SPEC Seal of Reviewal SPECjAppServer2002 Result
Copyright © 2002 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
WebSphere 5.0 Application Server on eServer xSeries 335 Cluster
297.65 TOPS@Distributed
IBM Corporation
SPEC license # 11 Test date:
EJB Container Avail: Dec-2002
EJB Container JVM Avail: Dec-2002
EJB Container
Supplier Domain Container
Emulator Container
Other Software
J2EE Application Server
Database Server
Load Driver
Other Info
General Notes
System Configuration Diagram

Full Disclosure Archive

Benchmark Settings
Orders Injection Rate: 175 Ramp Up Time: 600 seconds
# of Order Agents: 1 Ramp Down Time: 300 seconds
# of Manufacturing Agents: 1 Steady State Time: 1800 seconds
DB Load Injection Rate: 175 Trigger Time: 200 seconds
Total System Cost: US$329,839

Detailed Results
Order Transaction Mix Count Tx. Mix
New Order 156,033 49.86%
Change Order 62,470 19.96%
Order Status 62,971 20.12%
Customer Status 31,497 10.06%
Total # Order Transactions 312,971
Total # Manufacturing Transactions 222,802
Response Times Average Maximum 90th% Reqd
New Order 0.60 9.08 1.60 2.00
Change Order 0.32 4.89 0.80 2.00
Order Status 0.14 3.55 0.40 2.00
Customer Status 0.21 3.45 0.60 2.00
Manufacturing 2.34 15.47 3.50 5.00
Reproducibility Run (TOPS) 302.99

EJB Container
Name: WebSphere 5.0 Application Server, Network Deployment JVM Name: J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20021107
Vendor: IBM Corporation JVM Vendor: IBM Corporation
Available: Dec-2002 Available: Dec-2002
Instances: 5
Passed CTS: Nov-2002
Protocol: RMI/IIOP
Tuning Information
EJB Container Cache Size: 8191
ORB Service Minimum Thread Pool Size: 35
ORB Service Maximum Thread Pool Size: 35
JVM Tuning Information
Initial Heap Size: 768
Maximum Heap Size: 768

Note: System hosting the deployment manager used initial and maximum heap sizes
of 512 for the application server to reserve memory for the deployment manager.

Supplier Domain Container
Name: WebSphere 5.0 Application Server, Network Deployment JVM Name: J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20021107
Vendor: IBM Corporation JVM Vendor: IBM Corporation
Available: Dec-2002 Available: Dec-2002
Tuning Information
Web Container Minimum Thread Pool Size: 10
Web Container Maximum Thread Pool Size: 25
JVM Tuning Information
Initial Heap Size: 768
Maximum Heap Size: 768

Note: System hosting the deployment manager used initial and maximum heap sizes
of 512 for the application server to reserve memory for the deployment manager.

Emulator Container
Name: WebSphere 5.0 Application Server, Network Deployment JVM Name: J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20021107
Vendor: IBM Corporation JVM Vendor: IBM Corporation
Available: Dec-2002 Available: Dec-2002
Tuning Information
Web Container Minimum Thread Pool Size: 50
Web Container Minimum Thread Pool Size: 250
Web Container Growable Thread Pool: true
JVM Tuning Information
Initial Heap Size: 256
Maximum Heap Size: 512

Name: DB2 Universal Database v8.1 Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition
Vendor: IBM Corporation
Available: Dec-2002
Tuning Information
To support execution of the benchmark in distributed mode, five seperate databases
corresponding to various domains of the SPECjAppServer benchmark were created. The
tune1_db2.bat script included within the FDA was used to modify the configuration
for each database and the database manager. This configuration information is also
provided by the following files in the FDA.


Name: DB2 v8.1 Type 2 JDBC Driver
Vendor: IBM Corporation
Available: Dec-2002
Tuning Information
DB2 JDBC XA Provider
Implementation class: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource

CorpDB Datasource
JNDI Name: jdbc/CorpDB
Minimum pool size: 5
Maximum pool size: 10
Statement cache size: 15

MfgDB Datasource
JNDI Name: jdbc/MfgDB
Minimum pool size: 15
Maximum pool size: 20
Statement cache size: 15

OrdersDB Datasource
JNDI Name: jdbc/OrdersDB
Minimum pool size: 10
Maximum pool size: 15
Statement cache size: 15

SuppDB Datasource
JNDI Name: jdbc/SuppDB
Minimum pool size: 5
Maximum pool size: 10
Statement cache size: 15

UtilDB Datasource
JNDI Name: jdbc/UtilDB
Minimum pool size: 1
Maximum pool size: 5
Statement cache size: 15

Other Software
Tuning Information


J2EE Application Server (5 systems)
Hardware Vendor: IBM Corporation OS Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Model Name: eServer xSeries x335 OS Name: Windows 2000 Server
Processor: Intel Xeon DP Filesystem: NTFS
MHz: 2400 Disks: 40GB EIDE
# of CPUs: 2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip Network Interface: (2) 1000BASE-TX (Gigabit) Ethernet
Memory (MB): 1536 Other Hardware:
L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) (on chip) # of Systems: 5
L2 Cache: 512KB (on chip) H/W Available: Dec-2002
Other Cache: OS Available: Dec-2002
Notes / Tuning Information
The following parameters were added to the Windows system registry:


Database Server (1 system)
Hardware Vendor: IBM Corporation OS Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Model Name: eServer xSeries x440 OS Name: Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Processor: Intel Xeon MP Filesystem: NTFS
MHz: 2000 Disks: 18GB Ultra 160 SCSI
# of CPUs: 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip Network Interface: 1000BASE-TX (Gigabit) Ethernet
Memory (MB): 4096 Other Hardware: (2) EXP300 Storage Expansion Units with (14) 18GB Ultra 160 SCSI disks
L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) (on chip) # of Systems: 1
L2 Cache: 512KB (on chip) H/W Available: Dec-2002
Other Cache: 2MB L3 (on chip) and 32MB L4 Xcel4 Server Accelerator Cache (per expansion module) OS Available: Dec-2002
Notes / Tuning Information
The following parameters were added to the Windows system registry:


Load Driver (1 system)
Hardware Vendor: IBM Corporation OS Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Model Name: eServer xSeries x350 OS Name: Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Processor: Pentium III Xeon Filesystem: NTFS
MHz: 900 Disks: 18GB Ultra 160 SCSI
# of CPUs: 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip Network Interface: 1000BASE-TX (Gigabit) Ethernet
Memory (MB): 4096 Other Hardware:
L1 Cache: 16KBI+16KBD (on chip) # of Systems: 1
L2 Cache: 2MB (on chip) H/W Available: Dec-2002
Other Cache: OS Available: Dec-2002
Notes / Tuning Information
The load driver utilized the IBM JDK included with WebSphere 5.0
Application Server (J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20021107).

Benchmark Modifications
Schema Modifications:
  The scripts used to create the distrubuted databases are located within the FDA. Two
  additional indicies were added for the M_LargeOrder table in the manufacturing domain.
  The DDL to create these indicies are included in the FDA /schema/sql directory.
Load Program Modifications:
  The program used to initially load the SPECjAppServer database was modified for the distributed
  configuration. The original code created a connection to a single database to populate the tables
  with data. In a single database scenario such as this, everything works correctly since the application
  can find the appropriate tables in the same database. However, in a distributed database configuration,
  the tables do not exist in the same database. Consequently, the load program was modified to make
  additional connections to the seperate databases and populate the tables. This required adding an
  extra property file for the util database. The modified code is located in the FDA /src directory and
  the corresponding load.jar file is located in the FDA /schema directory.
Reference Bean Modifications:
  No modifications were made to the reference beans.

Benchmark Configuration Information
Persistence Mode Used:
  All beans were deployed using Container Managed Persistence (CMP).
Isolation Requirement Info:
  All beans were deployed with the isolation level set to REPEATABLE_READ. DB2
  translates this isolation level to Read Stability.  Read Stability ensures
  that all rows referenced in a transaction have a read-lock associated with
  them to ensure that other transactions cannot change the rows until the first
  referencing transaction completes.
Durability Requirement Info:
  To ensure database durability, RAID-1E enhanced disk mirroring was used for
  the database log files.
Storage Requirement Info:
  Over the course of a 45 minute run at an injection rate of 175, database storage
  increased 122.1 MB. Given a linear scale, an eight hour run at the same injection
  rate would increase storage 1302.4 MB. The disk array enclosure was configured
  with 254.8 GB of disk storage (118 GB after enabling RAID-1E).
Argument Passing Semantics:
  WebSphere 5.0 Application Server uses pass-by-value semantics by default.

Other Benchmark Information
  This submission used the xerces.jar from the SPECjAppServer2002 Kit. This jar
  is included with the application ear found in the FDA.

General Notes
No errors were encoutered in the driver error logs.

For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: IBM Corporation
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org

Benchmark run on Wed Dec 11 09:04:10 EST 2002 by SPECjAppServer2002 v1.14
Result submitted on Thu Dec 12 03:03:00 EST 2002
Report generated by SPECjAppServer2002 Reporter v1.01

Copyright © 2002 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

First published at SPEC.org on 10-Jan-2003