These are currently-known installation, build, and runtime questions and problems encountered by people using the SPEC ACCEL benchmark. If your issue is not amongst the known issues, please bring it to the attention of SPEC technical support.

Approved alternate sources

To obtain alternate source files, please send a request to info@spec.org with your SPEC ACCEL license number and the name of the organization to which the software is licensed. The license number can be found in the printed/PDF copy of the license agreement which you received with the software.

Alternate source files for V1.3

Alternate source files for 122.cfd, which fixes an issue where the comparison of a file variable to "NULL" causes a compilation error. The error may occur when using the C++11 standard due to a change in the standard's declaration of the "basic_ios" Boolean operator from returning a void pointer to an explicit bool operator.

Alternate source files for V1.2

Alternate source files for 556.psp, which fixes two bugs in the OpenMP 4.5 source code which may cause a data race and synchronization issue.

Alternate source files for 553.PCLVRLEAF, which fixes a bug in the OpenMP 4.5 source code where two "distribute" loops in the same "teams" construct have a dependence between them. It also adds several "end" directives which were missing from the original source.

Alternate source files for 551.ppalm, which fixes an issue where the code included a redundant "teams" construct.

Alternate source files for V1.1

None available at this time.

Alternate source files for V1.0

Alternate source files for 351.palm which corrects for missing variable initialization.