SPEC/OSG Result Search Engine
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SPEC VIRT_SC® 2010 Results -- Help

Help for SPEC VIRT_SC® 2010 Results

This is a powerful engine for fetching results from SPEC.

There are two interfaces to this engine:

Simple Interface
The simple interface has a very limited interface and relies heavily on default settings. It can handle many basic inquires with minimal fuss.
Configurable Interface
The configurable interface offers a lot more functionality. With this interface, it is possible to:

Most of this help information is for the configurable interface.

Dataset Fields

These are the fields available in the current configuration (virt_sc2010). Each configuration is likely to have a different set of fields available. [Note: there may be multiple configurations, each with different fields, for any set of results. Typically, the more specific a configuration is to a particular benchmark, the more fields that are available.]

Which benchmark is this a result for.

Benchmark Version
Benchmark software version

Hardware Vendor
The hardware vendor for the system under test

The hardware model of the system under test.

Virtualization Product Vendor
The vendor of the virtualization product used for this test.

Virtualization Product
The virtualization product used for this test.

The summary metric.

Number of VMs
The total number of virtual machines used for this test.

# Cores
The number of cores in the system.

# Chips
The number of chips in the system.

# Cores Per Chip
The number of cores per chip in the system.

# Threads Per Core
The number of threads per processor core

The name of the central processor(s).

Processor MHz
The speed (MHz) of the central processor(s).

1st Level Cache
The size and structure of the first level cache.

2nd Level Cache
The size and structure of the second level cache.

3rd Level Cache
The size and structure of the third level cache.

Memory (GB)
The amount of main memory (in GB) in the system under test.

Operating System
The operating system running on the system under test.

File System
The type of file system used to hold the benchmark tree on the system under test.

Other Hardware
Other hardware used in the system under test

Other Software
Other software used in the system under test

Number and size of disk(s) used in the system under test

Disk Controller
Disk controller used in the system under test

Disk Enclosure
Disk enclosure used in the system under test

RAID type used in the system under test

Was a UPS attached to the system under test?

Number of Networks
Number of networks attached

Number of Network Controllers
Number of network controllers used

Name of the network controller(s) used

Net Type
Type of network used (e.g. fast ethernet)

Network speed
Network speed used for the system under test.

HW Avail
The date that the hardware for this system is/will be generally available.

Virtualization Software Avail
The date that the virtualization software used for this result is/will be generally available.

Number of client systems
Number of client systems used.

Client Hardware Vendor
Hardware vendor for the client system(s) used.

Client System Name
System name of the client system(s) used.

Client System CPU
CPU used in the client system(s).

Client System CPU Speed
Speed (in MHz) of CPUs used in the client system(s).

Client System CPUs Enabled
Number of CPUs enabled in the client system(s).

Client System Memory
Amount of memory in the client system(s).

Client System NIC
NIC used in the client system(s).

Client System OS
Operating system used in the client system(s).

Client System JVM
JVM used in the client system(s).

Client System Other Hardware
Other hardware used in the client system(s).

Client System Other Software
Other software used in the client system(s).

Web server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the web server.

Web Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the web server.

Web Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the web server.

Web Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the web server.

Web Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the web server.

Web Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the web server.

Web Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the web server.

Web Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the web server.

Web Server VM OS
The operating system used for the web server virtual machine.

Web Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the web server virtual machine.

Web Server Vendor
The vendor of the virtualized web server software.

Web Server Software
The virtualized web server software.

Web Server Availability
The availability date of the virtualized web server software.

Web Caching Software
The virtualized web caching product.

Server Log Mode
The web server logging format (e.g. common log format).

Web Scripting Tech. Vendor
The vendor of the web scripting software.

Web Scripting Technology
The web scripting technology used.

Web Scripting Technology Availability
The availability date of the web scripting technology.

Web Server JVM
The web server JVM version.

Web Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized web server.

App. server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the application server.

App. Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the application server.

App. Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the application server.

App. Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the application server.

App. Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the application server.

App. Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the application server.

App. Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the application server.

App. Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the application server.

App. Server VM OS
The operating system used for the application server virtual machine.

App. Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the application server virtual machine.

App. Server Vendor
The vendor of the virtualized application server software.

App. Server Software
The virtualized application server software.

App. Server Availability
The availability date of the virtualized application server software.

App. Server Cache
The virtualized application server cache.

App. Server Log Mode
The application server logging format

App. Server Emulator Vendor
The vendor of the emulation product.

App. Server Emulator
The application server emulation product.

App. Server Emulator Availability
The availability date of the emulation technology.

App. Server JVM
The application server JVM version.

App. Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized application server.

DB server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the database server.

DB Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the database server.

DB Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the database server.

DB Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the database server.

DB Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the database server.

DB Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the database server.

DB Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the database server.

DB Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the database server.

DB Server VM OS
The operating system used for the database server virtual machine.

DB Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the database server virtual machine.

DB Server Vendor
The vendor of the virtualized database server software.

DB Server Software
The virtualized database server software.

DB Server Availability
The availability date of the virtualized database server software.

DB Server Cache
The virtualized database server cache.

DB Server Log Mode
The database server logging format

DB Server JVM
The database server JVM version.

DB Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized database server.

Mail server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the mail server.

Mail Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the mail server.

Mail Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the mail server.

Mail Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the mail server.

Mail Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the mail server.

Mail Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the mail server.

Mail Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the mail server.

Mail Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the mail server.

Mail Server VM OS
The operating system used for the mail server virtual machine.

Mail Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the mail server virtual machine.

Mail Server Vendor
The vendor of the virtualized mail server software.

Mail Server Software
The virtualized mail server software.

Mail Server Availability
The availability date of the virtualized mail server software.

Mail Server Cache
The virtualized mail server cache.

Mail Server Log Mode
The mail server logging mode

Mail Server JVM
The mail server JVM version.

Mail Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized mail server.

Infrastructure server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the infrastructure server.

Infrastructure Server VM OS
The operating system used for the infrastructure server virtual machine.

Infrastructure Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the infrastructure server virtual machine.

Infrastructure Server Vendor
The vendor of the virtualized infrastructure server software.

Infrastructure Server Software
The virtualized infrastructure server software.

Infrastructure Server Availability
The availability date of the virtualized mail server software.

Infrastructure Server Cache
The virtualized infrastructure server cache.

Infrastructure Server Log Mode
The infrastructure server log format

Infrastructure Server JVM
The infrastructure server JVM version.

Infrastructure Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized infrastructure server.

Idle server virtual CPUs
Number of Virtual CPUs in the idle server.

Idle Server Virtual CPU Speed
Speed of the virtual CPUs in the idle server.

Idle Server Memory
Memory (in MB) in the idle server.

Idle Server Virtual NICs
Number of virtual NICs used in the idle server.

Idle Server Virtual Network Adapter
The virtual adapters used in the idle server.

Idle Server Virtual Storage
The virtual storage used in the idle server.

Idle Server Virtual Disk Size
The size (in MB) of the virtual disk storage used in the idle server.

Idle Server Datastore Size
The size (in MB) of the datastore used in the idle server.

IdleServer VM OS
The operating system used for the idle server virtual machine.

Idle Server VM OS Availability
The availability date of the operating system used for the idle server virtual machine.

Idle Server JVM
The idle server JVM version.

Idle Server Other Software
Other software used with the virtualized idle server.

Power Meter Vendor
The vendor of the power meter used for this run.

Power Meter
The model of the power meter used for this run.

Power Meter Connection Type
The type of connector used with the power meter (e.g. RS-232)

Power Meter Calibration Date
The calibration date for the power meter.

Power Meter Current Range Setting
The current range setting used with the power meter.

Power Meter Voltage Range Setting
The voltage range setting used with the power meter.

PTD Version (Power)
The PTD software version used.

PTD Host (Power)
The system hosting the PTD software.

PTD Host OS (Power)
The operating system used on the PTD software host.

PTD Index (Power)
The PTD index.

Temperature Meter Vendor
The vendor of the temperature meter used for this run.

Temperature Meter
The model of the temperature meter used for this run.

Temperature Meter Connection Type
The type of connector used with the temperature meter (e.g. RS-232)

Temperature Meter Driver Version
The driver version used with the temperature meter

PTD Version (Temp.)
The PTD software version used.

PTD Host (Temp.)
The system hosting the PTD software for temperature measurement.

PTD Host OS (Temp.)
The operating system used on the PTD software host for temperature measurement.

PTD Index (Temp.)
The PTD index (temperature measurement).

Power Line Standard
The power line standard.

Testbed Elevation
The testbed elevation.

The software license number used to generate this result.

Tested By
The people who have produced this result.

The date this result was first published by SPEC.

The date this result was last updated by SPEC, though most updates are clerical rather than significant.

Full disclosure reports

Disclosure URL
URL for full disclosure report

Query Features

[Note: there are two kinds of query forms: Simple and Configurable. Most of the features described here are available only in the configurable query.]

Content: Display
What fields to display. Each field can be Display which will display the entire field, or SKIP which will cause the field not to be displayed. For fields of the string type, it is also possible to limit the width of the field's display by choosing one of the X Chars options.

Content: Criteria
Limit results to only those that satisfy some criteria. For each field it is possible to specify some criteria that will be used to select only certain records out of the entire dataset. String criteria can be regular expressions, numeric fields are compared against your provided floating point values, and date fields are compared against the specified month and year. You may specify criteria for and and all fields, whether or not that field will be displayed.

Content: Duplicates
Allows the removal of duplicates, such as where there are multiple results for the same configuration. Duplicates are defined to be records that all have matching values in across a specified set of fields. Duplicates are then ranked according to their values in a specified key field. There are three possible actions for duplicates: return all records (the default), return the one result with the latest (or greatest) value, return the one result with the earliest (or smallest) value.

Content: Publication
Specify in which datasets to look for results. All SPEC results are published on a quarterly basis, This allows you to specify the range of quarters that you are interested in. Note: there are some quarters where no results were published for certain benchmarks; datasets which would have no available results will not be present in the selection list. The default settings are for all quarters to be searched.

Sorting: Column
This search engine returns its findings in sorted order, this ordering is based upon any three keys: a primary, a secondary, and if records are still even, a tertiary key is used to settle ties.

Sorting: Direction
For each sort column, you must specify a direction. Ascending means that the list starts at the lowest value ("AA", or "0", or "Jan-80"), and Descending starts the list from the highest values.

Format: Output Format
Results may be returned in one of three formats.
HTML3.2 Table
Which uses HTML table specifications which allows your browser to arrange the display.
Preformatted Text
Which makes the server format the display of the data returned. This is most useful when a large number of fields are to be returned because most browsers do not perform well when there are a large number of columns in a table.
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Which may not look pretty, but if saved to a local file, can are easily loaded into any spreadsheet application and you can arrange and format and calculate to your heart's delight

Engine Basics

This search engine is designed to be controlled by two basic parts: the configuration used, and the datasets searched.

The configuration controls many of the aspects of this engine. It specifies which datasets are appropriate, and which views of those datasets are supported.

The datasets contain the available data for published results. SPEC breaks its publications into quarterly 'buckets'; thus there is a different dataset for each calendar quarter. This allows you to select how far back into history you want to go. If you want only the last year, specify a range covering the last four quarters; if you want to know about results performed during the last half of 1995, you may specify the range covering the September and December issues in '95; etc. The default settings cover all available quarters.

There may be multiple configurations for the same datasets. Typically, the more focused a configuration is towards a particular benchmark, the more information about each result is available. In other words, the summary configuration views commonly support only the highest level information about a system and its result; the more specific configuration would support columns including system configuration details, the specific software versions, and/or individual component benchmark results.

Finally, most configurations support links to the reporting page for each result as the last column of the data returned. These reporting pages (available in a variety of formats), contain the full disclosure for each particular result. Consult these pages to learn all the details about a result.

Engine Modes

This engine supports five different modes of operation:
The current mode, what you are looking at right now. Displays the available help information about the engine and descriptions of the fields in the current configuration.
The starting interface. Offers a simple form for obtaining results using mostly default settings.
The configurable interface. Offers a very configurable interface to the available results.
The main workhorse. Takes the configuration and settings from the simple and form interfaces, and performs the desired lookups and displays the results.
Brute force. Changes settings to return all available data and then calls fetch. Returns all data in the current configuration; more data may be available in other configurations, and all the details are in each result's disclosure page. Because this is usually more data than browsers can handle as tables, these dumps are available in only two forms: preformated text, which can be easily scrolled, and comma separated values, which can be saved locally and loaded into a spreadsheet application.

Further Assistance

If you have comments or questions not addressed here, please contact the SPEC office.

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Thu Mar 13 16:08:29 2025