NOTE: the following text file was automatically
generated from a document that is best read in
HTML format. To read it in the preferred format,
point your web browser at any of these 3 locations:
(1) http://www.spec.org/cpu2000/docs
(2) The docs directory of your SPEC CPU2000 CD -
for example:
/cdrom/docs/ (Unix)
E:\docs\ (NT)
(3) The docs directory on the system where you
have installed SPEC CPU2000 - for example
/usr/mydir/cpu2000/docs/ (Unix)
C:\My Directory$lcsuite\docs\ (NT)
Installing SPEC CPU2000 Under Windows NT
Last updated: 30 Oct 2001 jh
(To check for possible updates to this document, please see
http://www.spec.org/cpu2000/docs/ )
* Installation Steps
* Using Text Files on NT
* Example Installation
Note: Unless otherwise specified, refererences to "Windows NT" in this
document apply to Windows NT V4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows
Advanced Server.
Installation Steps
The SPEC CPU2000 suite has been tested under both Unix and NT systems.
Your CD can be installed under either type of operating system.
The installation procedure for NT is as follows:
Review the hardware and software requirements, in
Note: links to SPEC CPU2000 documents on this web page
assume that you are reading the page from a directory that
also contains the other SPEC CPU2000 documents. If by some
chance you are reading this web page from a location where
the links do not work, try accessing the referenced
documents at one of the following locations:
* www.spec.org/cpu2000/docs/
* The $SPEC/docs/ directory on a Unix system where SPEC
CPU2000 has been installed.
* The %spec%\docs.nt\ directory on a Wind ows/NT system
where SPEC CPU2000 has been installed.
* The docs/ or docs.nt\ directory on your S PEC CPU2000
distribution cdrom.
Open a Command Prompt ("MSDOS") window. To do this under NT4.0, select
Start--->Programs--->Command Prompt.
Under Windows 2000, select
Start--->Programs--->Accessories--->Command Prompt.
Adjust the properties to allow you to see plenty of lines scrolled off
the top (for example, 9000). Click the upper left corner of the
Command Prompt window, scroll down to "Properties", click the "Layout"
tab, and in the section labelled "Screen Buffer Size" enter a new
value for "Height".
Check to see whether or not the CPU environment variable is set:
C:\> echo %CPU%
If it's set (you see something other than %CPU% printed), go on to
step 4. If not, you'll need to set it to an appropriate value for your
system. The CPU2000 CD comes with pre-built tools that should work on
Intel x86 (IA-32) and Compaq Alpha-based NT systems. If you have an
Intel-based system, set CPU to i386, like this:
C:\> set CPU=i386
If you have an Intel Itanium system running Windows Advanced Server,
you should nevertheless set the CPU type to i386.
If you have an Alpha-based system, set CPU to alpha:
C:\> set CPU=alpha
If you have a system based on a different architecture, you'll have to
build the tools yourself. In that case, set the CPU variable to a
reasonable value; it'll be used to identify the resultant tools.
Check to see whether or not the temp environment variable points to a
directory that can be used to hold for temporary files.
C:\> echo %temp%
If it's unset (just prints %temp%), you should set it to the full
pathname (with drive letter) to a directory that can be used as
scratch space. For example, if you want to use the C:\TEMP directory,
you'd use the following command:
C:\> set temp=C:\TEMP
Decide where you want to install the CPU2000 suite. You should make
sure that your chosen destination disk has at least 1GB free. (For
more information on disk usage, see system_requirements.html.) For the
following examples, we will assume that your destination is on drive
F:, in the directory \cpu2000.
Change to the CD directory. For the following examples, we'll assume
that your CD is mounted on drive E:.
You're now ready to run the installer. The format for this command is
install.bat destination_drive destination_directory
For example, if you decided to install CPU2000 in F:\cpu2000, the
command you enter would be
E:\> install.bat F: \cpu2000
Please notice the space between F: and \cpu2000. It's very important.
You should see a message similar to the following:
The environment variable SPEC should point to the source of the
SPEC distribution (as an absolute path). I will now try to set
the variable for you...
SPEC is set to E:\
If this is NOT what you want, press control-C
Press any key to continue . . .
If you see a message similar to the above, just press return. If you
receive an error message such as Access is denied, please verify that
%temp% is defined (see above).
If you see the message
First parameter must be in the form c:
make sure that you included the space between the drive name and the
directory. If you did, and you still see the message, then make sure
that your path includes the usual system directories. If it doesn't,
you can fix it by typing:
E:\> set path=%systemroot%\;%systemroot%\system32;%path%
If all goes well, you'll see several messages indicating that files
are being unpacked. Please be patient - although only a few messages
are printed, thousands of files are installed.
The installation will consume around 275 - 300MB on your destination
disk. (It will consume around 400MB if you don't have pre-built
After this step completes, you will find yourself in the destination
directory that you selected.
Read the comments to the file
and make the appropriate edits for your compiler paths. Caution: you
may find that the lines are not correctly formatted (the text appears
to be all run together) when you edit this file. If so, see the
section below: Using Text Files on NT.
Set the environment, using your edited shrc. For example:
F:\cpu2000> shrc.bat
Test that you can build the first benchmark using the config file
supplied for your system. (For an introduction to config files, see
"About Config Files" in runspec.html.)
In the example below, "^" (often called "hat" or "carat") indicates
line continuation:
F:\cpu2000> runspec --action=build --tune=base ^
More? --config=intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
The --tune=base indicates that we want to use only the simple tuning,
if the file contains more than one kind of tuning.
| NOTE: if you see a window pop up about an access violation |
| just after the runspec prints: |
| |
| Identifying output formats...asc...html... |
| |
| then this indicates that there is a problem with the pdf |
| library built for your system. Disable pdf by entering |
| the following commands: |
| |
| cd bin |
| rename PSPDF.pm hideme_PSPDF.pm |
| |
| Enter the above commands ONLY if you see the referenced |
| access violation. |
Test that you can run the first benchmark, using the minimal input set
- the "test" workload. For example:
F:\cpu2000> runspec --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable ^
More? --config=intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
The --noreportable ensures that the tools will allow us to run just a
single benchmark instead of the whole suite.
Test that you can run the first benchmark using the real input set -
the "reference" workload. For example:
F:\cpu2000> runspec --config=intel_nt_visual_studio ^
More? --iterations=1 --noreportable gzip
Have a look at runspec.html to learn how to do a full run of the
Using Text Files on NT
There are many files in the SPEC CPU2000 kit that contain text.
Unfortunately, Unix systems and NT systems have slightly different
conventions for storing text files. Sometimes, a text file formatted for
NT will appear on Unix as if it has extra Control-M characters. Sometimes,
a text file formatted for Unix will appear on NT as if all the lines were
joined together.
There are at least three ways for NT users to correctly view and edit text
files that originated on a Unix system:
Use WordPad. You can find WordPad by
Use a Command Prompt and type "Edit". This alternative works only if
the file has a short name with 8 characters or fewer, a dot, and then
3 characters or fewer. If you are trying to use Edit with a longer
file name, you can discover that there is an "8 dot 3" synonym for it
by typing: dir /x.
Use the editor "vi". Although vi originated on Unix systems, it is
also often found on NT systems. For example, there is a version with a
subset of the traditional Unix vi features in the "Microsoft Windows
NT Workstation 4.0 Resource Kit" (information available at
http://mspress.microsoft.com); a version with the traditional Unix
features in the MKS Toolkit (http://www.datafocus.com/products/tk/);
and a freeware version with some non-traditional features known as "Vi
IMproved" (at http://www.vim.org/).
Example Installation
Here is a complete NT installation, with comments in asterisks. We assume
that Steps 1 and 2 are already done (from the list of Installation Steps
earlier in this document).
Step 3: Check to see whether the CPU environment variable
is set.
C:\>echo %cpu%
Step 4: Check the temp environment variable.
F:\cpu2000>echo %temp%
Step 5: Create a place for the suite, and check space.
F:\>mkdir cpu2000
F:\>cd cpu2000
Volume in drive F has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 64B6-4E51
Directory of F:\cpu2000
12/14/99 10:01a
12/14/99 10:01a ..
2 File(s) 0 bytes
1,125,040,128 bytes free
Note that we have about 1GB of space on the destination
drive, as recommended.
Step 6: change to the drive where the CD is mounted
Step 7: Actually do the installation. Note the presence
of a space in between "f:" and "\cpu2000".
E:\>install.bat f: \cpu2000
The environment variable SPEC should point to the source of the
SPEC distribution (as an absolute path). I will now try to set
the variable for you...
SPEC is set to E:\
If this is NOT what you want, press control-C
Press any key to continue . . .
Installing from E:\
Unpacking benchmark files
Unpacking tools binaries
Setting SPEC environment variable to f:\cpu2000
Step 8: Edit shrc.bat. The "fc" command is used below to
compare the original shrc.bat to our modified copy:
F:\cpu2000>copy shrc.bat shrc.as-distributed
1 file(s) copied.
F:\cpu2000>notepad shrc.bat
F:\cpu2000>fc shrc.as-distributed shrc.bat
Comparing files shrc.as-distributed and SHRC.BAT
***** shrc.as-distributed
rem following line after you've set the path for your compilers below.
***** SHRC.BAT
rem following line after you've set the path for your compilers below.
***** shrc.as-distributed
rem call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat"
rem call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\df98\bin\dfvars.bat"
***** SHRC.BAT
call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat"
call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\df98\bin\dfvars.bat"
Step 9: set the environment
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
Setting environment for using Visual Fortran tools
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Msdev98\BIN;^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\DF98\BIN;^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN;^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools;^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WINNT;^
Step 10. Use runspec to do a test build:
F:\cpu2000>runspec --action=build --tune=base ^
More? --config=intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
runspec v2.00 - Copyright (C) 1999 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Loading standard modules..............
Loading runspec modules.............
Identifying output formats...asc...html...pdf...ps...raw...
We will use: 164.gzip
Compiling Binaries
Building 164.gzip ref base oct14a default
Build Complete
At this point, we've accomplished a lot. The SPEC tree is
installed, and we have verified that a benchmark can be
compiled using the installed C compiler.
Step 11. Now try running the first benchmark, using the
minimal test workload. The test workload runs in a tiny
amount of time and does a minimal verification that the
benchmark executable can at least start up:
F:\cpu2000>runspec --size=test --iterations=1 --noreportable ^
More? --config=intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
runspec v2.00 - Copyright (C) 1999 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Loading standard modules..............
Loading runspec modules.............
Identifying output formats...asc...html...pdf...ps...raw...
We will use: 164.gzip
Compiling Binaries
Up to date 164.gzip test base oct14a default
Setting Up Run Directories
Setting up 164.gzip test base oct14a default: created
Running Benchmarks
Running 164.gzip test base oct14a default
Success: 1x164.gzip
Producing Reports
mach: default
ext: oct14a
size: test
set: int
format: raw -> F:/cpu2000/result/CINT2000.002.raw
format: ASCII -> F:/cpu2000/result/CINT2000.002.asc
set: fp
runspec finished
Notice 12 lines up the notation "Success: 1x164.gzip". That
is what we want to see.
Step 12. So, let's try running gzip with the real workload.
This is going to take a while - on the 200 MHz Pentium Pro
used for the sample installation, about 1/2 hour.
F:\cpu2000>runspec --config=intel_nt_visual_studio ^
More? --iterations=1 gzip
runspec v2.00 - Copyright (C) 1999 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Loading standard modules..............
Loading runspec modules.............
Identifying output formats...asc...html...pdf...ps...raw...
We will use: 164.gzip
Compiling Binaries
Up to date 164.gzip ref base oct14a default
Setting Up Run Directories
Setting up 164.gzip ref base oct14a default: created
Running Benchmarks
Running 164.gzip ref base oct14a default
Success: 1x164.gzip
Producing Reports
mach: default
ext: oct14a
size: ref
set: int
format: raw -> F:/cpu2000/result/CINT2000.003.raw
format: ASCII -> F:/cpu2000/result/CINT2000.003.asc
set: fp
runspec finished
Success with the real workload! So now let's look in the
result directory and see what we find:
F:\cpu2000> cd result
Volume in drive F has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 64B6-4E51
Directory of F:\cpu2000\result
12/01/99 11:13a .
12/01/99 11:13a ..
12/01/99 10:40a 6,960 CINT2000.002.asc
12/01/99 10:40a 4,707 CINT2000.002.raw
12/01/99 11:13a 6,800 CINT2000.003.asc
12/01/99 11:13a 4,629 CINT2000.003.raw
12/01/99 10:23a images
12/01/99 10:40a 21,825 log.001
12/01/99 10:40a 1,842 log.002
12/01/99 11:13a 2,513 log.003
12/01/99 10:42a 0 log.lock
11 File(s) 49,276 bytes
668,266,496 bytes free
Notice the three log files from our three runspec commands.
Those runspec commands are easily extracted with "findstr":
F:\cpu2000\result>findstr \runspec log*
log.001:F:\cpu2000\bin\runspec -a build -c intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
log.002:F:\cpu2000\bin\runspec -i test -n 1 -c intel_nt_visual_studio.cfg gzip
log.003:F:\cpu2000\bin\runspec -c intel_nt_visual_studio -n 1 gzip
Let's look at our results, in the ".asc" file:
F:\cpu2000\result>type *3.asc
# #
# 'reportable' flag not set during run #
# 254.gap base did not have enough runs! #
# 256.bzip2 base did not have enough runs! #
# 255.vortex base did not have enough runs! #
# 175.vpr base did not have enough runs! #
# 164.gzip base did not have enough runs! #
# 253.perlbmk base did not have enough runs! #
# 186.crafty base did not have enough runs! #
# 176.gcc base did not have enough runs! #
# 252.eon base did not have enough runs! #
# 197.parser base did not have enough runs! #
# 300.twolf base did not have enough runs! #
# 181.mcf base did not have enough runs! #
# #
SPEC CINT2000 Summary
-- --
Wed Dec 1 10:42:02 1999
SPEC License #0 Test date: -- Hardware availability: --
Tester: -- Software availability: --
Estimated Estimated
Base Base Base Peak Peak Peak
Benchmarks Ref Time Run Time Ratio Ref Time Run Time Ratio
------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
164.gzip 1400 1843 75.9*
175.vpr X
176.gcc X
181.mcf X
186.crafty X
197.parser X
252.eon X
253.perlbmk X
254.gap X
255.vortex X
256.bzip2 X
300.twolf X
164.gzip 1400 1843 75.9*
175.vpr X
176.gcc X
181.mcf X
186.crafty X
197.parser X
252.eon X
253.perlbmk X
254.gap X
255.vortex X
256.bzip2 X
300.twolf X
Est. SPECint_base2000 --
Est. SPECint2000 --
In the table above, most of the results are blank, because
we only ran 1 of the 12 integer benchmarks.
Notice that the values for SPECint_base2000 and SPECint2000
are dashes ("--"); these would be filled in if we did a
"reportable" run; for information, please see "--reportable"
in runspec.html
There are also lots of dashes for the various portions of
the system description, both at the top of the page and in
the section that follows. These dashes indicate that we
have not filled in the fields that describe the hardware
and software that we are testing. For information about
these fields, please see config.html
Hardware Vendor: --
Model Name: --
CPU: --
CPU MHz: --
FPU: --
CPU(s) enabled: --
CPU(s) orderable: --
Parallel: --
Primary Cache: --
Secondary Cache: --
L3 Cache: --
Other Cache: --
Memory: --
Disk Subsystem: --
Other Hardware: --
Operating System: --
Compiler: --
File System: --
System State: --
# #
# 'reportable' flag not set during run #
# 254.gap base did not have enough runs! #
# 256.bzip2 base did not have enough runs! #
# 255.vortex base did not have enough runs! #
# 175.vpr base did not have enough runs! #
# 164.gzip base did not have enough runs! #
# 253.perlbmk base did not have enough runs! #
# 186.crafty base did not have enough runs! #
# 176.gcc base did not have enough runs! #
# 252.eon base did not have enough runs! #
# 197.parser base did not have enough runs! #
# 300.twolf base did not have enough runs! #
# 181.mcf base did not have enough runs! #
# #
For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org.
Copyright 1999 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Generated on Wed Dec 1 11:13:25 1999 by SPEC CPU2000 ASCII formatter v2.1
Done. The suite is installed, and we can run at least one
benchmark for real.
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
All Rights Reserved