SPECjbb2000 113473 ops/s
Atipa Technologies Nascom Series 400
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.4.1 SR1 (32-bit) IBM build cxia321411-20030930
SPEC license # 49, Tested by: Advanced Micro Devices, Test date: Oct 29, 2003
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 30175
2 58809
3 86903
* 4 114194
* 5 113749
* 6 113919
* 7 113260
* 8 112243
Throughput 113473
Vendor Atipa Technologies | Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.atipa.com | Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Model Nascom Series 400 | Precompiler, if
Processor Opteron 848 | any
MHz 2200 | Precompiler
# of Procs 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 | Command Line
core/chip | Way Precompiler
Memory (MB) 8192 | Excludes Methods
L1 Cache 64KBI+64KBD | JVM Version J2RE 1.4.1 SR1
L2 Cache 1MB on chip | (32-bit) IBM build
Other Cache | cxia321411-20030930
Filesystem Ext2 | Command Line java -Xms1750m
Disks 1 x 120GB IDE | -Xmx1750m
(OS+Data+Paging+clas | -Xcompactexplicitgc
ses) | spec.jbb.JBBmain
Other H/W | -propfile
| SPECjbb.props
| Initial Heap Mem 1750
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 1750
| (MB)
| JVM CLASSPATH ./jbb.jar:./jbb_no_p
| recompile.jar:./chec
| k.jar:./reporter.jar
| :
| JVM /usr/local/src/IBMJa
| BOOTCLASSPATH va2-141/jre/bin:/usr
| /local/src/IBMJava2-
| 141/jre/bin/classic:
| /usr/local/src/IBMJa
| va2-141/jre/bin:/usr
| /lib
| OS Version RedHat 8.0
| System state Run Level 3
| Other S/W
| Operating system
| tunings
- Kernel compiled for
| Athlon architecture
| support enabled in
| kernel
- BIOS Setting: DRAM
| Node Interleave:
| Disabled
- BIOS Setting: HPET:
| disabled (High Precision Event
| Timer)
- BIOS Setting: ACPI
| SRAT Table: Disabled (Static Resource
| Allocation Table)
Tested by Advanced Micro
SPEC License 49
Test Location Austin, TX
Test Date Oct 29, 2003
JVM available Oct-2003
H/w available Oct-2003
OS available Oct-2002
Other s/w
* Details of Runs
Wh Score Tot. Used Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s)
Heap Heap spread > 120s total max
(MB) (MB) % %
1 30175 1750.1 32.9 <0.01 <0.01 new_order 1574489 73.3 .052
payment 1574487 20.3 .031
order_status 157448 2.14 <0.01
delivery 157449 9.15 <0.01
stock_level 157449 11.7 <0.01
2 58809 1750.1 55.2 .217 <0.01 new_order 3068549 145 .053
payment 3068552 41.2 .048
order_status 306855 4.32 <0.01
delivery 306854 18.1 <0.01
stock_level 306856 23.6 .047
3 86903 1750.1 74.9 1.02 <0.01 new_order 4534462 218 .065
payment 4534468 63.0 .055
order_status 453447 6.62 <0.01
delivery 453446 26.9 <0.01
stock_level 453448 34.3 .060
4 1141941750.1 98.0 .815 .028 new_order 5959644 290 .072
payment 5959642 83.7 .067
order_status 595964 8.91 .076
delivery 595964 36.1 .066
stock_level 595965 46.4 .070
5 1137491750.1 115.5 24.5 <0.01 new_order 5935228 359 .318
payment 5935223 106 .204
order_status 593521 10.1 .150
delivery 593523 44.8 .151
stock_level 593524 60.5 .214
6 1139191750.1 137.5 25.2 <0.01 new_order 5944097 435 .258
payment 5944097 129 .230
order_status 594410 12.9 .160
delivery 594410 52.2 .164
stock_level 594408 69.2 .280
7 1132601750.1 153.1 16.5 <0.01 new_order 5909714 503 .360
payment 5909705 153 .303
order_status 590973 15.6 .233
delivery 590971 63.4 .295
stock_level 590971 80.1 .227
8 1122431750.1 169.7 3.93 <0.01 new_order 5856660 581 .380
payment 5856652 170 .450
order_status 585665 18.0 .306
delivery 585665 70.2 .350
stock_level 585665 90.9 .364
SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.02, December 14, 2001]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved