SPEC CPU2000 Benchmark Description File
Benchmark Name
TimberWolfSC placement and global routing package.
Benchmark Author
Bill Swartz <[email protected]>
Benchmark Program General Category
Computer Aided Design
Benchmark Description
The TimberWolfSC placement and global routing package is used in the
process of creating the lithography artwork needed for the production of
microchips. Specifically, it determines the placement and global
connections for groups of transistors (known as standard cells) which
constitute the microchip. The placement problem is a permutation.
Therefore, a simple or brute force exploration of the state space would
take an execution time proportional to the factorial of the input size.
For problems as small as 70 cells, a brute force algorithm would take
longer than the age of the universe on the world's fastest computer.
Instead, the TimberWolfSC program uses simulated annealing as a heuristic
to find very good solutions for the row-based standard cell design style.
In this design style, transistors are grouped together to form standard
cells. These standard cells are placed in rows so that all cells of a row
may share power and ground connections by abutment. The simulated
annealing algorithm has found the best known solutions to a large group
of placement problems. The global router which follows the placement step
interconnects the microchip design. It utilizes a constructive algorithm
followed by iterative improvement.
The basic simulated annealing algorithm has not changed since its
inception in 1983. The version in the SPEC suite is the most numerically
intensive version. Recent versions have reduced runtimes by clever
reductions in the search space. However, the move strategy and cost
functions are identical to later versions.
The version of TimberWolfSC that has been submitted to SPEC has been
customized for SPEC. It has been modified specifically for the benchmark
suite so that it would have a behavior that captures the flavor of many
implementations of simulated annealing. The submitted program spends most
of its time in the inner loop calculations. By doing this, this version
traverses memory often creating cache misses. In fact, this version
running small jobs looks like later simulated annealing versions running
on large jobs. This was to insure that the benchmark would be applicable
to future versions of the program running large instances. The submitted
version should be a computers worst nightmare, yet realistic for future
Input Description
Three test problems are provided for SPEC benchmark. The first problem is
a small synchronous circuit which is being placed and routed as a
subchip. The second test circuit is the MCNC primary 1 benchmark circuit,
one of the most frequently executed benchmark circuits. The third test
case is a structured circuit found in the MCNC benchmark suite. In all
cases, the TimberWolf program is required to determine the position of
the standard cells and determine the interconnection of the netlist. In
addition, the global router must add extra cells known as feedthrus to
complete the route if not enough space is present between two adjacent
standard cells. The input files consist of the block description file or
<designName>.blk file, the netlist file or <designName>.cel
file, the net weighting file or <designName>.net file and the
parameter file or <designName>.par file. The block file describes
the number and position of the rows where standard cells are to be
placed. A valid placement is one in which all of the cells are placed
within the specified rows without any overlap between cells. The netlist
file contains a description of the standard cells as well as the
connection network between cells. At this time the physical location of
these connections has not been determined.
Output Description
For each test circuit, two output files of significance are created: the
placement file or the <designName>.pl1, and the global routing file
or the <designName>.pin file. The placement file consists of ascii
data arranged in seven fields. The meaning of the seven fields are as
<standard cell instance> <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury> <orientation> <row>
where llx, lly, urx, ury are the four corners of a bounding box which
contain the standard cell instance. The orientation has eight possible
Orientation 0 is the cell geometry as described as in the input.
Orientation 1 is the cell geometry after mirroring the y coordinates
with respect to orientation 0.
Orientation 2 is the cell geometry after mirroring the x coordinates
with respect to orientation 0.
Orientation 3 is the cell geometry after a rotation of 180 degrees with
respect to orientation 0 (which is the same as a mirror of the y
coordinates with respect to orientation 0 followed by a mirror of the x
Orientation 4 is the cell geometry after a combination of a mirror of
the cell's x coordinates followed by a 90 degree rotation of the
cell with respect to orientation 0.
Orientation 5 is the cell geometry after a combination of a mirror of
the cell's x coordinates followed by a -90 degree rotation of the
cell with respect to orientation 0.
Orientation 6 is the cell geometry after a 90 degree rotation of the
cell with respect to orientation 0.
Orientation 7 is the cell geometry after a -90 degree rotation of the
cell with respect to orientation 0.
The row is the row number in which the standard cell resides.
Each line of the global routing or <designName>.pin file consists
of 9 fields of information concerning an active pin. An active pin is a
pin which will participate in the minimum area global route of the
circuit in the following format:
where the fields are defined as
string integer string string number number integer integer integer
Pins which are inactive, that is, pins which are not used in the minimum
area global route, are not included in this file.
The fields for each active pin are now presented. The first field
represents the name of the net attached to the pin. The second field is
an integer which represents the group number for the pin. The group
numbers are globally unique. That is, each net has its constituent pins
broken down into groups such that the pins with a common group number are
to be interconnected. Two pins belonging to the same net but with
different group numbers are not to be interconnected. Hence, a channel or
detailed router is not to be given the net name for a pin, but rather the
group number in order to achieve the minimum area layout. For clarity,
the user may wish to give both the net name and the group number (in the
fashion: netName_groupNumber) so that the label for a pin produced on a
plot contains the net name. In any event, the group number must be given
to the channel or detailed router in order to achieve the routing density
reported by TimberWolfSC.
The third field is a string representing the name of the instance to
which the pins belongs. All instance names are unique within a design.
All pseudo cell pins will be suffixed with a number to insure uniqueness.
All explicit feed through instances will begin with the prefix twfeed.
The fourth field is a string which represents the port name. (Remember,
port names are unique with respect to the cell model). The fifth and
sixth fields are a pair of numbers representing the x and y coordinates
of the location of the pin. These numbers are expressed as integers.
The seventh field represents the channel number to which the pin belongs.
Horizontal core region channels are numbered (starting at 1) from the
channel below the first row. The last channel is numbered (numRows + 1).
All I/O channels have zero assigned to their channel field.
The eighth field is a location field. It is an integer which takes on one
of four possible values (- 2, - 1, 1, 2). A net, which must leave a
horizontal channel and enter a vertical channel does so by means of a
pseudo pin at either the left end or right end of a horizontal channel. A
pseudo pin at the left end of a horizontal channel has this location
field set to - 2 and a pseudo pin at the right end of a horizontal
channel has this location field set to 2. The name of a pseudo pin is:
PSEUDO_PIN and it is said to lie on a cell named: PSEUDO_CELL. A pseudo
pin will be included in two different group sequences - a core subnet and
a I/O subnet. The unique pseudo instance name allows for matching between
these two sequences. This simplifies connectivity checking on nets, which
contain many pseudo pins. This is furnished as an aid for detailed
If a pin is located at the top of a channel the field is set to 1. If a
pin is located at the bottom of a channel the field is set to -1.
The ninth and final field is an integer indicating the layer assigned to
this pin. If no layer is assigned, this field will be set to zero.
In summary, the nine fields for an active pin port are:
Name of net to which the port belongs.
Group number of the port.
Cell name to which the port belongs.
The name of the port.
The x-coordinate of the port location.
The y-coordinate of the port location.
The channel to which the port belongs.
Whether the port is at the top (1), bottom (-1), left end (-2), or
right end (2) of the channel.
Programming Language
Known portability issues
Systems whose compilation systems default to unsigned characters need to
use -DHAVE_SIGNED_CHAR as a portability flag.
W. Swartz and C. Sechen, "A New Generalized Row-Based Global
Router," Proc. of ICCAD, 1993, pp. 491-498.
W. Swartz, "Automatic Layout of Analog and Digital Mixed
Macro/Standard Cell Integrated Circuits," Yale Thesis available http://www.internetcad.com/thesis.htm
C. Sechen and K.W. Lee, "An Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm
for Row-Based Placement," Proc. of ICCAD, 1987, pp. 478-481.
C. Sechen and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "The TimberWolf Placement
and Routing Package," IEEE J of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 20 No. 2,
1985, pp. 432-439.
C. Sechen and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "The TimberWolf Placement
and Routing Package," Proc. 1984 Custom Integrated Circuits
Conference, Rochester, New York, May 1984.
Last updated: 18 January 2000