SPECjbb2000 94405 ops/s
Dell Computer Corp. PowerEdge 6650
BEA Systems BEA WebLogic JRockit 32-bit JVM (Build 1.4.1-300903-win-ia32)
SPEC license # 55, Tested by: Dell, Test date: Jun 24, 2003
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 22071
2 40759
3 61624
4 74889
5 77660
6 82257
7 90360
* 8 96238
* 9 94960
* 10 94748
* 11 94641
* 12 94064
* 13 94017
* 14 94100
* 15 93702
* 16 93170
17 92757
18 93076
19 92598
20 92917
Throughput 94405
Vendor Dell Computer Corp. | Vendor BEA Systems
Vendor URL http://www.dell.com | Vendor URL http://www.bea.com
Model PowerEdge 6650 | Precompiler, if
Processor Intel Xeon MP | any
MHz 2800 | Precompiler
# of Procs 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 | Command Line
core/chip | Way Precompiler
Memory (MB) 4096 | Excludes Methods
L1 Cache 12KBI+8KBD | JVM Version BEA WebLogic JRockit
L2 Cache 256KB(I+D) on chip | 32-bit JVM (Build
Other Cache 2048KB(I+D) on chip | 1.4.1-300903-win-ia3
Filesystem NTFS | 2)
Disks 1 x 17GB SCSI | Command Line java -Xgc:parallel
Other H/W | -Xcleartype:local
| -XXcompactratio7
| -XXminblocksize16k
| -Xms1750m -Xmx1750m
| spec.jbb.JBBmain
| -propfile
| SPECjbb.props
| Initial Heap Mem 1750
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 1750
| (MB)
| JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;.\check.ja
| r;.\jbb_no_precompil
| e.jar;.\reporter.jar
| ;.
| JVM E:\Benchmark\JVM\\jr
| tem32;C:\WINNT;E:\Be
| nchmark\JVM\\jre\bin
| ;E:\JROCKI~1\bin;E:\
| Perl\bin\;C:\mksnt;C
| :\WINNT\system32;C:\
| m32\Wbem;C:\DOCUME~1
| \ADMINI~1\Desktop\vd
| bench;E:\JROCKI~1\bi
| ~3\Common\Tools\WinN
| ~3\Common\MSDev98\Bi
| ~3\Common\Tools;C:\P
| 8\bin;E:\jrockit810\
| bin;C:\Program
| Files\Microsoft
| Visual
| Studio\Common\Tools\
| WinNT;C:\Program
| Files\Microsoft
| Visual
| Studio\Common\MSDev9
| 8\Bin;C:\Program
| Files\Microsoft
| Visual
| Studio\Common\Tools;
| C:\Program
| Files\Microsoft
| Visual
| Studio\VC98\bin;
| OS Version Windows 2000
| Advanced Server
| (SP3)
| System state normal
| Other S/W
| Operating system tunings
- Used
| /3GB switch in boot.ini
Tested by Dell
SPEC License 55
Test Location Austin, TX
Test Date Jun 24, 2003
JVM available Sep-2003
H/w available Jun-2003
OS available Aug-2002
Other s/w
* Details of Runs
Wh Score Tot. Used Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s)
Heap Heap spread > 120s total max
(MB) (MB) % %
1 22071 1750.0 1535.1 <0.01 <0.01 new_order 1151530 71.7 .078
payment 1151527 24.3 .016
order_status 115152 1.94 .016
delivery 115152 7.19 .016
stock_level 115153 10.8 .016
2 40759 1750.0 94.9 .692 <0.01 new_order 2126543 144 .125
payment 2126546 48.1 .125
order_status 212655 4.11 .016
delivery 212653 13.8 .016
stock_level 212655 20.8 .110
3 61624 1750.0 305.4 3.25 <0.01 new_order 3215182 220 .157
payment 3215177 68.7 .141
order_status 321518 5.85 .078
delivery 321516 22.1 .093
stock_level 321518 29.7 .157
4 74889 1750.0 127.6 10.2 <0.01 new_order 3907241 290 .593
payment 3907235 94.9 .609
order_status 390723 7.33 .016
delivery 390724 28.7 .312
stock_level 390722 40.6 .593
5 77660 1750.0 1131.7 23.7 <0.01 new_order 4051830 363 .688
payment 4051833 121 .188
order_status 405185 11.0 .016
delivery 405184 35.6 .641
stock_level 405183 47.6 .688
6 82257 1750.0 157.6 6.77 <0.01 new_order 4291681 433 .735
payment 4291684 148 .484
order_status 429167 13.3 .141
delivery 429169 42.5 .187
stock_level 429167 54.3 .453
7 90360 1750.0 904.2 5.56 <0.01 new_order 4714432 504 .719
payment 4714436 170 .703
order_status 471443 16.3 .265
delivery 471441 50.1 .016
stock_level 471444 67.7 .766
8 96238 1750.0 1259.1 1.19 .065 new_order 5024377 573 .704
payment 5024376 201 .703
order_status 502437 18.9 .188
delivery 502440 59.2 .610
stock_level 502438 74.0 .672
9 94960 1750.0 1731.1 10.4 .065 new_order 4957666 645 .828
payment 4957660 218 .594
order_status 495765 21.3 .500
delivery 495766 65.4 .672
stock_level 495769 91.5 .766
10 94748 1750.0 516.5 9.27 .027 new_order 4944702 718 .828
payment 4944717 242 .781
order_status 494476 22.8 .188
delivery 494471 69.6 .516
stock_level 494471 102 .750
11 94641 1750.0 734.5 8.34 .026 new_order 4939079 784 .859
payment 4939082 274 .860
order_status 493907 26.2 .234
delivery 493908 79.2 .859
stock_level 493909 111 .781
12 94064 1750.0 307.3 10.6 .143 new_order 4914677 845 .797
payment 4914688 307 .859
order_status 491466 27.1 .235
delivery 491466 84.1 .781
stock_level 491466 126 .860
13 94017 1750.0 1299.0 7.93 .118 new_order 4910986 937 .969
payment 4910999 325 .797
order_status 491099 30.6 .297
delivery 491103 91.0 .766
stock_level 491104 124 .828
14 94100 1750.0 295.1 4.69 .183 new_order 4918532 991 .969
payment 4918527 354 .953
order_status 491856 32.8 .703
delivery 491852 101 .453
stock_level 491856 144 1.03
15 93702 1750.0 1634.4 7.41 .169 new_order 4897041 1061 1.05
payment 4897044 382 1.08
order_status 489704 33.5 .875
delivery 489706 106 .860
stock_level 489708 157 .906
16 93170 1750.0 1019.2 5.04 .196 new_order 4870578 1146 1.02
payment 4870585 401 1.17
order_status 487060 33.2 .359
delivery 487055 114 1.02
stock_level 487057 164 1.05
17 92757 1750.0 873.1 6.25 .287 new_order 4853362 1190 1.30
payment 4853360 436 .843
order_status 485337 39.5 1.31
delivery 485336 120 .782
stock_level 485339 179 1.02
18 93076 1750.0 1335.3 5.38 .195 new_order 4865627 1278 1.08
payment 4865638 460 .969
order_status 486563 38.8 .766
delivery 486565 127 .891
stock_level 486564 178 .907
19 92598 1750.0 422.7 5.10 .469 new_order 4853874 1348 1.13
payment 4853873 472 .938
order_status 485390 41.0 .797
delivery 485390 129 .735
stock_level 485386 209 1.05
20 92917 1750.0 455.3 5.70 .325 new_order 4863622 1425 .922
payment 4863610 491 1.03
order_status 486359 44.4 .391
delivery 486363 132 .765
stock_level 486363 228 1.30
SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.0, May 26, 2000]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved