SPEC CPU2000 Benchmark Description File
Benchmark Name
Benchmark Author
Robert Hyatt, [email protected]
Benchmark Program General Category
Game playing program (plays chess)
Benchmark Description
Crafty is a high-performance Computer Chess program that is designed
around a 64-bit word. It runs on 32 bit machines using the "long
long" (or similar, as _int64 in Microsoft C) data type. It is
primarily an integer code, with a significant number of logical
operations such as and, or, exclusive or and shift. It can be configured
to run a reproducible set of searches to compare the integer/branch
prediction/pipe-lining facilities of a processor.
Input Description
The reference input solves 5 different chess board layouts, with varying
"depths" to which it will search the tree of possible moves,
for the next move.
Output Description
The output consists of the set of moves possible at each level of the
tree of possible moves, upto the maximum depth as set by the input
parameter. At each level, the best possible move is selected to begin the
search at the next level.
Programming Language
Crafty is written in ANSI C.
Known portability issues
186.crafty is based on a 64-bit variable. On 32-bit systems, this is
usually defined as "long long", which is an extension to ANSI
The following sets of defines need to be defined or undefined for
186.crafty, based on the nature of your system:
LONG_HAS_64BITS -- if the data type "long
[int]" is represented in 64 bits, either as the compiler's
default option or by an appropriate switch(e.g. -Klp64)
HAS_LONGLONG -- if the C compilation system supports
the data type "long long"(which is an extension to ANSI C)
and represents data of this type with 64 bits
LITTLE_ENDIAN_ARCH -- if the machine stores bytes in
"PC" order
UNIX -- if the system is unix-based
chess.h has ready-made combinations of defines and undefines for several
common platforms.
Lewis I. Patterson, Robert M. Hyatt, Richard S. Turner, Kevin D.
Reilly, "Development of a Crash-Tolerant Tuple-Space",
presented at the FSU/SCRI Cluster Computing Workshop, available via
anonymous FTP from SCRI (SCRI hosts this workshop annually and
distributes the proceedings via anonymous FTP.)
Robert M. Hyatt, Lewis I. Patterson, Richard S. Turner, Kevin D.
Reilly, "Tuple-Space - Future Research Plans", presented at
the FSU/ SCRI Cluster Computing Workshop, available via anonymous FTP
from SCRI.
Robert M. Hyatt, Richard S. Turner, Lewis I. Patterson, Kevin D.
Reilly, "Distributed Discrete Event Simulation - Design,
Implementation and Use," Proceedings of SimTec '92, (159-165).
Robert M. Hyatt and Harry L. Nelson, "Chess and Supercomputers,
details on optimizing Cray Blitz", proceedings of Supercomputing
'90 in New York (354-363).
Robert M. Hyatt, Harry L. Nelson, Albert E. Gower, "Cray
Blitz", in Computers, Chess, and Cognition , Springer-Verlag,
1990, (111-130).
Robert M. Hyatt, Bruce W. Suter, and Harry Nelson, "A Parallel
Alpha/Beta Tree Searching Al", Parallel Computing 10 (1989)
Robert M. Hyatt, "A High-Performance Parallel Algorithm to Search
Depth-First Game Trees," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama
at Birmingham, 1988.
Harry Nelson and Robert M. Hyatt, "The Cray Blitz Draw
Heuristic", Journal of the International Computer Chess
Association (ICCA)". vol 11, number 1, March 1988 (3-9)
R. Hyatt, H. Nelson, A. Gower, "Cray Blitz - 1984 Chess
Champion", Telematics and Informatics (2) (4), Pergammon Press
Ltd. (1986) (299-305).
Hyatt, R.M., Gower, A.E., Nelson, H.L., "Cray Blitz",
Advances in Computer Chess 4, Pergammon Press, 1985 (89-106).
Last updated: 6 October 1999