SPECopc Project Group Generates
Widespread Reporting Under New Rules

SPEC/GPC�s OpenGL Performance Characterization (SPECopc) project group has posted new SPECviewperfresults for 38 system configurations from eight different vendors. The latest results are the third round of reporting since the SPECopc group established new submission, run, review and reporting rules in late June.

Over the past 10-1/2 months, SPECopc has accomplished the following:

"I�m amazed and grateful for the support and patience of users, vendors and others involved with graphics benchmarking," says John Spitzer of Raycer, SPECopc�s chair. "Even without reporting new results for more than six months while our rules were being revised, interest remained strong for SPECviewperf. I think it shows that this benchmark is a major asset to those who are serious about evaluating graphics performance under OpenGL."

SPECopc is a project group of the Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) Group, which in turn is part of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC). SPEC is a non-profit corporation formed to establish, maintain and endorse a standardized set of relevant benchmarks that can be applied to the newest generation of high-performance computers. SPEC�s membership includes computer hardware and software vendors, and leading universities and research facilities worldwide.