Preparing Workload Images

SPEC Cloud IaaS 2016 Benchmark has two workloads, namely, YCSB and K-Means.

[For development only]

If your company is a member of SPEC, you can download the workload images for Cassandra/YCSB and Hadoop/KMeans from SPEC Miami site. These images are not available to benchmark licensees or general public.

CentOS:: Cassandra/YCSB:





Ubuntu:: Cassandra/YCSB:






It is highly recommended to configure UTC timezone on all instance images and ensure that the timezone of instances and the benchmark harness machine matches. The configuration of a timezone can be specific to a *Nix distribution.

Tips for Preparing Workload Images

It is recommended that Cassandra and Hadoop be setup in different images. The following process may be followed:

  1. Create a common image.
  2. Create an instance from common image and install Cassandra and YCSB. Take a snapshot of this instance.
  3. Create another instance from common image and install Hadoop and KMeans. Take a snapshot of this instance.

(x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Common workload image

CBTOOL github wiki provides instructions on how to prepare a workload image for your cloud:

The instructions below can be used to prepare a base qcow2 image for Cassandra or KMeans workloads.

  1. Download an Ubuntu trust image:
  1. Upload the image in your cloud. The instructions for uploading the image are specific to each cloud.

  2. Start with an Ubuntu Trust VM:

    ssh -i YOURKEY.PEM ubuntu\@yourVMIP
  3. Add IP address and hostname of your VM in /etc/hosts file:

    vi /etc/hosts
  4. Update with latest packages and git:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git -y
  5. Create a cbuser Linux account:

    sudo adduser cbuser
    Set password as cbuser
  6. Give it password-less access:

    sudo visudo
    Add the following line.
  7. Switch to this user:

    su cbuser
    (password should be cbuser)
    cd ~/
  8. unzip the kit and move osgcloud into home directory:

    cd ~/
    unzip spec_cloud_iaas*.zip
    mv spec_cloud_iaas*/osgcloud ~/
  9. Add the key from CBTOOL into the authorized_keys file of this VM.

To avoid permissions vagaries for .ssh directory, generate SSH key. The newly created public and private keys will be discarded when they are overwritten with CBTOOL keys:

ssh-keygen [press ENTER for all options]

The above command will create the following directory and add id_rsa and keys into it. Now copy keys from CBTOOL machine which are present in the following directories on CBTOOL machine:

cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials

Copy these keys into .ssh directory of this VM:

echo CBTOOLRSA > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
echo CBTOOLRSA.PUB > ~/.ssh/
echo CBTOOLRSA.PUB >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Adjust the permissions:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  1. Install ntp package:

    sudo apt-get install ntp -y
  2. Test ssh connectivity to your VM from benchmark harness machine:

    ssh -i /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa  cbuser@YOURVMIP
If this works, cloudbench can do a key-based ssh in this VM.
  1. Search for UseDNS in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. If it does not exist, insert the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    UseDNS no
  2. Check /home/cbuser/.ssh/config

If it containers a line:

-e UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

Remove the “-e ” and save the file.

  1. Install cloud-init. Not all clouds may support cloud-init. In this case, skip step 14 and 15.:

    sudo apt-get install cloud-init
  2. Configure cloud-init.

Since the instructions use cbuser as the Linux user, it is important that keys are injected in this user by cloud-init.:

Add the following in ``/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg``

- [ sh, -c, cp -rf /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/cbuser/.ssh/authorized_keys ]


sudo dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init
  1. The cloud-init may not always work with your cloud. Setup password-based ssh for the VM:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    PasswordAuthentication yes

18. Install null workload. This will install all CBTOOL dependencies for the workload image. Then you can install the workloads by following platform specific instructions:

cd /home/cbuser/osgcloud/
cbtool/install -r workload --wks nullworkload

If there are any errors, rerun the command until it exits without any errors. A successful output should return the following:

“All dependencies are in place”

19. Remove the hostname added in /etc/hosts and take a snapshot of this VM. The snapshot instructions vary per cloud. You can then use this image to prepare workload images.

(x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Cassandra and YCSB

These instructions assume that you are starting with the common workload image created earlier.

Cassandra and YCSB are installed on the same machine.

Installing Cassandra

The Cassandra debian package is present in the kit. Install it as follows:


sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk -y
sudo dpkg -i workloads/cassandra/cassandra_2.1.11_all.deb

Alternatively, install Cassandra 2.1.11 from Cassandra repository (these instructions are taken from Cassandra Apache ):

vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list

deb 21x main
deb-src 21x main

If you run apt-get update now, you will see an error similar to this:

GPG error: unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F758CE318D77295D

This simply means you need to add the PUBLIC_KEY. You do that like this:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F758CE318D77295D
gpg --export --armor F758CE318D77295D | sudo apt-key add -

Starting with the 0.7.5 debian package, you will also need to add public key 2B5C1B00 using the same commands as above:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2B5C1B00
gpg --export --armor 2B5C1B00 | sudo apt-key add -

You will also need to add public key 0353B12C using the same commands as above:

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0353B12C
gpg --export --armor 0353B12C | sudo apt-key add -

Then you may install Cassandra by doing:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cassandra -y

Check Cassandra version, make sure that it is 2.1.11:

sudo dpkg -l | grep cassandra

Installing YCSB

YCSB ships as part of the kit. It is present in the following directory in the kit:

  1. Uncompress the file:

    tar -xzvf ~/workloads/ycsb/ycsb-0.4.0.tar.gz
  2. Move to home directory and rename:

    mv ycsb-0.4.0 ~/YCSB
  3. Capture the VM using your cloud capture tools (snapshot etc)

(x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - KMeans and Hadoop

The instructions below specify how to set up Hadoop (2.7.1) and how to install HiBench and Mahout that ship with the kit.

  1. Create a VM from the common image prepared earlier.

  2. ssh into your VM:

    ssh -i YOURKEYPEM cbuser@YOURVMIP
Make use that YOURKEYPEM will be common for both YCSB and K-Means VM images.
  1. Install Java and check Java version:

    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk -y
    java -version
            java version "1.7.0_75"
            OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~trusty1)
            OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
  2. Create hadoop group:

    sudo addgroup hadoop
  3. Add cbuser to hadoop group:

    sudo usermod -a -G hadoop cbuser
  4. Test ssh to localhost is working without password:

    ssh localhost
If this does not work, add your private key to /home/cbuser/.ssh/ . The name of key file is id_rsa
  1. Get Hadoop 2.7.1 from kit or download from Apache website:

    cd /home/cbuser
    From kit
    cp  workloads/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz .
    From website
    tar -xzvf hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz
  2. Move hadoop to /usr/local/hadoop directory:

    sudo mv hadoop-2.7.1 /usr/local/hadoop
    sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop
    ls -al /usr/local/hadoop
    total 60
    drwxr-xr-x  9 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 .
    drwxr-xr-x 11 root   root    4096 Feb  9 00:34 ..
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 bin
    drwxr-xr-x  3 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 etc
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 include
    drwxr-xr-x  3 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 lib
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 libexec
    -rw-r--r--  1 cbuser hadoop 15429 Nov 13 21:20 LICENSE.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 cbuser hadoop   101 Nov 13 21:20 NOTICE.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 cbuser hadoop  1366 Nov 13 21:20 README.txt
    drwxr-xr-x  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 sbin
    drwxr-xr-x  4 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13 21:20 share
  3. Remove the downloaded Hadoop image:

    rm -f hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz

Setup configuration

Instructions for setup:

  1. Add environment variables in ~/.bashrc

Before editing the .bashrc file in our home directory, we need to find the path where Java has been installed to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable using the following command:

update-alternatives --config java
There is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java

Now we can append the following to the end of ~/.bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
export HADOOP_INSTALL=/usr/local/hadoop
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_INSTALL/lib"
  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/

Set JAVA_HOME in modifying file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64

Comment the following line:


Adding the above statement in the file ensures that the value of JAVA_HOME variable will be available to Hadoop whenever it is started up.

  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

The /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml file contains configuration properties that Hadoop uses when starting up. This file can be used to override the default settings that Hadoop starts with:

sudo mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp
sudo chown cbuser:hadoop /app/hadoop/tmp

Open the file and enter the following in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>A base for other temporary directories.</description>

  <description>The name of the default file system.  A URI whose
  scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.  The
  uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
  the FileSystem implementation class.  The uri's authority is used to
  determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.</description>

Make sure that <configuration> tag is not duplicated.

  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

By default, the /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ folder contains the /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template file which has to be renamed/copied with the name mapred-site.xml:

cp /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

The mapred-site.xml file is used to specify which framework is being used for MapReduce. We need to enter the following content in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
  at.  If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map
  and reduce task.

Make sure that <configuration> tag is not duplicated.

  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

The /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml file needs to be configured for each host in the cluster that is being used. It is used to specify the directories which will be used as the namenode and the datanode on that host.

Before editing this file, we need to create two directories which will contain the namenode and the datanode for this Hadoop installation. This can be done using the following commands:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode
sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop_store

Open the file and enter the following content in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>Default block replication.
  The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is created.
  The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.

Source the bashrc file and ensure that IP address and hostname of this machine is present in /etc/hosts file:

 source ~/.bashrc

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Format the new Hadoop file system. If IP address and hostname are not present, the formatting of the file system will fail:

hdfs namenode -format

cbuser@cb-speccloud-hadoop-271:~$ hdfs namenode -format
15/11/09 19:51:23 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:
STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
STARTUP_MSG:   host = cb-speccloud-hadoop-271/
STARTUP_MSG:   args = [-format]
STARTUP_MSG:   version = 2.7.1
STARTUP_MSG:   classpath = /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/guava-11.0.2.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jaxb-api-2.2.2.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jersey-server-1.9.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jetty-6.1.26.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jsp-api-2.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jsr305-3.0.0.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jersey-json-1.9.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/xz-1.0.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/xmlenc-0.52.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/netty-3.6.2.Final.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/curator-client-2.7.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/httpclient-4.2.5.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/commons-net-3.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/apacheds-i18n-2.0.0-M15.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/curator-recipes-2.7.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/api-asn1-api-1.0.0-M20.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jets3t-0.9.0.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/commons-codec-1.4.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/commons-digester-1.8.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/commons-compress-1.4.1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/snappy-java-*.jar
STARTUP_MSG:   build = -r 15ecc87ccf4a0228f35af08fc56de536e6ce657a; compiled by 'jenkins' on 2015-06-29T06:04Z
STARTUP_MSG:   java = 1.7.0_85
15/11/09 19:51:23 INFO namenode.NameNode: registered UNIX signal handlers for [TERM, HUP, INT]
15/11/09 19:51:23 INFO namenode.NameNode: createNameNode [-format]
15/11/09 19:51:24 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Formatting using clusterid: CID-3f4591aa-1384-445c-afb1-c449690028b3
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: No KeyProvider found.
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: fsLock is fair:true
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.DatanodeManager: dfs.block.invalidate.limit=1000
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.DatanodeManager: dfs.namenode.datanode.registration.ip-hostname-check=true
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: dfs.namenode.startup.delay.block.deletion.sec is set to 000:00:00:00.000
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: The block deletion will start around 2015 Nov 09 19:51:24
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map BlocksMap
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: 2.0% max memory 889 MB = 17.8 MB
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^21 = 2097152 entries
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: dfs.block.access.token.enable=false
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: defaultReplication         = 3
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxReplication             = 512
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: minReplication             = 1
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxReplicationStreams      = 2
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: shouldCheckForEnoughRacks  = false
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: replicationRecheckInterval = 3000
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: encryptDataTransfer        = false
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxNumBlocksToLog          = 1000
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: fsOwner             = cbuser (auth:SIMPLE)
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: supergroup          = supergroup
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: isPermissionEnabled = true
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: HA Enabled: false
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Append Enabled: true
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map INodeMap
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: 1.0% max memory 889 MB = 8.9 MB
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^20 = 1048576 entries
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSDirectory: ACLs enabled? false
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSDirectory: XAttrs enabled? true
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSDirectory: Maximum size of an xattr: 16384
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.NameNode: Caching file names occuring more than 10 times
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map cachedBlocks
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: 0.25% max memory 889 MB = 2.2 MB
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^18 = 262144 entries
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.threshold-pct = 0.9990000128746033
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.min.datanodes = 0
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.extension     = 30000
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO metrics.TopMetrics: NNTop conf: = 10
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO metrics.TopMetrics: NNTop conf: = 10
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO metrics.TopMetrics: NNTop conf: = 1,5,25
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Retry cache on namenode is enabled
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Retry cache will use 0.03 of total heap and retry cache entry expiry time is 600000 millis
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map NameNodeRetryCache
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: 0.029999999329447746% max memory 889 MB = 273.1 KB
15/11/09 19:51:24 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^15 = 32768 entries
Re-format filesystem in Storage Directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode ? (Y or N) y
15/11/09 19:51:29 INFO namenode.FSImage: Allocated new BlockPoolId: BP-1085748319-
15/11/09 19:51:30 INFO common.Storage: Storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode has been successfully formatted.
15/11/09 19:51:30 INFO namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Going to retain 1 images with txid >= 0
15/11/09 19:51:30 INFO util.ExitUtil: Exiting with status 0
15/11/09 19:51:30 INFO namenode.NameNode: SHUTDOWN_MSG:
SHUTDOWN_MSG: Shutting down NameNode at cb-speccloud-hadoop-271/
  1. Get HiBench from kit:

    mv ~/KITDIR/workloads/hibench ~/HiBench
  2. Remove the IP address and hostname added to /etc/hosts. Take a snapshot of this VM. The image is ready to be used with the benchmark. It contains CBTOOL depenencies, Hadoop 2.7.1, HiBench 2.0, and Mahout 0.7.

(x86_64/CentOS/7.1/QCOW2) - Common workload image

CBTOOL github wiki provides instructions on how to prepare a workload image for your cloud:

The instructions below can be used to prepare a base qcow2 image for Cassandra or KMeans workloads.

  1. Download an centos 7.1 image:

  2. Upload the image in your cloud. The instructions for uploading the image are specific to each cloud.

    Ex: OpenStack cloud Image-creation:

    glance image-create --name cb_speccloud_kmeans_centos --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public True --file /home/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2

    Boot VM:

    nova boot --image cb_speccloud_kmeans_centos --flavor 3 --nic net-id=623f3faa-66e2-4023-9dee-777eb81c1cc3 --availability-zone nova:kvmhost centos-kmeans --key_name mykey
  3. start VM:

    ssh -i YOURKEY.PEM centos@yourVMIP
  4. Add IP address and hostname of your VM in /etc/hosts file:

    vi /etc/hosts
  5. Update with latest packages and git:

    sudo yum  update
    sudo yum install git -y
  1. Create a cbuser account:

    sudo adduser cbuser
    Set password as cbuser
  2. Give it password-less access:

    sudo visudo
    Add the following line.
  3. Switch to this user:

    su cbuser
    (password should be cbuser)
    cd ~/
  4. unzip the kit and move osgcloud into home directory:

    cd ~/
    unzip spec_cloud_iaas*.zip
    mv spec_cloud_iaas*/osgcloud ~/

    if you are using osgclog git instead of kit:

    cd ~/
    mv osgcloud ~/
  5. Add the key from CBTOOL into the authorized_keys file of this VM.

To avoid permissions vagaries for .ssh directory, generate SSH key. The newly created public and private keys will be discarded when they are overwritten with CBTOOL keys:

ssh-keygen [press ENTER for all options]

The above command will create the following directory and add id_rsa and keys into it. Now copy keys from CBTOOL machine which are present in the following directories on CBTOOL machine:

cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials

Copy these keys into .ssh directory of this VM:

cat cbtool_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat > ~/.ssh/
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Adjust the permissions:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  1. Test ssh connectivity to your VM from cbtool:

    ssh -i /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa  cbuser@YOURVMIP
If this works, cloudbench can do a key-based ssh in this VM.
  1. Search for UseDNS in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. If it does not exist, insert the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    #UseDNS no
  2. Install null workload. This will install all CBTOOL dependencies for the workload image. Then you can install the workloads by following platform specific instructions:

    cd /home/cbuser/osgcloud/
    cbtool/install -r workload --wks nullworkload

15. Remove the hostname added in /etc/hosts and take a snapshot of this VM. The snapshot instructions vary per cloud. You can then use this image to prepare workload images.

(x86_64/CentOS/7.1/QCOW2) - Cassandra and YCSB

These instructions assume that you are starting with the common workload image created earlier.

Cassandra and YCSB are installed on the same machine.

  1. Get centos common image created in (x86_64/CentOS/7.1/QCOW2) - Common workload image section and create a vm.

Installing Cassandra

Cassandra 2.1.11 package can be obtained from the kit or from datastax site. The rpm package that ships with the kit can be found at:


  If user need packages from datastax site, update repo and install::

    [cbuser@centos-cassandra ~]$ sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo

    name = DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 0

  Install 2.1.11 package::

    [cbuser@centos-cassandra ~]$ sudo yum install -y cassandra22-tools-2.1.11.noarch cassandra22-2.1.11.noarch

  If user need packages shipped from kit::

    casssandra and cassandra-tools rpms available here

    cd  ~/workloads/cassandra

  Install packages::

    [cbuser@centos-cassandra ~]$ sudo yum  yum install -y cassandra*

  Start Service::

      sudo systemctl start cassandra
      sudo systemctl status cassandra
      sudo systemctl enable cassandra

Installing YCSB

YCSB ships as part of the kit. It is present in the following directory in the kit:

  1. Uncompress the file:

    tar -xzvf ~/workloads/ycsb/ycsb-0.4.0.tar.gz
  2. Move to home directory and rename:

    mv ~/workloads/ycsb/ycsb-0.4.0 ~/YCSB
  3. Capture the VM using your cloud capture tools (snapshot etc) Same image can be used to prepare cassandra & kmeans images.

(x86_64/CentOS/7.1/QCOW2) - KMeans and Hadoop

These instructions assume that you are starting with the common workload image created earlier.

The instructions below specify how to set up Hadoop (2.7.1) and how to install HiBench and Mahout that ship with the kit.

  1. Get centos common image created in (x86_64/CentOS/7.1/QCOW2) - Common workload image section and create a vm.

  2. ssh into your VM:

        ssh -i YOURKEYPEM cbuser@YOURVMIP
    Make use that YOURKEYPEM will be common for both YCSB and K-Means VM images.
  3. Install Java:

    sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-
    java version "1.7.0_91"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u91-b00)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.91-b01, mixed mode)
  4. Create hadoop group:

    sudo groupadd hadoop
  5. Add cbuser to hadoop group:

    sudo usermod -a -G hadoop cbuser
  6. Test ssh to localhost is working without password:

    ssh localhost
If this does not work, add your public key to /home/cbuser/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
  1. Get Hadoop 2.7.1 from kit or download from Apache website:

    cd /home/cbuser
    From kit
    cp  workloads/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz .
    From website
    tar -xzvf hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz
  2. Move hadoop to /usr/local/hadoop directory:

    sudo mv hadoop-2.7.1 /usr/local/hadoop
    sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop
    ls -al /usr/local/hadoop
    total 44
    drwxr-xr-x.  9 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13  2014 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 14 root   root    4096 Sep 15 20:31 ..
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13  2014 bin
    drwxr-xr-x.  3 cbuser hadoop    19 Nov 13  2014 etc
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 cbuser hadoop   101 Nov 13  2014 include
    drwxr-xr-x.  3 cbuser hadoop    19 Nov 13  2014 lib
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13  2014 libexec
    -rw-r--r--.  1 cbuser hadoop 15429 Nov 13  2014 LICENSE.txt
    -rw-r--r--.  1 cbuser hadoop   101 Nov 13  2014 NOTICE.txt
    -rw-r--r--.  1 cbuser hadoop  1366 Nov 13  2014 README.txt
    drwxr-xr-x.  2 cbuser hadoop  4096 Nov 13  2014 sbin
    drwxr-xr-x.  4 cbuser hadoop    29 Nov 13  2014 share

Setup configuration

Instructions for setup:

  1. Add environment variables in ~/.bashrc

Before editing the .bashrc file in our home directory, we need to find the path where Java has been installed to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable using the following command:

 sudo update-alternatives --config java

For example:

[cbuser@centos-kmeans ~]$ sudo sudo update-alternatives --config java
There is 1 program which provide 'java'.
Selection    Command
+1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-

Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number: 1

Now we can append the following to the end of ~/.bashrc::

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-

export HADOOP_INSTALL=/usr/local/hadoop
export HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_INSTALL/lib"
  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/

Set JAVA_HOME in modifying file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-

Adding the above statement in the file ensures that the value of JAVA_HOME variable will be available to Hadoop whenever it is started up.

  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

The /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml file contains configuration properties that Hadoop uses when starting up. This file can be used to override the default settings that Hadoop starts with:

sudo mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp
sudo chown cbuser:hadoop /app/hadoop/tmp

Open the file and enter the following in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>A base for other temporary directories.</description>

  <description>The name of the default file system.  A URI whose
  scheme and authority determine the FileSystem implementation.  The
  uri's scheme determines the config property (fs.SCHEME.impl) naming
  the FileSystem implementation class.  The uri's authority is used to
  determine the host, port, etc. for a filesystem.</description>
  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

By default, the /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ folder contains the /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template file which has to be renamed/copied with the name mapred-site.xml:

cp /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

The mapred-site.xml file is used to specify which framework is being used for MapReduce. We need to enter the following content in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>The host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs
  at.  If "local", then jobs are run in-process as a single map
  and reduce task.
  1. /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

The /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml file needs to be configured for each host in the cluster that is being used. It is used to specify the directories which will be used as the namenode and the datanode on that host.

Before editing this file, we need to create two directories which will contain the namenode and the datanode for this Hadoop installation. This can be done using the following commands:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode
sudo chown -R cbuser:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop_store

Open the file and enter the following content in between the <configuration></configuration> tag:

  <description>Default block replication.
  The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is created.
  The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.

Format the new Hadoop file system:

hadoop namenode -format

DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
Instead use the hdfs command for it.

15/09/27 16:55:03 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:
STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
STARTUP_MSG:   host = centos-kmeans.novalocal/
STARTUP_MSG:   args = [-format]
STARTUP_MSG:   version = 2.6.0
STARTUP_MSG:   classpath = /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jackson-xc-1.9.13.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/netty-3.6.2.Final.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/snappy-java-*.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/contrib/capacity-scheduler/*.jar
STARTUP_MSG:   build = -r e3496499ecb8d220fba99dc5ed4c99c8f9e33bb1; compiled by 'jenkins' on 2014-11-13T21:10Z
STARTUP_MSG:   java = 1.7.0_85
15/09/27 16:55:03 INFO namenode.NameNode: registered UNIX signal handlers for [TERM, HUP, INT]
15/09/27 16:55:04 INFO namenode.NameNode: createNameNode [-format]
15/09/27 16:55:04 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Formatting using clusterid: CID-d4c6083f-48cd-4954-9960-376716496d42
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: No KeyProvider found.
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: fsLock is fair:true
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.DatanodeManager: dfs.block.invalidate.limit=1000
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.DatanodeManager: dfs.namenode.datanode.registration.ip-hostname-check=true
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: dfs.namenode.startup.delay.block.deletion.sec is set to 000:00:00:00.000
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: The block deletion will start around 2015 Sep 27 16:55:05
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map BlocksMap
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: 2.0% max memory 966.7 MB = 19.3 MB
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^21 = 2097152 entries
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: dfs.block.access.token.enable=false
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: defaultReplication         = 3
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxReplication             = 512
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: minReplication             = 1
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxReplicationStreams      = 2
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: shouldCheckForEnoughRacks  = false
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: replicationRecheckInterval = 3000
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: encryptDataTransfer        = false
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO blockmanagement.BlockManager: maxNumBlocksToLog          = 1000
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: fsOwner             = cbuser (auth:SIMPLE)
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: supergroup          = supergroup
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: isPermissionEnabled = true
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: HA Enabled: false
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Append Enabled: true
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map INodeMap
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: 1.0% max memory 966.7 MB = 9.7 MB
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^20 = 1048576 entries
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.NameNode: Caching file names occuring more than 10 times
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map cachedBlocks
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: 0.25% max memory 966.7 MB = 2.4 MB
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^18 = 262144 entries
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.threshold-pct = 0.9990000128746033
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.min.datanodes = 0
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.namenode.safemode.extension     = 30000
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Retry cache on namenode is enabled
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: Retry cache will use 0.03 of total heap and retry cache entry expiry time is 600000 millis
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: Computing capacity for map NameNodeRetryCache
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: VM type       = 64-bit
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: 0.029999999329447746% max memory 966.7 MB = 297.0 KB
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO util.GSet: capacity      = 2^15 = 32768 entries
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.NNConf: ACLs enabled? false
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.NNConf: XAttrs enabled? true
15/09/27 16:55:05 INFO namenode.NNConf: Maximum size of an xattr: 16384
15/09/27 16:59:34 INFO namenode.FSImage: Allocated new BlockPoolId: BP-798775859-
15/09/27 16:59:34 INFO common.Storage: Storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode has been successfully formatted.
15/09/27 16:59:35 INFO namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Going to retain 1 images with txid >= 0
15/09/27 16:59:35 INFO util.ExitUtil: Exiting with status 0
15/09/27 16:59:35 INFO namenode.NameNode: SHUTDOWN_MSG:
SHUTDOWN_MSG: Shutting down NameNode at centos-kmeans.novalocal/
[cbuser@centos-kmeans ~]$
  1. Get HiBench from kit:

    mv ~/osgcloud/workloads/hibench ~/HiBench
  2. Remove the IP address and hostname added to /etc/hosts. Take a snapshot of this VM. The image is ready to be used with the benchmark. It contains CBTOOL depenencies, Hadoop 2.6.0, HiBench 2.0, and Mahout 0.7.

(ppc_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Common workload image

Instructions same as x86_64 Ubuntu image.

(ppc_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Cassandra and YCSB

Instructions same as Ubuntu x86_64 image.

(ppc_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - KMeans and Hadoop

Instructions same as Ubuntu x86_64 image.

(AMI_x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Common workload image

CBTOOL github wiki provides instructions on how to prepare a workload image for your cloud:

The instructions below can be used to prepare a base qcow2 image for Cassandra or KMeans workloads.

  1. Create a VM using Ubuntu 14.04 image with a flavor m3.medium (1 VCPU, 7.5GB)

  2. Determine the IP address of VM using ifconfig, and add IP address and hostname of your VM in /etc/hosts file:

    vi /etc/hosts
  3. Update with latest packages and git:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git -y
  4. Create a cbuser account:

    sudo adduser cbuser
    Set appropriate password
  5. Give it password-less access:

    sudo visudo
    Add the following line.
  6. Switch to this user:

    su cbuser
    (password should be cbuser)
    cd ~/
  7. Unzip the kit and move osgcloud into home directory:

    cd ~/
    unzip spec_cloud_iaas*.zip
    mv spec_cloud_iaas*/osgcloud ~/
  8. Add the key from CBTOOL into the authorized_keys file of this VM.:

    sudo cp -r /home/ubuntu/.ssh ~/
    sudo chown -R cbuser:cbuser ~/.ssh
  9. Install NTP package:

    sudo apt-get install ntp -y
  10. Test ssh connectivity to your VM from cbtool:

    ssh -i /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa  cbuser@YOURVMIP
If this works, cloudbench can do a key-based ssh in this VM.
  1. Search for “UseDNS” in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. If it does not exist, insert the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    UseDNS no
    sudo service ssh restart
  2. Check /home/cbuser/.ssh/config

If it containers a line:

-e UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

Remove the “-e ” and save the file.

The contents of this file should be same as:


13. Install null workload. This will install all CBTOOL dependencies for the workload image. Then you can install the workloads by following platform specific instructions:

cd /home/cbuser/osgcloud/
cbtool/install -r workload --wks nullworkload

If there are any errors, rerun the command until it exits without any errors. A successful output should return the following:

“All dependencies are in place”

13. Remove the hostname added in /etc/hosts and take a snapshot of this VM. The snapshot instructions vary per cloud. You can then use this image to prepare workload images.

(AMI_x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Cassandra and YCSB

Instructions same as Ubuntu

(AMI_x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) KMeans and Hadoop

Instructions same as Ubuntu x86_64 image.

(gcloud_x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty/QCOW2) - Common workload image

CBTOOL github wiki provides instructions on how to prepare a workload image for your cloud:

The instructions below can be used to prepare a base GCE image for Cassandra or KMeans workloads.

  1. Create a VM using Ubuntu 14.04 image with a flavor m3.medium (1 VCPU, 7.5GB).Click on ‘Disks’ and uncheck the ‘Delete boot disk when instance is deleted’.

  2. Determine the IP address of VM using ifconfig, and add IP address and hostname of your VM in /etc/hosts file:

    vi /etc/hosts
  3. Update with latest packages and git:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install unzip git -y
  4. Copy the kit into this instance, unzip the kit and move osgcloud into home directory:

    cd ~/
    unzip spec_cloud_iaas*.zip
    mv spec_cloud_iaas*/osgcloud ~/
  5. Install ntp package:

    sudo apt-get install ntp -y
  6. Test ssh connectivity to your VM from cbtool:

    ssh -i /home/ubuntu/osgcloud/cbtool/credentials/cbtool_rsa  cbuser@YOURVMIP
If this works, cloudbench can do a key-based ssh in this VM.
  1. Search for UseDNS in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. If it does not exist, insert the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    UseDNS no
    sudo service ssh restart
  2. Check /home/cbuser/.ssh/config

If it containers a line:

-e UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null

Remove the “-e ” and save the file.

The contents of this file should be same as:


9. Install null workload. This will install all CBTOOL dependencies for the workload image. Then you can install the workloads by following platform specific instructions:

cd /home/cbuser/osgcloud/
cbtool/install -r workload --wks nullworkload

If there are any errors, rerun the command until it exits without any errors. A successful output should return the following:

“All dependencies are in place”

10. Remove the hostname added in /etc/hosts and take a snapshot of this VM. The snapshot instructions vary per cloud. You can then use this image to prepare workload images.

  1. Delete the VM.

  2. Create an image from the disk of this deleted VM through UI or command line. Command line instructions are as follows:

    gcloud compute images create NAMEOFIMAGE --source-disk-zone us-central1-f --source-disk NAMEOFDELETEDVM

(gcloud/x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty) - Cassandra and YCSB

Instructions same as Ubuntu.

(gcloud/x86_64/Ubuntu/Trusty) - KMeans and Hadoop

Instructions same as Ubuntu.

Upload Images in Your Cloud, Launch VM, and Launch AI

It is assumed that a tester knows how to upload images in the cloud under test. Sample instructions for an OpenStack cloud are provided below.

[For development only] YCSB and K-Means images (centos & ubuntu) are available on SPEC Miami repository. The tester can download these images:



Assume OpenStack credentials have been sourced, downloaded the cassandra image at the following path on cloud controller:



Upload the image into OpenStack cloud:


  glance image-create --name cb_speccloud_cassandra_centos.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public True --file /home/ubuntu/images/cb_speccloud_cassandra_centos.qcow2


glance image-create --name cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public True --file /home/ubuntu/images/cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111.qcow2

Similar steps can be followed to upload the KMeans image.

Configuring CBTOOL with the Images Uploaded in OpenStack Cloud

Edit the cloud definitions file and add the [VM_TEMPLATES : OSK_CLOUDCONFIG] after the “ADD BELOW” line:

vi ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

OSK_ACCESS = http://PUBLICIP:5000/v2.0/                   # Address of controlled node (where nova-api runs)
OSK_CREDENTIALS =  admin-admin-admin                      # user-password-tenant
OSK_SECURITY_GROUPS = default                             # Make sure that this group exists first
OSK_INITIAL_VMCS = RegionOne                              # Change "RegionOne" accordingly
OSK_LOGIN = cbuser                                        # The username that logins on the VMs
OSK_KEY_NAME = spec_key                                   # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_SSH_KEY_NAME = spec_key                               # SSH key for logging into workload VMs
OSK_NETNAME = public


[VM_TEMPLATES : OSK_CLOUDCONFIG]                            # setting various CBTOOL roles and images
# the images have to exist in OpenStack glance.
#choose required images (centos or ubuntu) and comment other images.
# centos images

CASSANDRA = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_centos
YCSB = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_centos
SEED = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra_centos
HADOOPMASTER = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans_centos
HADOOPSLAVE = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans_centos

#ubuntu images

CASSANDRA = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cassandra_ubuntu
YCSB = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra
SEED = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_cassandra
HADOOPMASTER = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans
HADOOPSLAVE = size:m1.medium, imageid1:cb_speccloud_kmeans

Launch a VM and Test It

In your CBTOOL CLI, type the following:


(MYOPENSTACK) cldalter vm_defaults run_generic_scripts=False
(MYOPENSTACK) cldalter MYOPENSTACK ai_defaults dont_start_load_manager True
(MYOPENSTACK) typealter MYOPENSTACK cassandra_ycsb cassandra_conf_path /etc/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
(MYOPENSTACK) vmattach cassandra


(MYOPENSTACK) cldalter vm_defaults run_generic_scripts=False
vmattach cassandra

This will create a VM from Cassandra image that uploaded earlier. Once the VM is created, test ping connectivity to the VM. CBTOOL will not run any generic scripts into this image. Here is a sample output:

(MYOPENSTACK) vmattach cassandra
 status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cassandra_ubuntu_final" (<Image: cassandra_ubuntu_final>) and size "m1.medium" (<Flavor: m1.medium>), network identifier "[{'net-id': u'24bf3e75-c883-41e6-9ee7-4ca0f16e8fa9'}]", on VMC "RegionOne"
 status: Waiting for vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid a5f1047d-8127-435b-b2f6-10fa96e19fdc) to start...
 status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid a5f1047d-8127-435b-b2f6-10fa96e19fdc), on IP address
 status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_3 ([email protected])...
 status: Boostrapping vm_3 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
 status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_3 (
 status: Bypassing generic VM post_boot configuration on vm_3 (
VM object 9440AAF5-B5D9-5FF6-8845-45DBCFBA0270 (named "vm_3") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address (cb-ubuntu-MYOPENSTACK-vm3-cassandra).

Configure /etc/ntp.conf with the NTP server in your environment and then run:

sudo ntpd -gq

If NTP is not installed in your image, then the image must be recreated with NTP package installed.

If the result of running the above command is zero (echo $?), then the instance can reach the intended NTP server.

Next, restart CBTOOL:

cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool
./cb --soft_reset -c configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

Create a VM again:

vmattach cassandra

If VM is successfully created, CBTOOL is able to copy scripts into the VM.

Adjust the number of attemps CBTOOL makes to test if VM is running. This comes handy if the cloud under test takes a long time to provision. This value is automatically set during a compliant run based on maximum of average AI provisioning time measured during baseline phase:

cldalter MYOPENSTACK vm_defaults update_attempts 100

Repeat this process for all role names, that is:

vmattach ycsb
vmattach hadoopmaster
vmattach hadoopslave

Launching Your First AI

This instructions assume that CBTOOL has been configured and images have been uploaded in the cloud. If that is not the case, please refer to earlier instructions.


./cb --soft_reset  -c configs/ubuntu_cloud_definitions.txt

Launching YCSB/Cassandra AI

Launch your first AI of Cassandra:


typealter MYOPENSTACK cassandra_ycsb cassandra_conf_path /etc/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
aiattach cassandra_ycsb


aiattach cassandra_ycsb

This will create a three instance Cassandra cluster, with one instance as YCSB, and two instances as Cassandra seeds. Note that the AI size for YCSB/Cassandra for SPEC Cloud IaaS 2016 Benchmark is seven instances. However, this step is simply a test to verify that YCSB/Cassandra cluster is successfully created.

You will see an output similar to:

(MYOPENSTACK) aiattach cassandra_ycsb
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111" (<Image: cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111" (<Image: cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111" (<Image: cb_speccloud_cassandra_2111>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
status: Waiting for vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid 315576a1-7fe4-4ee0-95b3-f78ce5f4a99c) to start...
status: Waiting for vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid f50645aa-6744-4c70-bb64-672e60551b99) to start...
status: Waiting for vm_1 (cloud-assigned uuid f504cb52-18db-4e6b-b779-2f1038a35400) to start...
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_1 (cloud-assigned uuid f504cb52-18db-4e6b-b779-2f1038a35400), on IP address
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid 315576a1-7fe4-4ee0-95b3-f78ce5f4a99c), on IP address
status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid f50645aa-6744-4c70-bb64-672e60551b99), on IP address
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_2 ([email protected])...
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_3 ([email protected])...
status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_1 ([email protected])...
status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
status: Bootstrapping vm_2 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
status: Bootstrapping vm_3 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
status: Bootstrapping vm_1 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_2 (
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_3 (
status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_1 (
status: Performing generic application instance post_boot configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: Running application-specific "setup" configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
status: QEMU Scraper will NOT be automatically started during the deployment of ai_1...
AI object 3C4CEBCB-A884-58BE-9436-586184D1422B (named "ai_1") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address (cb-root-MYOPENSTACK-vm2-ycsb-ai-1).

If the AI fails to create because load manager will not run, please restart CloudBench, and type the following:

cd ~/osgcloud/cbtool
./cb --soft_reset
cldalter CLOUDNAME ai_defaults dont_start_load_manager True
aiattach cassandra_ycsb

Then, you can try to manually execute the scripts that are causing problems.

Verify that results are appearing in CBTOOL dashboard. Here is a screenshot.


Launching KMeans/Hadoop AI

Now, to launch your first AI of K-Means. These instructions assume that KMeans/Hadoop image has been created following the instructions listed above:


typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop hadoop_home /usr/local/hadoop
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop java_home /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop dfs_name_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop dfs_data_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode


typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop hadoop_home /usr/local/hadoop
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop java_home /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop dfs_name_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
typealter YOURCLOUDNAME hadoop dfs_data_dir /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/datanode

aiattach hadoop

After the image is launched, you will see an output similar to the following at the CBTOOL prompt:

(MYOPENSTACK) aiattach hadoop
 status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_hadoop_271" (<Image: cb_speccloud_hadoop_271>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
 status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_hadoop_271" (<Image: cb_speccloud_hadoop_271>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
 status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_hadoop_271" (<Image: cb_speccloud_hadoop_271>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
 status: Starting an instance on OpenStack, using the imageid "cb_speccloud_hadoop_271" (<Image: cb_speccloud_hadoop_271>) and size "m1.large" (<Flavor: m1.large>), connected to networks "flat_net", on VMC "RegionOne", under tenant "default" (ssh key is "root_default_cbtool_rsa")
 status: Waiting for vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid 0b551f0a-c7fe-499d-8ba7-22f9c6add97e) to start...
 status: Waiting for vm_4 (cloud-assigned uuid dc93fb35-2e51-49b5-957c-f91cd83d4217) to start...
 status: Waiting for vm_1 (cloud-assigned uuid 34589cc6-1761-4cde-a45d-cc47dc3b4d04) to start...
 status: Waiting for vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid a7e87374-770f-4eab-90a3-2191b9ee15fc) to start...
 status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_2 (cloud-assigned uuid 0b551f0a-c7fe-499d-8ba7-22f9c6add97e), on IP address
 status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_4 (cloud-assigned uuid dc93fb35-2e51-49b5-957c-f91cd83d4217), on IP address
 status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_1 (cloud-assigned uuid 34589cc6-1761-4cde-a45d-cc47dc3b4d04), on IP address
 status: Trying to establish network connectivity to vm_3 (cloud-assigned uuid a7e87374-770f-4eab-90a3-2191b9ee15fc), on IP address
 status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_2 ([email protected])...
 status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_4 ([email protected])...
 status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
 status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_3 ([email protected])...
 status: Checking ssh accessibility on vm_1 ([email protected])...
 status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
 status: Command "/bin/true" failed to execute on hostname after attempt 0. Will try 3 more times.
 status: Bootstrapping vm_2 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
 status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_2 (
 status: Bootstrapping vm_4 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
 status: Bootstrapping vm_1 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
 status: Bootstrapping vm_3 (creating file cb_os_paramaters.txt in "cbuser" user's home dir on
 status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_4 (
 status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_1 (
 status: Sending a copy of the code tree to vm_3 (
 status: Performing generic application instance post_boot configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
 status: Running application-specific "setup" configuration on all VMs belonging to ai_1...
 status: QEMU Scraper will NOT be automatically started during the deployment of ai_1...
AI object FE78E43B-6F66-5019-828D-C6EAED08C238 (named "ai_1") sucessfully attached to this experiment. It is ssh-accessible at the IP address (cb-root-MYOPENSTACK-vm1-hadoopmaster-ai-1).

Verify that results are appearing in CBTOOL dashboard. Here is a screenshot.
