run each workload in different images.

Set Up Common Ubuntu Workload Image

The CBTOOL github wiki has instructions on how to prepare a workload image for your cloud.


SPEC members have created QCOW2 images for the following hardware and Ubuntu distributions.


Distribution Version

Archive URL




The instructions below can be used to prepare a base QCOW2 image for Cassandra or KMeans workloads.

  1. Download an Ubuntu image.  SPEC has tested with the versions listed above.
  2. Upload the image in your cloud using instructions specific to your cloud.
  3. Start a new VM using this Ubuntu image using instructions specific to your cloud. Note the assigned virtual IP (yourVMIP) of this new VM.
  4. Log into your new VM:  
    $ ssh -i YOURKEY.PEM ubuntu@yourVMIP
  5. Install and set up the VM’s system files from the “Install Your Operating System” through to the “Install the SPEC Cloud Benchmark” steps.
  6. Test ssh connectivity to your VM from benchmark harness machine:
            $ cd ~/osgcloud/
            $ ssh -i cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa cbuser@YOURVMIP
  7. Install Java (example):
    $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y
            $ java -version
            java version "1.7.0_75"
            OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~trusty1)
            OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
  8. Setup password-based ssh for the VM:
    $ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
            PasswordAuthentication yes
  9. Upload the image in your cloud using instructions specific to your cloud.
  10. Install cloud-init as cbuser. But, skip this if your cloud does not support cloud-init:

$ sudo apt-get install cloud-init
Configure cloud-init
$ sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
- [ sh, -c, cp -rf /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys \ /home/cbuser/.ssh/authorized_keys ]
$sudo dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init

Install null workload.

This installs all CBTOOL dependencies for the workload image.

$ cd /home/cbuser/osgcloud/
$ cbtool/install -r workload --wks nullworkload

If there are any errors, rerun the command until it exits without any errors. A successful output should return the following:

“All dependencies are in place”

Snapshot Common Workload Image

Remove the hostname added in /etc/hosts and take a snapshot of this VM - previously named INSTWKBASE, above. The snapshot instructions vary per cloud.

The cloud manager should be able to instantiate a new VM using this snapshot image. When basic remote SSH access is verified, then go ahead and delete the base VM.

Use INSTWKBASE as the base when preparing specific workload images.

Setup Cassandra and YCSB Workload Image

Cassandra and YCSB are installed on the same image.  These instructions assume that you start with the INSTWKBASE image created earlier, and use the respective software packages included in the SPEC IaaS 2018 Benchmark kit.

Install Cassandra

Install from the kit’s Cassandra debian package using the following commands:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/workloads/cassandra/
$ sudo dpkg -i workloads/cassandra/cassandra_2.1.20_all.deb

Instructions to install from the official Cassandra repository are in Appendix E

Verify that Cassandra version 2.1.20 is installed:

$ sudo dpkg -l | grep cassandra

Install YCSB

Install from the benchmark kit’s YCSB tar file using the following commands :

$ tar -xzvf ~/workloads/ycsb/ycsb-0.4.0.tar.gz
$ mv ycsb-0.4.0 ~/YCSB

Prepare YCSB Workload Image

  1. Remove the IP address and hostname added to /etc/hosts.
  2. configure CBTOOL to incorporate this workload:
    $ cbtool/install -r workload –wks ycsb
    $ cbtool/install -r workload –wks cassandra_ycsb

Capture the VM using your cloud capture tools (snapshot etc).  This workload is ready for the benchmark tests.

Setup KMeans and Hadoop Workload Image

HiBench and Mahout are installed on the same iamge.  These instructions assume that you start with the INSTWKBASE image created earlier, and use the respective software packages included in the SPEC IaaS 2018 Benchmark kit.  The resulting image is ready to join the configured Hadoop file system when instantiated.



Install Hadoop

Set up the user account and group before installing the Hadoop package.


Linux command/output

Create hadoop group and add cbuser to it

$ sudo addgroup hadoop
$ sudo usermod -a -G hadoop cbuser

Test ssh access to localhost works without password. If not, add your public key to cbuser’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file:

$ ssh localhost /bin/true

$ echo $?

Either use the Hadoop 2.7.5 from the benchmark’s kit

$ cd ~cbuser
$ cp  workloads/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.5.tar.gz

Extract files and move Hadoop to /usr/local/hadoop directory

$ tar -xzvf hadoop-2.7.5.tar.gz
$ sudo mv hadoop-2.7.5 /usr/local/hadoop
$ sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop

$ ls -l /usr/local/hadoop
total 44
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop  4096 11/13/2014 bin
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop    19 11/13/2014 etc
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop   101 11/13/2014 include
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop    19 11/13/2014 lib
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop  4096 11/13/2014 libexec
-rw-r--r--. cbuser hadoop 15429 11/13/2014 LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r--. cbuser hadoop   101 11/13/2014 NOTICE.txt
-rw-r--r--. cbuser hadoop  1366 11/13/2014 README.txt
Drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop  4096 11/13/2014 sbin
drwxr-xr-x. cbuser hadoop    29 11/13/2014 share

Setup Hadoop Configuration

Make the changes to the following files

~/.bashrc environment variables


HADOOP variables

Find the path where Java has been installed to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable using the following command:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

For example, if OpenJava JDK 1.7.0 was installed, then:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

Add that path and the Hadoop installation to the end of ~/.bashrc:







Add JAVA_HOME in the hadoop-env.sh file so that variable  is available to Hadoop whenever it runs:


export JAVA_HOME


Hadoop startup configuration properties

This file contains configuration properties that Hadoop uses when starting. This file can override the default settings that Hadoop starts with by setting certain the property blocks:

$ sudo mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp
$ sudo chown cbuser:hadoop /app/hadoop/tmp
$ vi /usr/local/hadoop/hadoop/core-site.xml

Enter the following in between the <configuration> </configuration> tags:

 <description>A base for other temporary directories.</description>

 <description>The name of the default file system. A URI
 whose scheme and authority determine the FileSystem
 implementation.  The uri's scheme determines the config
 property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming the FileSystem
 implementation class.  The uri's authority is used to
 determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.


Set MapReduce framework

This file specifies the framework used for MapReduce.

By default, the /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ folder contains the mapred-site.xml.template file which has to be copied to the name mapred-site.xml:

$ cd /usr/local/hadoop/etc
$ cp hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template hadoop/mapred-site.xml

Enter the following content in between the <configuration> </configuration> tags:

 <description>The host and port that the MapReduce job
 tracker runs at.  If "local", then jobs are run
 in-process as a single map and reduce task.


Set namenode and datanode directories

Each host in the Hadoop cluster must specify the namenode and datanode directories it will use in this file.

First create two directories which will contain the namenode and the datanode for this Hadoop installation.

$ cd /usr/local/hadoop_store
$ sudo mkdir -p hdfs/namenode hdfs/datanode
$ sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop_store

Next, open the file and enter the following content in between the <configuration> </configuration> tag:

 <description>Default block replication.
 The actual number of replications can be specified
 when the file is created. The default is used if
 replication is not specified in create time.

Create New Hadoop File System

The last Hadoop setup step creates the HDFS volume structure. :


Linux command/output

Source the ~/.bashrc file. Make sure sure that this host’s IP address and hostname are in /etc/hosts

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts


Create HDFS

$ hdfs namenode -format
STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode

TIMESTAMP INFO namenode.NameNode: registered UNIX signal handlers …
TIMESTAMP INFO namenode.NameNode: createNameNode [-format]
TIMESTAMP WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: … using builtin-java classes …
Formatting using clusterid: …

TIMESTAMP INFO namenode.NNConf: Maximum size of an xattr: 16384
TIMESTAMP INFO namenode.FSImage: Allocated new BlockPoolId: …
TIMESTAMP INFO common.Storage: Storage directory
/usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode has been successfully formatted.
TIMESTAMP INFO namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Going to retain 1 images with txid >= 0
TIMESTAMP INFO util.ExitUtil: Exiting with status 0
SHUTDOWN_MSG: Shutting down NameNode at …

Install HiBench Mahout Software

The HiBench software is the last piece of this workload.  Install it by moving its code from the $HOME directory.

$ mv ~/osgcloud/workloads/hibench ~/HiBench

Prepare HiBench Workload Image

  1. Remove the IP address and hostname added to /etc/hosts.
  2. Instantiate Hadoop for CBTOOL:
    $ cbtool/install -r workload –wks hadoop

Take a snapshot of this VM. The image is ready to be used with the benchmark. It contains CBTOOL dependencies, Hadoop 2.6.0, HiBench 2.0, and Mahout 0.7.

Upload and Test Workload Images in Your Cloud

The actual commands to store the benchmark’s workload images is specific to each cloud manager.

Next, make sure these workload images work as bootable virtual machines:

A successful login confirms the operating system and SSH credentials are set up correctly.

Launch VM and Launch AI

The next step is verifying CBTOOL can launch these virtual machines and start the appropriate workload services - combined, known as the Application Instance (AI).

Configure CBTOOL with OpenStack Uploaded Images

These workload image information needs to be added to your user name’s cloud definition file.  For this section, the user name is ubuntu, the file name is ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt, and the cloud manager is OpenStack.

First, edit your user name’s the cloud definitions file:

$ vi ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

OSK_ACCESS = http://PUBLICIP:5000/v2.0/        # Address of controlled node (where nova-api runs)
OSK_CREDENTIALS =  admin-admin-admin        # user-password-tenant
OSK_SECURITY_GROUPS = default        # Make sure that this group exists first
OSK_INITIAL_VMCS = RegionOne        # Change "RegionOne" accordingly
OSK_LOGIN = cbuser        # The username that logins on the VMs
OSK_KEY_NAME = spec_key        # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME = spec_key        # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_NETNAME = public


Next, add the [VM_TEMPLATES : OSK_CLOUDCONFIG] below this line

[VM_TEMPLATES : OSK_CLOUDCONFIG]        # setting various CBTOOL roles and images
# the images have to exist in OpenStack glance.
# choose required images and comment other images.

# ubuntu images

CASSANDRA = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cassandra_ubuntu
YCSB = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra
SEED = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra
HADOOPMASTER = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans
HADOOPSLAVE = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans

Launch a VM and Test It

In your CBTOOL CLI, type the following:

cb> cldalter vm_defaults run_generic_scripts=False
vmattach cassandra

This creates a VM from Cassandra image uploaded earlier. Once the VM is created, test ping connectivity to the VM. CBTOOL will not run any generic scripts into this image. Here is a sample output:

(MYOPENSTACK) vmattach cassandra
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cassandra_ubuntu_final" (<Image: cassandra_ubuntu_final>) and size "m1.medium" (<Flavor: m1.medium>), network identifier "[{'net-id': XXXX}]", on VMC "RegionOne"
status: Waiting for vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid XXXX) to start...
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid XXXX), on IP address NNNN...
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_3 (cbuser@NNNN)...
status: Boostrapping vm_3 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on NNNN)...
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_3 (NNNN)...
status: Bypassing generic VM post_boot configuration on vm_3 (NNNN)...
VM object YYY (named "vm_3") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address NNNN (cb-ubuntu-MYOPENSTACK-vm3-cassandra).

Configure /etc/ntp.conf with the NTP server in your environment and then run:

$ sudo ntpd -gq

$ echo $?

If the echo command returns zero (0), then instance reached the intended NTP server. If NTP is not installed in your image, then recreate the image with the NTP package installed.

Next, have CBTOOL reset the SUT to the test startup condition and then create a VM.

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool

$ ./cb --soft_reset -c configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

cb> vmattach cassandra

If VM creation succeeds, CBTOOL is able to copy scripts into the VM.

Adjust the number of attempts CBTOOL makes to test if VM is running - useful during testing if the SUT requires long provisioning time. However during a Compliant run, the benchmark sets this value to the maximum of average AI provisioning time measured during the Baseline phase:

cb> cldalter vm_defaults update_attempts 100

Repeat this process for all role names:

cb> vmattach ycsb

cb> vmattach hadoopmaster

cb> vmattach hadoopslave

Launch Workload: YCSB/Cassandra AI

At this point, the SUT is ready to launch a working application instance of the YCSB workload.  Launch CBTOOL and then launch the first Cassandra AI.

$ ./cb --soft_reset  -c configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

cb> aiattach cassandra_ycsb

This creates a three instance Cassandra cluster, with one instance as YCSB, and two instances as Cassandra seeds. Note that the AI size for YCSB/Cassandra for SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark is seven (7) instances. This step simply verifies that a YCSB/Cassandra cluster is successfully created.

You will see an output similar to:

(MYOPENSTACK) aiattach cassandra_ycsb
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "XYZ_image" …
status: Waiting for vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid XYZ) to start...
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_1 …
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_2 ([email protected])...
status: Bootstrapping vm_2 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt…
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_2 (
status: Performing generic application instance post_boot configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: Running application-specific "setup" configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: QEMU Scraper will NOT be automatically started during the deployment of ai_1...
AI object 3C4CEBCB-A884-58BE-9436-586184D1422B (named "ai_1") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address …

If the AI fails to create because the load manager will not run, please restart CBTOOL, and type the following:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool
$ ./cb --soft_reset
cb> cldalter ai_defaults dont_start_load_manager True
aiattach cassandra_ycsb

Then, manually try to execute the scripts that are causing problems.

Verify that results are appearing in CBTOOL dashboard. Here is a screenshot.

Launch Workload: KMeans/Hadoop AI

At this point, the SUT is ready to launch the first working K-Means application instance. These instructions assume that KMeans/Hadoop image was created using the above instructions and the CBTOOL session is still active from the above session.

This CLI block manually switches the environment to the KMeans/Hadoop values.

cb> typealter hadoop hadoop_home /usr/local/hadoop
typealter hadoop java_home /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
typealter hadoop dfs_name_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
typealter hadoop dfs_data_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode
aiattach hadoop

After the image is launched, you will see an output similar to the following at the CBTOOL prompt:

(MYOPENSTACK) aiattach hadoop
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_hadoop_275" … (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
 status: Waiting for vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid XXX) to start...
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_2...
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_2 (cbuser@MMMM)...
status: Bootstrapping vm_2 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser"...
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_2 (MMMM)...
all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: Running application-specific "setup" configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: QEMU Scraper will NOT be automatically started during the deployment of ai_1...
AI object FE78E43B-6F66-5019-828D-C6EAED08C238 (named "ai_1") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address

Verify that results appear in CBTOOL dashboard. Here is a screenshot.

3.0 Run SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark

At this point, all the components are in place and tested and you are ready to run the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark. This can be undertaken in a series of steps, the benchmark has two major phases: baseline and scale-out.  Each phase can be run separately for experimental and tuning purposes. However, a fully compliant benchmark run requires all phases be completed in a single invocation of the all_run.sh script.  This type of test includes running baseline and scale-out using a compliant osgcloud_rules.yaml  and is followed by FDR generation, data collection, and deprovisioning of AIs.

The following sections describe how to set up the environment for both trial/tuning runs and the final compliant benchmark run.

3.1 Benchmark Configuration Parameters

The benchmark’s runtime parameters are located in the configuration file


Common Parameters

Keys / Purpose


Directory where experiment results are stored. The baseline and Scale-out drivers parse the value of HOMEDIR to the Linux user’s home directory. Each set of related results, logs, and related files is stored in a subdirectory set to the experiment’s identifier (RUNID) plus timestamp.



Changes NTP Time Server from default to the list of comma separated IP addresses or DNS host names (no space in the list)



The time to provision an instance can vary across your cloud. These two parameters determine how long CBTOOL should wait before declaring a VM creation as “failed”. A VM is successfully provisioned if it responds to a SSH remote command.



# Control how long to verify VM creation

60 # Max attempts to determine provisioned VM
5 # Sec’s between SSH attempts to VM

Define the list of workload logical names, and the login user name and (sub)directory where benchmark tools are installed.






# Section defining Images and login info

login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool
login=cbuser, remote_dir_name=cbtool

Supporting Evidence Parameters

Keys / Purpose


The default parameters assume that the user name in your workload images is cbuser, support evidence directory is in HOMEDIR/results/EXPID/instance_evidence_dir , and osgcloud is in HOMEDIR/osgcloud











These keys determine whether or not CBTOOL collects VM supporting evidence - required for a compliant run. CBTOOL collects that category’s supporting evidence when set to true. Set these to false while you test various benchmark phases. Host_support_evidence is not required for public cloud providers




SUT Tuning Parameters

Keys / Purpose


Set the maximum AIs to be provisioned or number of AIs from which results is received to specific values.




During the initial Scale-out fine tuning phase, ignore the stopping conditions



3.2 Test and Tune the SUT & SPEC Cloud

All the SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 benchmark steps use the script


Usage: ./all_run.sh -e|--experiment OSG_EXPID
[-r|--rules OSG_RULES.yaml]
[-c|--cbtool cbtool executable path]
[-s|--step all | check | kmeans_baseline | ycsb_baseline | all_baseline   | scale_out | scale_out_NC | fdr | eg ][-b|--baseline_yaml baseline yaml path]
[ -y|--yes ]

All the It should be noted that the all_run.sh script experiment ID shown as OSG_EXPID above or SPECRUNID elsewhere in this guide is used as the directory name for the experiment's data in ~/results.  The all_run.sh script will not overwrite an existing directory by the same name.   Using a naming convention that enforces uniqueness can be useful to avoid conflict or deleting directories manually.  The example below adds the date and time to a base experiment ID:

           ./all_run.sh -e MyExpID`date +%m%d%H%M` -s all

First Baseline Phase Test With Your Cloud

This section assumes that CBTOOL is already started and has successfully connected with your cloud.

Set Up Workload Baseline Parameters

In Baseline phase, the benchmark harness machine creates five application instances (**AI) for the two workloads, KMeans and YCSB. Each iteration sees new instances provisioned, data generated, the load generator run, data deleted, and lastly, the instances deleted. This is controlled by the following parameters, with values set for a compliant run:

iteration_count:  5
ycsb_run_count:   5
kmeans_run_count: 5
destroy_ai_upon_completion: true

Both ycsb_run_count and kmeans_run_count must be at least 5 for a compliant run. They can be larger to generate a stable and valid Baseline data set.

A total of 35 and 30 instances are created and destroyed for each YCSB and KMeans workload, respectively.

A “run” consists of data creation, load generator instantiation, and data deletion, which is controlled by run_count parameter. If a tester knows that in their cloud, baseline results will be worse than Scale-out phase results (due to performance isolation etc), they must set the run_count to 5 or higher before starting a compliant run.

For the compliant run, iteration_count must be at least 5, and destroy_ai_upon_completion must be true.

Cloud Name

Please make sure that the cloud name in osgcloud_rules.yaml matches the cloud name in the CBTOOL configuration.:

cloud_name: MYCLOUDNAME

CBTOOL configuration file is present in


YCSB Baseline Measurement

Start YCSB Baseline Phase

The YCSB baseline script is run as follows:

$ ./all_run.sh -e SPECRUNID -s ycsb_baseline

where SPECRUNID indicates the run id that will be used for the YCSB baseline phase.

The script logs the run to a file and the DEBUG level output is sent to the console. The results for this experiment are present in:

$ cd ~/results/SPECRUNID/perf/

If 5 iterations were run (required for a compliant run), the tester should find 5 directories starting with SPECRUNIDYCSB in the ~/results/SPECRUNID/perf directory.

The following files will be present in the directory. The date/time in file and directory names will match the run’s date/time:


K-Means Baseline Measurement


The following parameters in osgcloud_rules.yaml describes how Hadoop is set up in the instance image. The default parameters values are shown below:

java_home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
hadoop_home: /usr/local/hadoop
dfs_name_dir: /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
dfs_data_dir: /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode

Change these to match your file locations and java version.

Starting KMeans Baseline Phase

The KMeans baseline script is run as follows:

$ ./all_run.sh -e SPECRUNID -s kmeans_baseline 

where SPECRUNID indicates the run id that will be used across the KMeans baseline phase.

The script logs the run to a file and the DEBUG level output is sent to the console. The results for this experiment are present in:

$ cd ~/results/SPECRUNID/perf/

If five (5) iterations are run (required for a compliant run), the tester should find five (5) directories starting with SPECRUNIDKMEANS in the ~/results/SPECRUNID/perf directory.

Following files will be present in the directory. The date/time in file and directory names will match the date/time of your run:


Configuring Supporting Evidence Collection

Make sure that supporting evidence parameters are set correctly in the osgcloud_rules.yaml file.:


   instance_user: cbuser
   instance_keypath: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa
   support_script: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/collect_support_data.sh
   cloud_config_script_dir: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/driver/support_script/cloud_config/

   # START instance support evidence flag is true
   # for public and private clouds. host flag
   # is true only for private clouds or for
   # those clouds where host information is
   # available.
   instance_support_evidence: true
   host_support_evidence: false
   # END

instance_user parameter indicates the Linux user that is used to SSH into the instance. It is also set in the cloud configuration text file for CBTOOL.

instance_key_path indicates the SSH key that is used to SSH into the instance. Please make sure that the permissions of this file are set to 400 (chmod 400 KEYFILE)

support_script indicates the path of the script that is used to gather supporting evidence.

cloud_config_script_dir indicates the path where scripts relevant to gathering cloud configuration are present. These scripts differ from one cloud to the other.

instance_support_evidence indicates that whether to collect supporting evidence from instances. This flag is ignored for simulated clouds. For the baseline testing phase, set this flag to false.

Environment Parameters for Submission File

The tester must set appropriate values in osgcloud_environment.yaml file. The key/value pairs from this file are dumped into the submission file.  These settings depend on the cloud type (whitebox or blackbox), the cloud manager, and accurate descriptions of all “machine” components in the cloud tested.

3.3 First Scale-out Test

Run Scale-out Phase

The first Scale-out test is run as follows. It assumes that CBTOOL is already running and is connected with your cloud.  It is recommended that you set  reported_ais:8 in osgcloud_rules.yaml for the initial test to start out and increase this once you see how your SUT behaves.

$ ./all_run.sh -e SPECRUNID_FIRST  -s all

This is actually a full run,  but once this is done you should have one complete set of baseline results and scale-out results.   You'll be able to run additional scale-out experiments using the baseline results from this test.
The command for running just scale-out experiments is:

     $ ./all_run.sh -e SPECRUNID_NEW  -s scale_out_NC -b \
/perf/baseline_SPECRUNID_FIRST.yaml \ --yes

The results and logs of Scale-out phase are present in the following directory, and these files are generated after a successful Scale-out phase completes, along with the FDR_SPECRUNID.html in the driver directory.:

$ ls ~/results/SPECRUNID/perf

Where the timestamp in file and directory names is based on the date/time of the Scale-out phase start time.

Tips on Running the Scale-out Phase

$ cd /var/log/cloudbench
$ grep ERROR *


Create, Remove, List keyspace fail, or seeds fail to form a cluster.


Data generation fails


Hadoop slaves fail to form a cluster


Data generation fails

cb> ailist failed

3.4 Generate a Submission File

At the tester's earliest convenience they should document the details of their cloud's configuration by copying osgcloud_environment_template.yaml to osgcloud_environment.yaml.  The tester should fill out the details of its cloud environment (e.g., physical machines for a Whitebox cloud, compute service models for a Blackbox cloud) in osgcloud_environment.yaml.   This ensures that each test run contains the configuration details on the SUT for future reference.

When the all_run.sh script completes a run using -s|--step all, scale_out_NC, or fdr, a  submission  file and the test's FDR html file are automatically generated.  Should the tester need to make updates to the osgcloud_environment.yaml file and the instructions below show how to regenerate these files.

Create the Submission Files

Run the submission file generation step (assumes SPECRUN id was SPECRUNID):

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver
$ ./all_run.sh
--experiment SPECRUNID --step fdr 

which updates the following files:

$ ls ~/results/EXPID/perf/


$ ls ~/osgcloud/driver/*SPECARUNID*


Generating HTML Report

Assuming the submission file set from the previous step, generate the HTML report with:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver
$ ./all_run.sh
--experiment SPECRUNID --step fdr

For Whitebox clouds, to include an architecture diagram of the cloud in PNG format in the HTML report as follows:

$ python osgcloud_fdr_html.py --exp_id SPECRUNID --networkfile cloud_schematic.png

The resulting HTML output file is named:


Test Instance Supporting Evidence Collection

The following steps verifies that instance supporting evidence collection works properly. They assume that workload images have been created, the Linux user name is cbuser and SSH key path is ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa.

Start CBTOOL and verify connections to Cloud Components

Launch an application instance of Cassandra or Hadoop:

cb> aiattach cassandra_ycsb
cb> aiattach hadoop

Test instance supporting evidence collection

Run the supporting evidence instance script on CBTOOL machine to collect supporting evidence for an instance.

Create a directory where the results are stored and run the supporting evidence collection script:

$ mkdir /tmp/instance -p
$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver/support_script/
$ ./collect_support_data.sh remote_vm_sysinfo cbuser \ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa /tmp/instance/


OUTPUT from machine running as an Application Instance:

$ tree /tmp/instance

|-- date.txt      |-- etc                   |-- proc
|-- df.txt            |-- fstab                 |-- cmdline  
|-- dpkg.txt          |-- hosts                 |-- cpuinfo
|-- hostname.txt      |-- iproute2              |-- devices      
|-- ifconfig.txt      |   |-- ematch_map        |-- meminfo              
|-- lspci.txt         |   |-- group             |-- modules        
|-- mount.txt         |   |-- rt_dsfield        |-- partitions              
|-- netstat.txt       |   |-- rt_protos         |-- swaps            
|-- ntp.conf          |   |-- rt_realms         `-- version            
|-- route.txt         |   |-- rt_scopes                  
`-- var               |   `-- rt_tables                  
   `-- log           |-- nsswitch.conf                  
       `-- dmesg     |-- security                  
                     |   `-- limits.conf                  
                     `-- sysctl.conf                  

Test YCSB and Cassandra supporting evidence collection

Find the IP address of instance with YCSB role from CBTOOL (by typing vmlist on CBTOOL CLI). Then run the following commands:

$ mkdir /tmp/ycsb -p
$ ./collect_support_data.sh remote_vm_software cbuser \ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa /tmp/cassandra cassandra_ycsb

OUTPUT from machine with YCSB role:

$ tree /tmp/ycsb
|-- javaVersion.out
|-- role
`-- YCSB
   |-- custom_workload.dat
   `-- workloads
       |-- workloada
       |-- workloadb
       |-- workloadc
       |-- workloadd
       |-- workloade
       |-- workloadf
   `-- workload_template

Find the IP address of an instance with SEED role from CBTOOL (by typing vmlist on CBTOOL CLI). Then run these commands:

$ mkdir /tmp/seed -p
$ ./collect_support_data.sh remote_vm_software cbuser \ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa /tmp/seed cassandra_ycsb

OUTPUT from machine with Cassandra SEED role:

$ tree /tmp/cassandra

|-- cassandra                       |-- cassandra_conf
|   |-- du_datadir                      |-- cassandra-env.sh
|   |-- du_datadir_cassandra            |-- cassandra-rackdc.properties
|   |-- du_datadir_cassandra_usertable  |-- cassandra-topology.properties
|   |-- nodetool_cfstats                |-- cassandra-topology.yaml
|   `-- nodetool_status                 |-- cassandra.yaml
|-- javaVersion.out                     |-- commitlog_archiving.properties
`-- role                                |-- logback-tools.xml
                                       |-- logback.xml
                                       `-- triggers
                                           `-- README.txt

Test Hadoop Supporting Evidence Collection

Find the IP address of instance with HADOOPMASTER role from CBTOOL (by typing vmlist on CBTOOL CLI). Then run the following commands:

$ mkdir /tmp/hadoop -p
$ ./collect_support_data.sh remote_vm_software cbuser \ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa /tmp/hadoop hadoop

OUTPUT from machine with HADOOPMASTER role:

$ tree /tmp/hadoop/

|-- hadoop                 |-- hadoop_conf
|   |-- datahdfs               |-- capacity-scheduler.xml
|   |-- dfsadmin_report        |-- configuration.xsl
|   |-- du_datanodedir         |-- container-executor.cfg
|   |-- du_namenodedir         |-- core-site.xml
|   |-- input_hdfs_size        |-- hadoop-env.cmd
|   |-- output_hdfs_size       |-- hadoop-env.sh
|   `-- version                |-- hadoop-metrics2.properties
|-- javaVersion.out            |-- hadoop-metrics.properties
`-- role                       |-- hadoop-policy.xml
                              |-- hdfs-site.xml
                              |-- httpfs-env.sh
                              |-- httpfs-log4j.properties
                              |-- httpfs-signature.secret
                              |-- httpfs-site.xml
                              |-- kms-acls.xml
                              |-- kms-env.sh
                              |-- kms-log4j.properties
                              |-- kms-site.xml
                              |-- log4j.properties
                              |-- mapred-env.cmd
                              |-- mapred-env.sh
                              |-- mapred-queues.xml.template
                              |-- mapred-site.xml
                              |-- mapred-site.xml.template
                              |-- masters
                              |-- slaves
                              |-- ssl-client.xml.example
                              |-- ssl-server.xml.example
                              |-- yarn-env.cmd
                              |-- yarn-env.sh
                              ‘-- yarn-site.xml

4.0 Compliant Run For Result Submission

What is a Compliant Run?

A Compliant Run is a test run where the all the components of the Cloud SUT and Benchmark harness satisfies all SPECIaaS2018 Run and Reporting Rules. All hardware and software configuration details needed to reproduce the test should be collected using cloud and instance configuration gathering scripts referenced below. Sample scripts have been included with the kit to use as examples. The tester is responsible for writing or revising these scripts to ensure that data for their test environment is collected and a copy of their configuration gathering scripts are included in the submission. Configuration data that can not be collected by scripts but are required for the full disclosure report can be collected manually and included in the submission package.

4.1 Set Up Parameters

Please make sure that the following parameters are correctly set in the osgcloud_rules.yaml file.

Set the results directory. The recommendation is to keep the default results directory and use and appropriate SPECRUN id for a compliant run. In case the result directory needs to be set, change the following parameter:

results_dir: HOMEDIR/results

Instance support evidence flag must be set to true:

instance_support_evidence: true

Linux user id for instances and SSH keys that are used must be correctly set:

instance_user: cbuser
instance_keypath: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/spec_ssh_keys/spec_ssh

Cloud config supporting evidence flag must be set to true:

cloud_config_support_evidence: true

Ensure that appropriate cloud configuration scripts that invoke cloud APIs have been written and tested. The OpenStack scripts are provided in the following directory. The details of these scripts are present in Cloud Config Scripts from a Cloud Consumer Perspective:


Iteration count for baseline phase must be set to five:

iteration_count: 5

Timeserver field, if uncommented, must be the same as NTP servers used for benchmark harness machine. Please ensure that the NTP server is running on the machine specified in the parameter, NTP server is reachable from both the benchmark harness and test instance machines. All benchmark harness and test instance machines can resolve the hostname of NTP server (if specified):

#timeserver: 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org

QoS must not be ignored for a compliant run:

ignore_qos_when_max_is_set: false

Set limits on how many AIs, with maximum_ais (maximum ais that can be provisioned with success or error) and reported_ais (maximum AIs that can report results from one or more AI runs) should be set to a reasonable value for your cloud. Typically, reported_ais is set to a value that is smaller than maximum_ais. A good rule of thumb is to set it to half of maximum_ais:

maximum_ais: 24
reported_ais: 12

CBTOOL use the update_attempts and update_frequency values to determine when a provisioning attempt has failed. Set them to smaller values to force provisioning failures for testing.  Your tests should find reasonable values for your cloud:

update_attempts: 60
update_frequency: 5

During a Compliant run, the benchmark computes the value for update_attempts based on the maximum of the average YCSB and KMeans AI provisioning times during Baseline phase.

Pre-run Checklist

Please make sure that you have done the following:

4.2 Execute a Compliant Test

Begin at Quiescent State

Please have CBTOOL reset the SUT to a quiescent state before running the benchmark:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool
$ ./cb --soft_reset

Start Benchmark

Next in another terminal, run the entire benchmark as follows:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver
$ ./all_run.sh -e SPECRUNID

The all_run.sh script creates the directory named SPECRUNID, and then starts the run.  If CBTOOL encounters an unexpected error during the Baseline or Scale-out phases, it terminates the benchmark The tester has to rerun the entire benchmark for a compliant run.

Once CBTOOL detects one of the pre-defined stopping conditions, it ends the benchmark run.  The all_run.sh script automatically collects the supporting evidence from all baseline phase instances created and terminated after each run. During the Scale-out phase, the all-run.sh script only collects Supporting evidence once from created AI’s. The large number of AI’s during a Scale-out run (e.g., > 100) makes retrieving and storing the complete data set inadvisable.

4.3 Check Completed Compliant Run

As soon as the all_run.sh script ends, please verify the following:

It takes 1-2 minutes to gather supporting evidence from all instances within an application instance. Depending on how many application instances were present, the supporting evidence gathering may take more or less time.

Describe Submission’s Cloud Under Test Environment

The tester can update the osgcloud_environment.yaml at the end of a compliant run to add more information or make corrections.  Please take the following under consideration when updating this file:

Afterwards, regenerate a new submission file:

$ ./all_run.sh -s fdr --exp_id SPECRUNID

Make sure the Cloud Under Test environment information is accurate in the revised submission file by generating the HTML report:

$ ./all_run.sh -s fdr --exp_id SPECRUNID --networkfile arch.png

where arch.png contains the instance configuration diagram (for Whitebox and Blackbox clouds) as well as the whitebox architecture diagram. See sample FDR for reference.

Automatically Collected Results by Scripts

If the results directory is not changed in osgcloud_rules.yaml, the entire benchmark results will have a directory structure located in:

$ ls ~/results/SPECRUNID/


|-- cloud_config                   |-- code
|   |-- blackbox                   |   |-- cloud_config_scripts
|   |-- image_instructions         |   |-- harness_scripts
|   |-- instance_arch_diag         |   `-- white_box_sup_evid_scripts
|   `-- whitebox                   |-- harness        
|       |-- arch_diagram           |   |-- config_files
|       |-- cloud_mgmt_software    |   |-- machine_info  
|       |-- compute_nodes          |   `-- software
|       `-- controller_nodes       `-- instance_evidence_dir      
`-- perf                               |-- baseline
                                      |-- baseline_pre
                                      |-- elasticity
                                      |-- elasticity_post
                                      |-- kmeans_baseline_post
                                      `-- ycsb_baseline_post

The following files will exist in the perf directory after a successful run:


The baseline supporting evidence will be collected in the following directory with a subdirectory structure reflecting each AI:

$ ls ~/results/SPECRUNID/instance_perf_dir/baseline

|   `-- ai_1
|       |-- cb-root-CLOUDUNDERTEST-vm1-hadoopmaster-ai-1
|       |   |-- INSTANCE
|       |   `-- SW
|       |-- cb-root-CLOUDUNDERTEST-vm2-hadoopslave-ai-1
|       |   |-- INSTANCE
|       |   `-- SW
|       |--
[Repeat for KMEANS SLAVES 2 to 5]
|       ` …
[Repeat for KMEANS BASELINE AI’s 2 to 5]
| …
|   `-- ai_6
|       |-- cb-root-CLOUDUNDERTEST-vm31-ycsb-ai-6
|       |   |-- INSTANCE
|       |   `-- SW
|       |-- cb-root-CLOUDUNDERTEST-vm32-seed-ai-6
|       |   |-- INSTANCE
|       |   `-- SW
|       |--
[Repeat for YCSB SEED Nodes 2 to 6]
|       ` …
[Repeat for YCSB BASELINE AI’s 2-5
| …

The INSTANCE directory contains files similar to:

|-- date.txt           |-- ifconfig.txt       |-- lspci.txt
|-- df.txt             |-- netstat.txt        |-- mount.txt
|-- dpkg.txt           |-- ntp.conf           |-- route.txt
|-- etc                |-- proc               `-- var
|-- hostname.txt                    

For a Hadoop AI, the SW directory contains files similar to:

|-- hadoop            |-- hadoop_conf
|   |-- datahdfs         |------------------------------+
|   |-- dfsadmin_report  |-- capacity-scheduler.xml     |-- mapred-env.cmd
|   |-- du_datanodedir   |-- configuration.xsl          |-- mapred-env.sh  
|   |-- du_namenodedir   |-- container-executor.cfg     |-- mapred-site.xml
|   |-- input_hdfs_size  |-- core-site.xml              |-- masters
|   |-- output_hdfs_size |-- hadoop-env.cmd             |-- slaves
|   `-- version          |-- hadoop-env.sh              |-- yarn-env.cmd
|-- javaVersion.out      |-- hadoop-metrics2.properties |-- yarn-env.sh
`-- role                 |-- hadoop-metrics.properties  ‘-- yarn-site.xml
                        |-- hadoop-policy.xml          
                        |-- hdfs-site.xml              
                        |-- httpfs-env.sh
                        |-- httpfs-log4j.properties
                        |-- httpfs-signature.secret
                        |-- httpfs-site.xml
                        |-- kms-acls.xml
                        |-- kms-env.sh
                        |-- kms-log4j.properties
                        |-- kms-site.xml
                        |-- log4j.properties
                        |-- mapred-queues.xml.template
                        |-- mapred-site.xml.template
                        |-- ssl-client.xml.example
                        |-- ssl-server.xml.example

For a Cassandra seed node, the SW directory contains files similar to:

|-- cassandra                       |-- cassandra_conf
|   |-- du_datadir                      |-- cassandra-env.sh
|   |-- du_datadir_cassandra            |-- cassandra-rackdc.properties
|   |-- du_datadir_cassandra_usertable  |-- cassandra-topology.properties
|   |-- nodetool_cfstats                |-- cassandra-topology.yaml
|   `-- nodetool_status                 |-- cassandra.yaml
|-- javaVersion.out                     |-- commitlog_archiving.properties
`-- role                                |-- logback-tools.xml
                                       |-- logback.xml
                                       `-- triggers
                                           `-- README.txt

The supporting evidence from instances in Scale-out phase is present at:


In the example below, the supporting evidence for AI 11-19 is present:

|-- ai_11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm66-seed-ai-11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm67-ycsb-ai-11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm68-seed-ai-11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm69-seed-ai-11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm70-seed-ai-11
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm71-seed-ai-11
|   `-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm72-seed-ai-11
|-- ai_12
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm73-hadoopmaster-ai-12
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm74-hadoopslave-ai-12
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm75-hadoopslave-ai-12
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm76-hadoopslave-ai-12
|   |-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm77-hadoopslave-ai-12
|   `-- cb-root-MYCLOUD-vm78-hadoopslave-ai-12
|-- ai_13
|   |--
[Similar to ai_12 Hadoop structure]
|   |-- …
|-- ai_14
|   |--
[Similar to ai_11 YCSB structure]
|   |-- …
|-- ai_15
|   |--
[Similar to ai_11 YCSB structure]
|   |-- …
|-- ai_16
|   |--
[Similar to ai_12 Hadoop structure]
|   |-- …
|-- ai_17
|   |--
[Similar to ai_11 YCSB structure]
|   |-- …
|-- ai_18
|   |--
[Similar to ai_12 Hadoop structure]
|   |-- …
`-- ai_19
[Similar to ai_11 YCSB structure]
   |-- …

The instance and cloud configuration gathered using Cloud API/CLIs is present in the following files:


The configuration parameters for CBTOOL for a compliant run are written into:


Log Paths for Cassandra, YCSB, and Hadoop

If Cassandra is configured as specified in the "Setup Cassandra and YCSB" section above, the logs are available at:


YCSB logs are located in /tmp. Every data and generation run produces two log files, which CBTOOL automatically collects. The file names resemble:


Hadoop logs are available at:


Manually Added Information

In each run’s automatically created directory structure, the tester needs to manually collect some information. This information is described in the Run Rules document and available as a sample FDR for a Whitebox cloud. The information to be collected is listed below:

|-- cloud_config (to be manually collected by the tester)
|   |-- blackbox (remove for whitebox submission)
|   |-- image_instructions
|   |-- instance_arch_diag
|   `-- whitebox (remove for blackbox submission)
|       |-- arch_diagram
|       |-- cloud_mgmt_software
|       |-- compute_nodes
|       `-- controller_nodes
|-- code (to be manually collected by the tester)
|   |-- cloud_config_scripts
|   |-- harness_scripts
|   `-- white_box_sup_evid_scripts
|-- harness (to be manually collected by the tester)
|   |-- config_files
|   |-- machine_info
|   `-- software
|-- instance_evidence_dir (automatically collected)
|   |-- baseline
|   |-- baseline_pre
|   |-- elasticity
|   |-- elasticity_post
|   |-- kmeans_baseline_post
|   `-- ycsb_baseline_post
`-- perf (automatically collected)

In particular, cloud_config for Whitebox needs to include scripts or other documentation used to configure the physical infrastructure for the cloud under test.

4.4 Submit Results

Submitting your SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018 Benchmark results means SPEC will publish accepted results on SPEC’s website and your organization and officially use them in publications. See the Run Rules for exact conditions.

Submissions come in two parts - the official results data file used to generate the Full Disclosure Report (FDR) on the SPEC website, and the supporting evidence files that verifies the submitted data matches the runtime measurements.

Appendix A: Troubleshooting FAQ

CBTOOL fails to start.

CBTOOL fails to communicate with its own API.

In that case, set an actual IP address (selected by the tester among the many found on the Orchestrator node) on the cloud configuration file

$ vi ~/osgcloud/cbtool/configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

Attempting to attach a single VM/Container instance through CBTOOL’s CLI - for testing purposes - results in an error message. How can I debug?

$ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/cb --soft_reset -v 10

cb> vmdev

cb> vmattach cassandra     # or
cb> vmattach hadoopmaster

cb> vmundev

cd ~/cbtool
~/cbtool/cbssh vm_1

Attempt to attach a single Application Instance (AI) through CBTOOL’s CLI - for testing purposes - results in an error message. How can I debug?

$ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/cb --soft_reset -v 10

cb> appdev

cb> aiattach cassandra_ycsb
cb> aiattach hadoop

cb> appundev

Baseline Application Instances are deployed successfully, but fail to produce any application metric samples.



Restart CBTOOL in debug mode

$ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/cb –soft_reset -v 10

Have CBTOOL fully deploy the Virtual Application instance, but do not start the actual load generation by running the following command on the CLI

cb> appnoload

Attach to the desired AI - using one or both

cb> aiattach cassandra_ycsb

cb> aiattach hadoop

At the very end, CBTOOL will output a message such as “Load Manager will NOT be automatically started on VM NAME during the deployment of VAPP NAME…”.

Obtain the list of VMs

cb> vmlist

Log into ycsb or hadoopmaster AI’s using CBTOOL’s helper utility, and try running the load generation script directly.

$ cd ~/cbtool;

$ ~/osgcloud/cbtool/cbssh vm_4

$ ~/cbtool/cb_ycsb.sh workloadd 1 1 1

$ ~/cbtool/cb_hadoop_job.sh kmeans 1 1 1

If the load generation script(s) runs successfully, then try starting the Load Manager daemon in debug mode.

$ /usr/local/bin/cbloadman

Watch for errors in the Load Manager process, displayed directly on the terminal.

Once done, disable the debug mode in the CBTOOL CLI

cb> appload

Baseline phase hangs. What is happening?

There are couple of reasons why Baseline phase might hang:

How can I check if CBTOOL scripts are failing?

CBTOOL logs are stored in /var/log/cloudbench . Search for errors as follows:

$ cd /var/log/cloudbench/
$ tail -f /var/logs/cloudbench/LINUXUSERNAME_remotescripts.log

Search for the AI or the instance name for which there are errors.

Supporting evidence collection is not working for baseline.

Please make sure that the following parameters are set correctly:

instance_user: cbuser
instance_keypath: HOMEDIR/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/id_rsa

Also make sure that the permissions of the private key are set to private, read-only:

$ chmod 400 id_rsa

When using CBTOOL with the OpenStack Cloud Adapter, can I instruct it to create each new Application Instance on its own tenant/network/subnet/router?

CBTOOL has the ability to execute generic scripts at specific points during the VM/Container attachment (e.g., before the provision request is issued to the cloud, after the VM is reported as “started” by the cloud). A small example script which creates a new keystone tenant, a new pubkey pair, a new security group and a neutron network, subnet and router was made available under the “scenarios/util” directory.

To use it with Application Instances (i.e., ALL VMs/Containers belonging to an AI on its own tenant/network/subnet/router) issue the following command on the CLI

cb> cldalter ai_defaults execute_script_name=/home/cbuser/cloudbench/scenarios/scripts/openstack_multitenant.sh

After this each new AI that is attached will execute the aforementioned script. You can test it out with the following command

cb> aiattach nullworkload default default none none execute_provision_originated

Please note that the commands listed on the script will be executed from the Orchestrator node, and thus require the existence of all relevant OpenStack CLI clients (e.g., openstack, nova and neutron) present there.

What is the difference between maximum_ais and reported_ais in the benchmark’s configuration file osgcloud_rules.yaml ?

This benchmark is designed to stress your cloud’s control plane as much as the data plane. When applications are being submitted to your cloud, during a compliant run, they are required to arrive at the cloud during a random interval between 5 and 10 minutes. If your cloud’s AI empirical provisioning time (including all the VMs participating with that AI / application) is less than or equal to the average arrival times from that interval, then the benchmark will likely always be able to collect data in a timely manner from the vast majority of the AIs sent to your cloud.

Basically, VMs won’t get backed up and will get services as fast as the benchmark is throwing them at your cloud. This is (currently) hard to achieve — every VM would likely need to be provisioned well under a minute, and be provisioned in parallel for this to happen – and given that, on average, the two types of AIs that SPEC Cloud uses contain as many as 7 virtual machines in each type of AI.

On the other hand, if your cloud’s AI provisioning time (and all participating VMs) are slower than that interval, you will always have an ever-increasing backlog of virtual machines waiting to complete their deployment against your cloud. In this situation, the benchmark will still have a compliant run, but will terminate early without collecting application performance results from all of the AIs.

This behavior is normal, expected and compliant. So, don’t be surprised in the later scenario that the computed score doesn’t match the AI limit you set out to achieve. As long is the score is stable and doesn’t fluctuate much (within 10%), the benchmark is doing what it is supposed to be doing.

In either of the aforementioned scenarios, the variables maximum_ais and reported_ais are designed to create consistency in the results computed by SPEC Cloud. Thus, when choosing to prepare a SPEC Cloud submission report, you have a choice between:

Scenario a) Your cloud’s AI provisioning time is faster than the arrival rate (less than or equal to the 5/10 minute interval) ===> The benchmark will likely terminate by reaching reported_ais first.

Scenario b) Your cloud’s AI provisioning time is slower than the arrival rate (greater than the 5/10 minute interval) ===> The benchmark will terminate by reaching maximum_ais first.

In scenario a, you will likely want to set reported_ais to a lower number than maximum_ais, so that SPEC Cloud only calculates a final score based on a consistent number of AIs created by the benchmark. SPEC Cloud does not (and does not pretend to) calculate this number for you —- only the submitter can really choose this number from empirical experience.

In scenario b, you will likely want to set reported_ais equal to maximum_ais so that as many AIs as possible count towards the final score calculated by SPEC Cloud. Public clouds with limits on their API request rates or that throttle the number of simultaneous VMs that can complete at the same time due to DDoS mitigation or load balancing techniques will likely fall into this category.

What does daemon_parallelism and attach_parallelism in osgcloud_rules.yaml mean?

Some clouds, in particular public clouds, enforce artificial limits on to protect abuse or denial of service. In such situations, users need the ability to control how fast the benchmark hits the cloud’s API.

Lowering the limits set for these parameters may cause CBTOOL to hold issuing request for new application instances if the number of in flight application instances equals the parameter set in daemon_parallelism. If this happens, the interarrival time between application instances may exceed the limit prescribed by the benchmark, that is, 600s. Such a result is considered non-compliant.

Verify rules indicate an ‘ERROR’ in rules.  Shall I proceed with the experiment?

If a run is started with the existing values in osgcloud_rules.yaml, you may see an error like this:

2018-08-16 15:53:46,270 INFO process ERROR: results->support_evidence->instance_support_evidence is False. Result will be non-compliant.
2018-08-16 15:53:46,270 INFO process ERROR: results->support_evidence->cloud_config_support_evidence is False. Result will be non-compliant.

In SPEC Cloud kit, supporting evidence collection for instances and cloud is set to FALSE. It must be TRUE for a compliant run.

If the run is for internal results, there is no need to update the value for these parameters.

I am running baseline phase for testing and do not want the instances created during baseline phase to be destroyed.

A compliant run requires that instances created during every iteration of baseline are deleted immediately after the iteration. This is already implemented in the benchmark all_run script.

For testing, to disable instance deletion after each iteration of baseline phase, set the following flag in osgcloud_rules.yaml:

 destroy_ai_upon_completion: false

How do I check the detailed timeline for deployment of a given Application Instance (AI)?

A very detailed timeline for the deployment of each AI can be found on ~/results/EXPID/perf/EXPIDELASTICITY/<USERNAME>_operations.log

The following is an example for a 2-VM Application Instance (using the “iperf” workload, not part of SPECCloud) follows:

$ grep ai_1 /var/log/cloudbench/cbuser_operations.log

Aug 16 14:16:03 cborch.public [2018-08-16 14:16:03,865] [DEBUG] active_operations.py/ActiveObjectOperations.pre_attach_ai TEST_cbuser - Starting the attachment of ai_1 (66E19008-7FEF-5BF4-94E8-9F366918E0A9)...

Aug 16 14:16:04 cborch.public [2018-08-16 14:16:04,302] [DEBUG] active_operations.py/ActiveObjectOperations.pre_attach_vm TEST_cbuser - Starting the attachment of vm_1 (VMID-1), part of ai_1 (66E19008-7FEF-5BF4-94E8-9F366918E0A9)...

Aug 16 14:16:04 cborch.public [2018-08-16 14:16:04,312] [DEBUG] base_operations.py/ActiveObjectOperations.admission_control TEST_cbuser - Reservation for vm_1 (VMID-1), part of ai_1 (66E19008-7FEF-5BF4-94E8-9F366918E0A9) was successfully obtained..



Aug 16 14:16:24 cborch.public [2018-08-16 14:16:24,045] [DEBUG] base_operations.py/ActiveObjectOperations.parallel_vm_config_for_ai TEST_cbuser - Parallel VM configuration for ai_1 (66E19008-7FEF-5BF4-94E8-9F366918E0A9) success.

Aug 16 14:16:24 cborch.public [2018-08-16 14:16:24,132] [DEBUG] active_operations.py/ActiveObjectOperations.objattach TEST_cbuser - AI object 66E19008-7FEF-5BF4-94E8-9F366918E0A9
(named "ai_1") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address (cb-cbuser-TESTPDM-vm1-iperfclient-ai-1).

The provisioning SLA for a given Application Instance was violated (run code = 5). How do I check which component in the creation of application instance took the most time?

The total provisioning time has 7 components, being the first an epoch timestamp and the subsequent 6 deltas (in seconds):


These values are all stored on the file “VM_management_*.csv”, present on the directory ~/results/<EXPID>/perf/<EXPID><AI TYPE>[BASELINE, ELASTICITY]<TIMESTAMP>.

Additionally, the detailed timeline described on the previous question also outputs the specific reason for a provisioning qos violation on a given Application Instance.

Which OpenStack releases are supported by SPEC Cloud IaaS 2018?

CBTOOL uses OpenStack APIs. If there are no changes in OpenStack APIs, new releases should continue to be supported. SPEC Cloud has been tested up to Ocata release of OpenStack, but that should by no means be a limiting factor. If you have a compatibility issue, please notify us and we’ll get it fixed.

Appendix B: Cloudbench Commands

To see a list of available instance roles, use the command “rolelist” on the CLI. To see a list of AI types use the command “typelist”. To see a description of a particular AI, use the command “typeshow (vapp type)”.

Each AI has its own load behavior, with independent load profile, load level and load duration. The values for load level and load duration can be set as random distributions (exponential, uniform, gamma, normal), fixed numbers or monotonically increasing/decreasing sequences. The load level, has a meaning that is specific to each AI type. For instance, for a Cassandra YCSB AI, it represents the number of simultaneous threads on the YCSB load generator, while for Hadoop it represents the size of dataset to be sorted.

During an experiment, relevant metrics are automatically collected such as provisioning latency and throughput, and application runtime performance. Instance CPU, disk, memory, and network performance data can also be collected, although such collection is disabled for a compliant run.

Lastly, the experiment is terminated after the conditions specified in the experiment plan are met (e.g., a certain amount of time has passed, or a number of parameter variations have happened). CBTOOL’s workflow through its main components is represented in the following diagram.

AI can be deployed explicitly by the experimenter (using either the CLI or GUI) or implicitly through one (or more) AI Submitter(s). An AI Submitter deploys Application Instances with a given pattern, represented by a certain inter-arrival time and a lifetime (also fixed, distributions or sequences).

To see a list of available patterns, use the command “patternlist” on the CLI. To see a description of a particular pattern, use the command “patternshow (vapp submitter pattern)”.

The tool was written in Python (about 35K lines of code), and has only open-source dependencies. The main ones are Redis, MongoDB and Ganglia.

CBTOOL has a layered architecture, designed to be extendable and reusable. All interactions with external elements (cloud environments and applications) are performed through plug-in components. The ability to interact with different cloud environments is added through new cloud adapters. While the ability to automatically deploy and collect performance specific data from new applications (i.e., AI types) is added through workload automation scripts. These plug-in components are self-contained, and requiring no changes in the source code. This characteristic enables cloud environment and application experts to expand CBTOOL’s scope directly and incrementally.

Appendix C: Building a Custom Cloud Manager Adapter

Add a New Cloud Adapter (native method)

CBTOOL’s layered architecture allows the framework to be incrementally expanded in a non-intrusive (i.e., minimal to no changes to the existing “core” code) and incremental manner.

While multiple Cloud Adapters are available, new adapters are constantly added. These adapters are divided in two broad classes, following the Cloud’s classification, Whitebox and Blackbox (i.e., public). When adding a new cloud adapter, consider using either the OpenStack or EC2 Cloud Adapters as respective white-box or black-box examples.

Assuming that a “New Public Cloud” (npc) an adapter needs to be written and using EC2 as a template, here is a summary of the required steps.

Create the New Adapter


Linux command/output

Use existing EC2 template to create one for NPC

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool/configs/templates/

$ cp _ec2.txt  _npc.txt

Use existing EC2 adapter to create one for NPC

$ cd ~/cbtool/lib/clouds/

$ cp ec2_cloud_ops.py  npc_cloud_ops.py

Edit NPC adapter

$ vi npc_cloud_ops.py

Change lines 37-38 to import NPC’s native python client

Change line 40 to rename class name Ec2Cmds to NpcCmds and save the changes.



Mapping Native to CBTOOL’s Abstract Operations

CBTOOL’s abstract operations are mapped to five mandatory methods in the (newly created by the implementer) class NpcCmds:

In addition to mapping the required methods, the following methods are also part of each Cloud adapter:

From a cloud native python client standpoint, determine how to:

In addition to the “mandatory” methods (see the above table of existing Cloud Adapters), consider implementing “optional” operations, such as “vmcapture” and “vmrunstate” (both additional methods in the same class).

These optional methods requires the cloud native python client to understand how to:

Adjust Adapter Parameters

Change the parameters in _npc.txt, taking into account specific features on this cloud.

Finally. Remember that the parameters in _npc.txt need to be changed to account for specific features on this cloud.

Test the New Adapter

In CBTOOL’s CLI, test the new adapter by starting with a simple

These 2 operations ensure that vmccleanup and vmcregister methods are properly implemented.

At this point, the implementer should prepare an image on the New Public Cloud with the new NPC adapter installed.  After that, the implementer can continue by issuing vmattach and vmdetach directives on the CLI.

Add a libcloud Cloud Adapter (simplified method)

CBTOOL provides a simplified method of getting up and running with your favorite cloud via Apache libcloud. The distributed kit contains an easy-to-use class hierarchy written in python. A little bit of new code can easily bring a new cloud into the benchmark by following the libcloud-support interface definitions. The number of libcloud-supported clouds is vast. A complete list can be found at 


The SPECIaas benchmark uses simplified libcloud-based methods in support of the following libcloud-based functions: 1. create/destroy VMs 2. multi-tenancy (using multiple accounts at the same time) 3. create/destroy block storage volumes 4. multi-region support 5. cloud-init support for both SSH-keys and OpenVPN.

The benchmark CAN NOT do these simplified libcloud-support features: 1. floating IP addresses 2. image snapshot management 3. block storage snapshot management 4. other esoteric functions provided by individual libcloud-based cloud providers.

For example, if you have a non-standard “special” feature supported by your cloud manager - docker-based cloud manager commands, or automatically configured secret features of your cloud, then you cannot use the simplified libcloud-approach. You should use the ‘native’ approach above.

As long as you’re in the first list, you can use this simplified approach.

Create the New Adapter


Linux command/output

Use existing EC2 template to create one for NPC

$ cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool/configs/templates/

$ cp _digitalocean.txt  _npc.txt

Use existing EC2 adapter to create one for NPC

$ cd ~/cbtool/lib/clouds/

$ cp do_cloud_ops.py  npc_cloud_ops.py

Edit NPC adapter

$ vi npc_cloud_ops.py

Change lines 37-38 to import NPC’s native python client

Change line 40 to rename class name Ec2Cmds to NpcCmds and save the changes.



Setting libcloud Features and Parameters

The SPEC Cloud benchmark kit contains a libcloud adapter that allows you to define which features and operations exists in your cloud manager.

Reference file: ~/osgcloud/cbtool/lib/clouds/libcloud_common.py

Read the documentation in the __init__ function at the beginning of this file.

New adapter: ~/osgcloud/cbtool/lib/clouds/npc_cloud_ops.py 

Modify the options to the __init__ function to match the features supported by your libcloud-based cloud.

For example, if you don’t need SSH keys via cloud-init, or you don’t support cloud-init at all, then set those respective options to False. Most options are optional. While the DigitalOcean adapter makes more complete use of all the libcloud features, your cloud may not need them all.

In the pre_create_vm method, add any additional overrides to the method which actually launches VMs into your cloud. Many clouds provide special python keyword arguments to the libcloud create_node() function which are special to your individual cloud. If this is true, then add the respective keyword arguments to the pre_create_vm function. The DigitalOcean adapter has such an override in  ~/osgcloud/cbtool/lib/clouds/do_cloud_ops.py

When finished, you should have a very short cloud adapter. If you have trouble adding the new adapter, we can help you via the CBTOOL mailing lists. Join the lists and let us know how it goes.

Appendix D: CBTOOL Installation Outputs

First Installation Output

$~/osgcloud/cbtool$ ./install -r orchestrator
Installing dependencies for Cloud Rapid Experimentation Analysis and Toolkit (cbtool) on this node.........
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//PUBLIC_dependencies.txt" opened and loaded....
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//IBM_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//SPEC_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
No package repository specified. Will ignore any repository URL that has the keyword REPO_ADDR...
No python pip repository specified.
#####This node will be prepared as an Orchestration Node. The full set of dependencies will be installed. #####
(0) Checking passwordless sudo for the user "ubuntu" by executing the command "sudo -S ls < /dev/null"...

(1) Checking "repo" version by executing the command "ls -la /tmp/repoupdated"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "repo" by issuing the following command: "sudo mv -f /tmp/*.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; sudo apt-get update; touch /tmp/repoupdated; source ~/osgcloud/cbtool/scripts//common/cb_bootstrap.sh; service_stop_disable iptables; service_stop_disable ipfw;"

(1) Installing "repo" by executing the command "sudo mv -f /tmp/*.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; sudo apt-get update; touch /tmp/repoupdated; source ~/osgcloud/cbtool/scripts//common/cb_bootstrap.sh; service_stop_disable iptables; service_stop_disable ipfw;"...
RESULT: NOT OK. There was an error while installing "repo".: Error while executing the command line "sudo mv -f /tmp/*.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; sudo apt-get update; touch /tmp/repoupdated; source ~/osgcloud/cbtool/scripts//common/cb_bootstrap.sh; service_stop_disable iptables; service_stop_disable ipfw;" (returncode = 2747) :sudo: unable to resolve host cbtool-spec
mv: cannot stat ‘/tmp/*.list’: No such file or directory
sudo: unable to resolve host cbtool-spec
/bin/sh: 1: source: not found
/bin/sh: 1: service_stop_disable: not found
/bin/sh: 1: service_stop_disable: not found

(2) Checking "ifconfig" version by executing the command "ifconfig"...

(3) Checking "ip" version by executing the command "ip -V"...

(4) Checking "git" version by executing the command "git --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
RESULT: 1.9.1 >= 1.6.0 OK.

(5) Checking "wget" version by executing the command "wget -V | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
RESULT: 1.15 >= 1.00 OK.

(6) Checking "pip" version by executing the command "pip --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "pip" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install python-pip;"

(6) Installing "pip" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install python-pip;"...


(7) Checking "gcc" version by executing the command "gcc -v 2>&1 | grep -v Configured | grep version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
RESULT: 4.8.2 >= 4.0 OK.

(8) Checking "make" version by executing the command "make -v | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
RESULT: 3.81 >= 3.5 OK.

(10) Checking "sshpass" version by executing the command "sshpass -V | grep sshpass | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "sshpass" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install sshpass;"

(10) Installing "sshpass" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install sshpass;"...

(11) Checking "curl" version by executing the command "curl -V | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
RESULT: 7.35.0 >= 7.0 OK.

(12) Checking "screen" version by executing the command "screen -v | grep version"...
RESULT: 4.01.00206 >= 4.0 OK.

(13) Checking "rsync" version by executing the command "rsync --version | grep version"...
RESULT: 3.1.031 >= 2.6 OK.

(14) Checking "ncftp" version by executing the command "ncftp -h 2>&1 | grep Program | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | sed -e 's/\//./g'"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "ncftp" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install ncftp;"

(14) Installing "ncftp" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install ncftp;"...

(15) Checking "lftp" version by executing the command "lftp --version | grep Version | cut -d " " -f 4"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "lftp" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install lftp;"

(15) Installing "lftp" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install lftp;"...

(16) Checking "netcat" version by executing the command "netcat -v -w 1 localhost -z 22"...

(17) Checking "nmap" version by executing the command "nmap -V | grep version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "nmap" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install nmap;"

(17) Installing "nmap" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install nmap;"...

(18) Checking "openvpn" version by executing the command "openvpn --version | grep built | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "openvpn" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install openvpn;sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/openvpn /usr/local/bin/openvpn"

(18) Installing "openvpn" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install openvpn;sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/openvpn /usr/local/bin/openvpn"...

(19) Checking "gmond" version by executing the command "gmond --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
ACTION:  Please install/configure "gmond" by issuing the following command: "sudo apt-get -y install ganglia-monitor;sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/gmond /usr/local/bin/gmond; sudo bash -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/ganglia-monitor.override""

(19) Installing "gmond" by executing the command "sudo apt-get -y install ganglia-monitor;sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/gmond /usr/local/bin/gmond; sudo bash -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/ganglia-monitor.override""...

(20) Checking "chef-client" version by executing the command "knife -v | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
There are 1 dependencies missing: None of the urls indicated to install "chef-client" (https://opscode-omnibus-packages.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu/12.04/x86_64/chef_11.10.4-1.ubuntu.12.04_amd64.deb,) seem to be functional.
Please add the missing dependency(ies) and re-run install again.

Successful Installation Output

This is what a successful output looks like:

$~/osgcloud/cbtool$ ./install -r orchestrator

ubuntu@cbtool-spec:~/osgcloud/cbtool$ sudo ./install -r orchestrator
   sudo: unable to resolve host cbtool-spec
   Installing dependencies for Cloud Rapid Experimentation Analysis and Toolkit (cbtool) on this node.........
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//PUBLIC_dependencies.txt" opened and loaded....
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//IBM_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
   File "~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/templates//SPEC_dependencies.txt" IGNORED....
   No package repository specified. Will ignore any repository URL that has the keyword REPO_ADDR...
   No python pip repository specified.
   #####This node will be prepared as an Orchestration Node. The full set of dependencies will be installed. #####
   (0) Checking passwordless sudo for the user "root" by executing the command "sudo -S ls < /dev/null"...

   (1) Checking "repo" version by executing the command "ls -la /tmp/repoupdated"...

   (2) Checking "ifconfig" version by executing the command "ifconfig"...

   (3) Checking "ip" version by executing the command "ip -V"...

   (4) Checking "git" version by executing the command "git --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
   RESULT: 1.9.1 >= 1.6.0 OK.

   (5) Checking "wget" version by executing the command "wget -V | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
   RESULT: 1.15 >= 1.00 OK.

   (6) Checking "pip" version by executing the command "pip --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 1.5.4 >= 1.0 OK.

   (7) Checking "gcc" version by executing the command "gcc -v 2>&1 | grep -v Configured | grep version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
   RESULT: 4.8.2 >= 4.0 OK.

   (8) Checking "make" version by executing the command "make -v | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
   RESULT: 3.81 >= 3.5 OK.

   (10) Checking "sshpass" version by executing the command "sshpass -V | grep sshpass | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 1.05 >= 1.0 OK.

   (11) Checking "curl" version by executing the command "curl -V | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 7.35.0 >= 7.0 OK.

   (12) Checking "screen" version by executing the command "screen -v | grep version"...
   RESULT: 4.01.00206 >= 4.0 OK.

   (13) Checking "rsync" version by executing the command "rsync --version | grep version"...
   RESULT: 3.1.031 >= 2.6 OK.

   (14) Checking "ncftp" version by executing the command "ncftp -h 2>&1 | grep Program | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | sed -e 's/\//./g'"...
   RESULT: >= 3.2.3 OK.

   (15) Checking "lftp" version by executing the command "lftp --version | grep Version | cut -d " " -f 4"...
   RESULT: 4.4.13 >= 4.0 OK.

   (16) Checking "netcat" version by executing the command "netcat -v -w 1 localhost -z 22"...

   (17) Checking "nmap" version by executing the command "nmap -V | grep version | cut -d ' ' -f 3"...
   RESULT: 6.40 >= 4.0 OK.

   (18) Checking "openvpn" version by executing the command "openvpn --version | grep built | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 2.3.2 >= 2.2.0 OK.

   (19) Checking "gmond" version by executing the command "gmond --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 3.6.0 >= 3.0 OK.

   (20) Checking "chef-client" version by executing the command "knife -v | cut -d ' ' -f 2"...
   RESULT: 11.10.4 >= 11.4.0 OK.

   (21) Checking "rsyslog" version by executing the command "rsyslogd -v | grep compiled | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed 's/,//g'"...
   RESULT: 7.4.4 >= 4.6.0 OK.

   (23) Checking "apache" version by executing the command "sudo apachectl -v | grep version | cut -d '/' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1"...
   RESULT: 2.4.7 >= 2.0 OK.

   (24) Checking "redis" version by executing the command "redis-server -v | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'"...
   RESULT: 284000000000341644405760659 >= 2.6.0 OK.

   (25) Checking "mongodb" version by executing the command " mongod --version"...
   RESULT: 2.4.93190011.82652021959325620573864029 >= 2.4.0 OK.

   (27) Checking "python-devel" version by executing the command "python -c "from distutils import sysconfig as s; print s.get_config_vars()['INCLUDEPY']""...

   (28) Checking "python-setuptools" version by executing the command "python -c "import setuptools; from setuptools import sandbox""...

   (29) Checking "python-prettytable" version by executing the command "python -c "import prettytable; print str(prettytable.__version__).strip()""...
   RESULT: 0.7.2 >= 0.6 OK.

   (30) Checking "python-daemon" version by executing the command "python -c "import daemon; print str(daemon._version).strip()""...
   RESULT: 1.5.5 >= 1.5.1 OK.

   (31) Checking "python-twisted" version by executing the command "python -c "import twisted; from twisted.web.wsgi import WSGIResource; from twisted.internet import reactor; from twisted.web.static import File; from twisted.web.resource import Resource; from twisted.web.server import Site; from twisted.web import wsgi; print str(twisted.__version__).strip()""...
   RESULT: 13.2.0 >= 8.0.0 OK.

   (32) Checking "python-webob" version by executing the command "python -c "import webob; from webob import Request, Response, exc""...

   (33) Checking "python-beaker" version by executing the command "python -c "import beaker; from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware""...

   (34) Checking "pyredis" version by executing the command "python -c "import redis; print str(redis.VERSION).replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(', ','.').strip()""...
   RESULT: 2.10.3 >= 2.6.0 OK.

   (35) Checking "pymongo" version by executing the command "python -c "import pymongo; print str(pymongo.version).strip().replace('+','')""...
   RESULT: 2.8 >= 2.5 OK.

   (36) Checking "pylibvirt" version by executing the command "python -c "import libvirt; print str(libvirt.getVersion()).strip()""...
   RESULT: 1002002 >= 9003 OK.

   (37) Checking "pypureomapi" version by executing the command "python -c "import pypureomapi; print str(pypureomapi.__version__).strip()""...
   RESULT: 0.3 >= 0.3 OK.

   (38) Checking "pyhtml" version by executing the command "python -c "import HTML; print str(HTML.__version__).strip()""...
   RESULT: 0.04 >= 0.04 OK.

   (39) Checking "gmetad-python" version by executing the command "ls -la ~/osgcloud/cbtool/3rd_party/monitor-core/gmetad-python/gmetad.py"...

   (40) Checking "bootstrap" version by executing the command "ls -la ~/osgcloud/cbtool/3rd_party/bootstrap/package.json"...

   (41) Checking "bootstrap-wizard" version by executing the command "ls -la ~/osgcloud/cbtool/3rd_party/Bootstrap-Wizard/README.md"...

   (42) Checking "streamprox" version by executing the command "ls -la ~/osgcloud/cbtool/3rd_party/StreamProx/README.md"...

   (43) Checking "d3" version by executing the command "ls -la ~/osgcloud/cbtool/3rd_party/d3/component.json"...

   (44) Checking "novaclient" version by executing the command "python -c "import novaclient; from novaclient.v1_1 import client""...

   (45) Checking "softlayer" version by executing the command "python -c "import SoftLayer; print "SoftLayer.__version__".replace('v','')""...
   RESULT: 3.3.1 >= 3.1 OK.

   (47) Checking "boto" version by executing the command "python -c "import boto; print str(boto.__version__).strip().replace('-dev','')""...
   RESULT: 2.36.0 >= 2.1.8 OK.

   (48) Checking "libcloud" version by executing the command "python -c "import libcloud; print str(libcloud.__version__).replace('-dev','').strip()""...
   RESULT: 0.16.0 >= 0.11.0 OK.

   (50) Checking "R" version by executing the command "R --version | grep version | grep -v GNU"...
   RESULT: 3.0.220130925 >= 2.1 OK.

   (49) Checking "iptables" version by executing the command "iptables -v 2>&1 | grep v | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed 's/v//g' | sed 's/://g'"...
   RESULT: 1.4.21 >= 1.2 OK.

   (51) Checking "sshkey" version by executing the command "ls ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials//cbtool_rsa"...

   (52) Checking "sshd" version by executing the command "sudo cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v ^# | grep UseDNS | grep no"...
   ACTION:  Please install/configure "sshd" by issuing the following command: "sed -i 's/.*UseDNS.*/UseDNS no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i 's/.*GSSAPIAuthentication.*/GSSAPIAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config;"

   (52) Installing "sshd" by executing the command "sed -i 's/.*UseDNS.*/UseDNS no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; sed -i 's/.*GSSAPIAuthentication.*/GSSAPIAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config;"...

    All dependencies are in place
   Checking for a "private" configuration file for user "root" in ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/root_cloud_definitions.txt)
   Copying ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/cloud_definitions.txt to ~/osgcloud/cbtool//configs/root_cloud_definitions.txt...
   Please re-run configure again

Appendix E: OpenStack example

The instructions below describe how to configure CBTOOL running on benchmark harness machine for your OpenStack cloud. These instructions assume that CBTOOL image has been created with Ubuntu Trusty distribution.

This example assumes that

Get the spec_key file from kit into cbtool credentials directory.

$ cp /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/spec_ssh_keys/* /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/

Add hostname of OpenStack controller in your /etc/hosts file

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

OpenStack Related Configuration Keys

Edit the /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt file and replace the section under [CLOUDOPTION_MYOPENSTACK] with the following, and set the following keys according to your environment:




The IP address of your OpenStack controller (public endpoint)


Replace RegionOne with appropriate name for region configured in OpenStack cloud


Replace public with the network name to which instances in your cloud will be configured with. Preconfigure the network and virtual routers (if any) in the OpenStack cloud


The name of the (public) key to be “injected” on an image before it is booted. For example in OpenStack, the key is injected into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, allowing a root user to login on a VM after the boot. This attribute refers to a directly managed OpenStack cloud key .

OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME is also the name of the key used to login on a VM as the user (non-root) specified by OSK_LOGIN. This key will not (necessarily) be injected on the image.

The key and username specified by OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME and OSK_LOGIN must be pre-defined on the VM. These attributes are not managed (or known) by the OpenStack cloud.


If your cloud supports HTTPS, enter as:

OSK_ACCESS = https://PUBLICIP/v2.0/ 

or the keystone URL


If your cloud needs floating IP addresses, change the the key to $True.


Set to either MYSIMCLOUD or MYOPENSTACK once the simulated cloud testing step is completed.


If your cbtool has more than one interface (ifconfig -a | grep eth), then enter the IP address of appropriate interface.  HINT: set the IP address from which you can access the cbtool UI

Example Openstack Configuration Settings

The Openstack configuration section should resemble the following:

OSK_ACCESS = http://PUBLICIP:5000/v2.0/ # Address of node where nova-api runs
OSK_CREDENTIALS =  admin-admin-admin    # user-tenant-password
OSK_SECURITY_GROUPS = default           # This group must exist first
OSK_INITIAL_VMCS = RegionOne            # Change "RegionOne" accordingly
OSK_LOGIN = cbuser                      # The username that logins on the VMs
OSK_KEY_NAME = spec_key           # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME = spec_key       # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_NETNAME = public

Set image names and types. If the image names listed below does not match the image names in your OpenStack cloud, then update the image names appropriately:

CASSANDRA = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
YCSB = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
SEED = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_2120
HADOOPMASTER = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_hadooop_275
HADOOPSLAVE = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_hadoop_275

For initial testing, please use admin user/tenant. Once familiar with the harness, you can use a different user/tenant with appropriate permissions.

Appendix F: Additional Information

Multiple Network Interfaces on Benchmark Harness Machine

If the benchmark harness machine has more than one network interfaces, configure CBTOOL with the network interface that is used to communicate with the cloud API.

Set the following configuration in the configuration file of cbtool, assuming it was set up on an Ubuntu machine with ubuntu as the Linux user:

$ vi ~/osgcloud/cbtool/configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

Provisioning Scripts Execution Steps

CBTOOL decides which (and how many) instances to create, based on the “Application Instance” (AI) template. For a “Hadoop” AI, there are five hadoopslave instances and one as the hadoopmaster. For a “Cassandra YCSB” AI, there are five seed (all seed nodes) instances and one instance as the ycsb role.

The CBTOOL orchestrator node converts the list of instance creation requests into cloud-specific API calls (or commands), and then issues these to the cloud under test. It waits for the instances to completely boot, and collects all relevant IP addresses.

After the instances boot, and following the AI template, the Orchestrator node ssh’s to each instance, and runs the AI role specific configuration scripts.

Using Cassandra YCSB as an example, it runs (in parallel) scripts to form a Cassandra cluster on all five instances with the seed role, and a different script to configure the instance that generates the YCSB workload.

After the AI is fully deployed (i.e., Cassandra or Hadoop clusters fully formed, and load generating application clients configured) the Orchestrator node starts the process designated Load Manager (LM) in one of the instances of the AI.

The activities described above are depicted in the following picture.

Once the LM starts, the whole Application Instance becomes self-sufficient, i.e., the Orchestrator node no longer needs to connect to any of the instances that comprise the AI for the rest of the experiment. The LM contacts the Object Store (typically on the Orchestrator node) to retrieve all relevant information about the load profile, load duration, load level (intensity), and executes a load generating process through a script also specified on the AI template.

The LM waits until the process ends, then collects all information from either the process’ standard output or an output file. It processes the results and submits a new sample containing application performance results. These results are written in CBTOOL’s Metric Store as a set of time-series with multiple key-value pairs (some applications report multiple metrics such as read and write throughput, read and write latency, etc.). While the layered architecture of CBTOOL can use multiple datastores for this purpose, the current implementation uses MongoDB.

The continuous execution/results collection is depicted in the figure below.

Cloud Configuration Retrieval Scripts via Cloud APIs

A cloud provides APIs to retrieve information instances, images, users, networks, instance storage, apiendpoints, quotas, and hypervisors. This information must be collected as part of instance and cloud configuration during different phases of the benchmark.

The kit ships with a reference set of scripts that have been tested with OpenStack. It is the cloud provider’s responsibility to customize and test these scripts to the extent possible, ensuring that they are executed during a compliant run, and include the source code of the customized scripts with the FDR report.

The reference implementation for OpenStack is located in the following directory:

$ cd ~/osgcloud/driver/support_script/cloud_config/openstack

These scripts are executed when the cloud_config_support_evidence flag is set to true. For testing, these scripts are not needed.




List all instances running in the cloud. The following information must be included: instance name, instance id, instance type or details (flavor), image id from which instance is provisioned, network id to which instance is connected to, state of the instance, time at which instance was started, ssh key used, id of the user who launched the instance, tenant id to which a user belongs (if applicable)

For black box, add the region/data center name as well as any availability zone information for the instances.


List the types of various instances available for provisioning in the cloud.


List the image names and image ids from which instances can be provisioned


List the API endpoints called by CBTOOL to provision instances and other cloud resources.


List the users configured for this cloud.


List the tenants configured for this cloud. Blackbox clouds do not necessarily need to have a separate tenant list.


List the networks (virtual) and routers (virtual) configured for this cloud. The following information must be included: network id, network name, IP address range, router information


List the quota for the user or tenant. The following information must be included. instance quota, storage quota


List the block storage devices and the instances they are attached to


[WHITEBOX ONLY] list the hypervisors that are used in the cloud.

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