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Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

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New version of SPECwpc benchmark available

(May 10, 2017) -- SPECwpc 2.1, a new version of the SPEC workstation performance characterization benchmark, is now available for free downloads. Sellers of computers and related products who own a vendor license of SPECwpc 2.0 qualify for a free update.

SPECwpc 2.1 fixes an issue that caused the benchmark to crash in the Financial Services section when running Windows 10. The change has led to higher scores for the Financial Services composite number, so those results cannot be compared to results from SPECwpc 2.0.

SPECwpc 2.1 results will continue to be displayed alongside those for SPECwpc 2.0, but a new column on the results page called "Finance-2.1" will be designated for publishing results from the newer version.