SPECweb®96 Benchmark
SPEC has introduced its first World Wide Web Server benchmark.
SPECweb®96 is a standardized benchmark for measuring basic Web Server performance.
SPECweb®96 features:
- Standardized workload, agreed to by major players in WWW market
- Full disclosures available available on this web site
- Stable implementation with no incomparable versions
Text, HTML3.0, and PostScript outputs for the SPECweb96 metrics. Includes all of the results submitted to SPEC from all the member companies.
Not all vendors choose to squeeze all of the tuning descriptions into the notes at the bottom of a result page, further documentation about tunings used for a result may be found here.
Client side improvements in SPECweb 96:
- A review of SPECweb 96 by Jason Levitt, as published in INFORMATIONWEEK in January 1997. Reprinted here with permission.
- The full text of SPEC's press release from announcement day.
- The Q&A prepared by SPEC for the press announcement.
- A description of the fileset used for the benchmark GETs.
- The actual rules that govern the running and reporting of results for this benchmark.
- A white paper describing some of the design ideas and future work for the SPECweb 96 benchmark.
- Some brief comments on workloads and plans.
Issues Building/Running SPECweb 96
- Answers to some questions raised by people using SPECweb 96.
For more information on the availability of this product, please contact SPEC directly.