SPECjbb2000 258859 ops/s Tyan Computer Corporation S4882-D BEA Systems BEA WebLogic JRockit(R) (build dra-43491-20050413-2002-win-ia32, R25.1.0-104) SPEC license # 49, Tested by: Advanced Micro Devices, Test date: Jun 17, 2005 Validity SPEC scores Warehouses Thrput 1 37187 2 73386 3 108411 4 142721 5 174094 6 206097 7 234818 8 265270 9 262638 * 10 266201 * 11 263720 * 12 262930 * 13 262816 * 14 257317 * 15 258636 * 16 258632 * 17 255681 * 18 254826 * 19 253975 * 20 252711 Throughput 258859 HARDWARE | SOFTWARE Vendor Tyan Computer | Vendor BEA Systems Corporation | Vendor URL http://www.bea.com Vendor URL http://www.tyan.com | Precompiler, if Model S4882-D | any Processor AMD Opteron 865 | Precompiler MHz 1800 | Command Line # of Procs 8 cores, 4 chips, 2 | Way Precompiler cores/chip | Excludes Methods Memory (MB) 8192: Corsair | JVM Version BEA WebLogic CMX512RE-3200LL | JRockit(R) (build DIMMS | dra-43491-20050413-2 L1 Cache 64KBI+64KBD | 002-win-ia32, L2 Cache 2MB (1MB/core) on | R25.1.0-104) chip | Command Line java -Xms1800m Other Cache | -Xmx1800m Filesystem NTFS | -Xgc:parallel Disks 1 x 82GB IDE | -XXaggressive:opt (OS+Data+Paging+Clas | -XXlargepages ses) | -Xcleartype:alloc Other H/W | -XXcompactratio7 | -XXminblocksize32k | -XXfullsystemgc | -spec.jbb.JBBmain | -propfile Test1 | Initial Heap Mem 1800 | (MB) | Max Heap Mem 1800 | (MB) | JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;.\jbb_no_p | recompile.jar;.\chec | k.jar;.\reporter.jar | ; | JVM C:\jrockit-jdk1.5.0_ | BOOTCLASSPATH 02\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\ | system32;C:\WINDOWS; | C:\WINDOWS\system32; | C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOW | S\System32\Wbem | OS Version Microsoft Windows | Server 2003 | Enterprise Edition | System state normal | Other S/W | | TUNING AND NOTES | Using the local security settings | console, "lock pages in memory" was | enabled for the user running the | benchmark. Memory node interleaving | was enabled in the BIOS. | SUT requires a Tyan S4882-D | motherboard, 8GB of PC3200 memory (4 | x 512MB DIMMs per processor), a | Hitachi HDS722580VLAT20 IDE disk, an | SSI-MEB form-factor case, and an | Enermax EG851AX(W)-VH power supply. TEST INFORMATION Tested by Advanced Micro Devices SPEC License 49 Test Location Austin, TX Test Date Jun 17, 2005 JVM available Jun-2005 H/w available Apr-2005 OS available Apr-2004 Other s/w available * Details of Runs Wh Score Tot. Used Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s) Heap Heap spread > 120s total max (MB) (MB) % % 1 37187 1800.0 37.3 <0.01 <0.01 new_order 1940209 68.0 .032 payment 1940207 25.6 .078 order_status 194020 2.14 .016 delivery 194022 7.87 .016 stock_level 194021 11.8 .172 2 73386 1800.0 59.6 .191 .013 new_order 3829352 139 .250 payment 3829350 49.0 .109 order_status 382936 5.39 .016 delivery 382934 14.6 .016 stock_level 382935 24.6 .109 3 1084111800.0 79.2 .734 <0.01 new_order 5656246 206 .328 payment 5656252 73.7 .297 order_status 565625 7.14 .016 delivery 565623 22.9 .016 stock_level 565624 39.7 .297 4 1427211800.0 101.5 .599 <0.01 new_order 7446296 275 .469 payment 7446293 98.0 .125 order_status 744630 10.5 .110 delivery 744629 30.4 .016 stock_level 744629 51.9 .469 5 1740941800.0 123.6 .922 <0.01 new_order 9083186 341 .454 payment 9083190 127 .454 order_status 908320 11.9 .203 delivery 908319 38.3 .016 stock_level 908319 64.6 .454 6 2060971800.0 141.6 1.15 <0.01 new_order 10752909411 .468 payment 10752912146 .343 order_status 1075290 14.6 .156 delivery 1075290 46.2 .125 stock_level 1075289 80.7 .468 7 2348181800.0 166.1 .833 <0.01 new_order 12251360479 .516 payment 12251364172 .282 order_status 1225138 17.5 .016 delivery 1225138 54.8 .250 stock_level 1225136 92.2 .500 8 2652701800.0 192.2 2.11 .053 new_order 13847439551 .234 payment 13847453198 .234 order_status 1384744 19.0 .172 delivery 1384745 62.4 .172 stock_level 1384741 102 .265 9 2626381800.0 206.4 29.5 <0.01 new_order 13702857616 .391 payment 13702865221 .438 order_status 1370284 22.3 .375 delivery 1370288 67.3 .375 stock_level 1370288 122 .391 10 2662011800.0 226.4 13.7 <0.01 new_order 13888770686 .453 payment 13888777248 .468 order_status 1388876 24.0 .265 delivery 1388877 74.4 .204 stock_level 1388877 133 .469 11 2637201800.0 242.9 21.3 <0.01 new_order 13759314743 .579 payment 13759326278 .672 order_status 1375928 25.5 .578 delivery 1375929 80.6 .391 stock_level 1375935 152 .672 12 2629301800.0 261.5 17.4 <0.01 new_order 13718091817 .656 payment 13718093301 .672 order_status 1371812 29.6 .579 delivery 1371808 91.2 .578 stock_level 1371806 158 .625 13 2628161800.0 278.7 15.4 .013 new_order 13713882874 .766 payment 13713864332 .906 order_status 1371389 32.3 .579 delivery 1371388 98.5 .579 stock_level 1371389 175 .797 14 2573171800.0 291.0 15.8 <0.01 new_order 13425217944 .968 payment 13425233355 1.03 order_status 1342521 31.7 .687 delivery 1342524 111 .766 stock_level 1342522 189 .922 15 2586361800.0 311.9 16.5 .183 new_order 135186611002 1.13 payment 13518665382 .969 order_status 1351866 33.0 .938 delivery 1351868 100 .766 stock_level 1351866 227 .875 16 2586321800.0 327.7 16.8 <0.01 new_order 134938681048 1.14 payment 13493866414 1.05 order_status 1349380 32.0 .750 delivery 1349392 110 .766 stock_level 1349384 257 .891 17 2556811800.0 344.3 22.6 <0.01 new_order 133399011096 1.09 payment 13339904436 .953 order_status 1333994 32.7 .953 delivery 1333987 102 .953 stock_level 1333992 304 .985 18 2548261800.0 362.7 21.9 <0.01 new_order 132952781143 1.47 payment 13295274504 1.34 order_status 1329530 36.9 .766 delivery 1329526 99.9 .953 stock_level 1329528 311 1.28 19 2539751800.0 383.1 14.8 <0.01 new_order 132508461168 1.20 payment 13250837509 1.13 order_status 1325088 33.1 .687 delivery 1325088 94.5 1.14 stock_level 1325082 398 1.02 20 2527111800.0 396.3 18.5 .105 new_order 131987701238 1.14 payment 13198769545 1.17 order_status 1319872 35.9 .781 delivery 1319880 91.7 .953 stock_level 1319879 416 1.17 SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.02, December 14, 2001] Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. 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