SPECweb®99_SSL Benchmark
SPECweb®99_SSL was retired October 2005
SPECweb®99_SSL answers the need for a meaningful measure of the web server load generated by servicing encrypted requests, which have become more prevalent on the web over the last few years. SPECweb®99_SSL adopts an industry-accepted workload to measure the performance capabilities of a web server with added SSL encryption/decryption.
SPECweb®99_SSL is built on the same test harness and uses the same workload and filesets as SPECweb 99. It tests secure web server performance using HTTP 1.0/1.1 over the SSL Protocol. It is an extension of, rather than a replacement for, SPECweb 99.
Code Defect Identified in the Windows port of the SPECweb 99_SSL test harness 07/22/2003 - SPEC has identified problems with the port of the SPECweb 99_SSL test harness to the MS Windows operating system. The code defects prevent the client systems from generating the correct SPECweb 99_SSL workload. It should be noted that the problems are solely within the the port of the SPECweb 99_SSL code base to the Windows OS and not due to either the Windows OS or the OpenSSL library. Details are available in the full notice.
- Submitted Results
- Text, HTML, PDF, and PostScript outputs for the SPECweb 99_SSL metrics; includes all of the results submitted to SPEC from the SPEC member companies and other licensees of the benchmark. You may also search all available submitted results.
- Dynamic API Sources
- An archive of dynamic CGI API implementations used by licensees of the SPECweb 99_SSL benchmark for the results published on the SPEC website.
- Tuning Descriptions
- Not all vendors choose to squeeze all of the tuning descriptions into the notes at the bottom of a result page; further documentation about tunings used for a result may be found here.
- New: Alternate version of 'manager' available (05/29/2003)
- An alternate version of 'manager' is available to current benchmark licensees; this version allows you to retrieve the POST log from the SUT faster by bypassing the web server and doing a direct network copy using rcp (or an equivalent for your OS). To request a copy of the alternate version of manager please send an email, along with your license information, to info@spec.org.
- SPECweb 99_SSL Press Release
- SPEC's press release announcing SPECweb 99_SSL.
SPECweb 99_SSL Documentation
- SPECweb 99_SSL FAQ
- The Frequently Asked/Answered Questions about SPECweb 99_SSL. (Last updated: March 6, 2002 )
- SPECweb 99_SSL Design Document
- A white paper describing the architectural design behind the SPECweb 99_SSL benchmark.
- SPECweb 99_SSL Benchmark Run and Reporting Rules
- The rules that govern the running and reporting of results for SPECweb 99_SSL.
- SPECweb 99_SSL User's Guide
- (also included on the SPECweb 99_SSL CD-ROM).
- Issues Building/Running SPECweb 99_SSL
- Installation, build, and runtime issues raised by users of SPECweb 99_SSL.
- Order your own copy of SPECweb 99_SSL
- The order form to purchase this and any other SPEC/OSG benchmark.